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Mask of Dou-Bral
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 12th
Slot head; Price 85,000 gp ; Weight 1 lb.
The priests of Shelyn craft these beautiful masks to honor their goddess's faith that her half-brother Dou-Bral, despite his terrible transformation, will one day be restored to her.

This adamantine mask has eye and nostril holes, but no mouth opening. It functions only once the wearer swears a nontransferable pledge to protect one person they deeply trust and love. Siblings, lovers, and parents most commonly take up Masks of Dou-Bral. When attached with the leather straps and drawn down upon the face the mask activates, bonding with the skin, its metal flowing down to envelop the entire body.

This metallic skin grants immunity to ingested and contact poisons, damage reduction 3/adamantine, an armor bonus of +8, and spell resistance 13. The resistance increases by 1 for every level subsequently earned while protecting the loved one. Further, all unarmed attacks do lethal damage as adamantine weapons. The skin imposes no armor check, dexterity, or arcane spell failure penalties but wearing it while resting does cause the Fatigued condition.

The activated mask makes eating, drinking, and vocalization impossible. Only Shelyn's name spoken by the pledged love one will deactivate the mask. A break enchantment spell frees the wearer but the mask will henceforth reject both partners.

If a wearer dies protecting the loved one, the mask may be substituted for the material component of a raise dead or resurrection spell. The mask is destroyed unless its spell resistance is 15 or greater. In this case the mask is preserved but resets to its base of 13.
A mask worn by a wearer who's loved one dies is instantly ruined, the metal face cloven in two.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield other, instant armorCost 42,500 gp

I was blown away, and insprired, by many of this year's items and I can see many of the problems my item had already -I should have stated if it was an at will item, what kind of action it took to activate and de-activate it... Ah, hindsight.
The time you're taking to do this is so appreciated. Thank you.