
BLIKX's page

171 posts. Alias of Cuchulainn.


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Blikx is ready for consideration. I noticed one of your current players was already using her avatar, so I changed it.

Anyway, I hope she meets your criteria. Her spell selection is (currently) more area control than blasting and damage dealing. I tried to make her concept fit the party's needs without being in contradiction to her backstory. A sailor would want to be able to defend her ship without destroying it. Also, I wanted to choose spells that were related to storms, water, wind, etc. since she is a storm born sorceress.

Feel free to look at my other pbp aliases and the campaigns that they are (or were, in some cases) participating in to get a sense of my RP style.

Thanks for considering me as a candidate to join your game!

Hello! I'd like to submit Blikx for consideration. She was originally made for a Rise of the Runelords pbp that fizzled out.

I need to level her up to 3, and tweak her backstory, but otherwise, she's good to go. You may see her information change over the next couple days as I complete her upgrade.

I would like to submit Blikx, the Stormborn Sorceress for consideration.

Blikx was part of a previous Rise of the Runelords pbp that never made it out of Sandpoint.

Her backstory is already written to be a local. Feel free to peruse it and let me know if it works or needs changing.

I think she passes muster based on your creation rules, but let me know if I missed anything.

Thanks for considering me for your game!

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Oh no you don't!" Blikx screams as she unleashes a bolt of electricity at the fleeing man's back.

Electric Ray, ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Electrical Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx takes advantage of his focus on Osru to throw another punch. This time, she doesn't hold back, and attempts to break his ribs.

Unarmed strike, lethal, flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9

Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Question regarding the current fight versus the now ungrappled chanting half-elf spellcaster: would he be considered flanked? He just escaped Osru's hold, I punched him, and Ven then came forward and attacked with a weapon. With two people already adjacent, are any of us positioned so that Ven's attack would have been considered a sneak attack?

Granted, the situation is currently a little muddy with regards to everyone's position in the room, but I figured I'd ask.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Knowledge, Arcana: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Dammit! Gotta spend more time reading about spells!

Blikx takes another swing at him, hoping her punch will break his concentration.

Unarmed Strike, non-lethal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Damage, non-lethal: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx takes a shot at the held man with a clenched fist.

Unarmed Strike, non-lethal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Damage, non-lethal: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx listens to the man recount his tale of being trapped inside the ruins, and listens in turn to each of her companions One and Two. Something in her mind feels off about the situation, and she scrutinizes the man's words, she not being fully trusting of the stranger.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8


As the man winds himself up into a maniacal rage, Blikx allows the storm inside her to rumble and toil in response. She hears the clacking of bones behind her and turns to face the skeleton blocking their exit. She moves to a position where she has a clear line of sight to the foul thing (M-16) extends her hand and unleashes an arc of lightning at it.

Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Electrical Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Arcane secrets!" Blikx replies in an excited tone, her eyes going wide as her gaze moves towards the books. She moves over to the table and looks over Zella's shoulder at the open books. "What sorts of spells are in there?"

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"It has a spell on it that will warn somebody that someone has passed by here after them," Blikx says. "I don't know how to keep it from happening," she adds apologetically.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"I can retrieve it without touching it," Blikx replies, pointing to the metal object in the snake's mouth. "I can pull it out with wind...if it's not too heavy...or stuck...or part of the statue..." she trails off with a shrug of her shoulders.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

As the party enters the room, Blikx once again scans the area for magical auras (casts detect magic). She glances down at the green liquid in the pool for a moment, then remarks, "That can't be safe."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Do any of these bars have locks on them?" Blikx asks no one in particular. "That key might open them, if there are..."

She walks around the room and looks carefully at each cage without touching them.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx decides to look at the hacked apart statue and see if she can get any sense of the remaining magic clinging to it.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Upon descending, Blikx take a cautious look around, scanning the area for magical auras (casts detect magic).

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Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Are we going down there? We've still got missing people to find, unless that snake-goblin-thing ate them all."

Blikx looks to the other party members for consensus.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"It looks like there's a door down here," Blikx says, pointing to its outline on the wall of the pit.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx summons a small gust of wind to sweep up the wand and pull it up out of the pit and into her hand. (casts mage hand)

"Hmmmm, look at this!" she says, looking at the wand. She examines the auras radiating from the wand, trying to determine what sort of magic it possesses.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

She stares intently at the wand, a look of frustration on her face.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx draws upon her power to see magical auras, and then slowly looks around the chamber. She looks into the pits and the piles of debris, as well as the statue. Finally, she gazes down at the snake tail protruding from the hole, trying to sense if it or anything in the hole radiates magic.

(casts detect magic)

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Blikx moves forward beside Zella (square N-11) and says to the group, "the mist is a spell! It will conceal it, and make it harder to target! The closer you are, the better your chance is to hit it!"

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Scutum Tempestatum!" Blikx cries as she moves her hands in a circular motion before her; drawing and shaping tiny, crackling arcs of electricity into a floating, concave shield of energy.

(casting shock shield, +2 shield bonus to AC (AC 15 total))

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx moves up behind behind Zella, trying to put herself somewhere in the middle of the group.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Lucendi," Blikx replies in a helpful tone.

She eyes the entrance of the cave skeptically. "Do you think they're still alive?" she asks no one in particular.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx shrugs. "It's old and it's made of stone; that's all I could tell you. Sorry, I'm not much help."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Cold Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Blikx fires a blast of cold at the nasty little beast.

That's three Attack rolls in a row that I rolled a 7. Hmmm, can an electronic die-rolling app be loaded? (Chuckle)

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Blikx looks at the others and shrugs.

"It's obviously interested in something. Something more interesting than trying to kill us," she says to the others.

"Maybe just climb up there and ask it? If it attacks, kill it?"


She waits for the others to respond, but if no one reacts or offers another suggestion, she eventually attempts to climb the scaffold.

(If it is possible to Take 10 and successfully climb the scaffold, she will do so)

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"No recent magic, except mine," she says to no one in particular. "Just the goblins and the thing that swallows people whole, I guess."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx calls upon her ability to see magical auras and begins to walk around the ruined site, looking for any signs of sorcery being used prior to her companions' arrival.

(casts detect magic)

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"The walls are only as strong as the gate, and the North gate was left open - and that's not the half of it!" Blikx replies to the man, flushing read and getting a bit worked up in the recounting.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

If I were to guess, I'd say he named you because he saw that you already rolled a very high perception check, and therefore noticed it right away. He was giving the rest of us a chance to see what you saw, but obviously didn't have time to mention in the heat of battle. The rest of us either didn't take the time to look (roll Perception) or rolled badly enough that this important detail slipped past us - at least until you pointed it out after the fight was over.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Ven pointed it out to the group, so as long as she made her roll and it wasn't concealed, there would be no need for anyone else to make a perception roll in order to see it (she rolled a 29 for Perception on the previous page). At least, that's always been my understanding of how it worked (in all fairness, I may be completely wrong).

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"And what about that?" Blikx asks, pointing to the goblin staring at the statue. "If we're not going to tie it up in a sack and drag it back to Sandpoint with us, we best kill it before it runs and brings another pack of them down on us."

She looks at the goblin with undisguised disgust, clearly ready to implement either course of action.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"Tie it up in a sack and drag it back to town with us...after we've found the others," Blikx suggests. "We can make it talk and tell us what they're up to."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx extends her hands and sends another icy blast at the nearest goblin left standing.

Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 = 11

Cold Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Here is one of my characters from another pbp (not one I'd be using here), but if you click on the name, you can see her stats.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

As Ven steps back, Blikx entends her hands and sends a blast of hail and frosty wind at the unengaged goblin.

Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 = 11

Cold Damge: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx takes a step to her left and then steps back, positioning herself to the immediate left of Zella. She extends her hands at the nearest standing goblin and unleashes a blast of hail and freezing wind at the foul little beast.

Ray of Frost, ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21

Cold Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

So was the alluded-to Barber of Fleet Street!

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

As they leave the Lady Mayor's office, Blikx says to the others, "if you are interested in buying any gear for this trip, I can take you around to the various shops to get what you need. I know they said we could make it there and back in less than a full day, but that's also assuming we don't run into any problems there or back, too. I can probably bring our mule, Dusty, to carry any heavy stuff, and she knows her way back to town if we get lost. Just thought I'd offer..." She trails off at the end of her statement, as if unsure anyone is listening, or interested in her suggestion.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Is there a General Store or Adventurer's Gear Shop Blikx could mention to her companions?

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

" how soon are we supposed to leave...I mean...are we waiting for Selelu to show-up first, or do you want us to go now? And what about food and camping gear?" Blikx asks in a quiet, only just audible tone.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0


Blikx doesn't give her name or say anything in response. Instead she blushes a bit and gives a sheepish wave of her hand.

I'm sure you know who I am, lady, and no doubt you're enjoying how uncomfortable this is making me.


Blikx perks up at the idea of being called a hero by the people of Sandpoint, and even more so after being complimented by the Mayor. She said something nice about ME! Finally, I won't be glared at when I walk down the street anymore!

Her mood lightens considerably and she looks to the other members of the group with a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

A hero! Not the town pariah! Not some sad local yokel, destined to marry some drunken sailor and spend the rest of my life wondering if he's died at sea and left me with hungry mouths to feed!

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Blikx takes a moment to approach Ameiko and put a reassuring hand on the woman's arm. "We'll find out what we can. If we find out anything, I'll let you know."

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Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Blikx stiffens a bit at Ven's use of the popular euphemism.

"No one knows for sure what started the fire," she replies. "It burned the old Cathedral to the ground and almost took half the town with it. Ezakien and his adopted daughter were engulfed, and killed by the flames."

She pauses, swallows, and takes a deep breath before continuing. "Some say that the fire was caused by an angry spirit; the ghost of the madman...the ghost of the Cho...the Chopper..." she sucks in a breath and gives a sniffling sound through her nose. "Others," she continues, "think it was a local legend...the Sandpoint Devil, but no one's ever even seen it, unless you believe the late night tavern hearth tales." Her tone lightens at the change of reference from being clearly upset by even mentioning the Chopper to slightly amused at the notion of the Sandpoint Devil.

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

Nothing to prepare for Blikx, being a sorceress. She's good to go. Should we assume an even 5-way split of the gold: 10 gp each?

"Uncle Bill was fine," Blikx announces as she joins the group at the table. "The goblins only attacked the part of town near the Square and North of it towards the cemetery. He didn't know anything was even wrong until it was mostly over."

She helps herself to a bit of sausage and eggs, and tries her best not to wolf it down.

Why do I always wake up so hungry the next morning whenever I use a lot of power?

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"I'll hang around until you're ready to turn in," Blikx says, "but I need to get home and check on my Uncle Bill. He doesn't leave the docks much, and I doubt that the goblins got that far into town, so I'm not too worried."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

After a moment, Blikx amends her statement. "Well...I guess we could ask Dav Hosk. He used to hunt goblins; now, he runs a stable. He tends to go on a rant if you mention goblins, though. Gets really worked up about it. Of course, after what just happened, he's probably turned all the way out already."

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"I've never seen the goblins act like this, not in my whole life here," Blikx replies. "Of course, I also haven't spent any time out in the woods goblin hunting. I always thought they were just mobs of tiny, fire-loving lunatics. Maybe they're smarter than that. We should probably ask one of the local experts."

Knowledge, Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

She rubs her forehead in frustration. "And of course, right now, I can't for the life of me think of who to ask!"

Female Catfolk Brawler 1 l AC 13 T 13 FF 10 l HP 13/13 l F +4 R +5 W +1 l Init +3 l Perc +0

"They usually stick to the woods. Growing up we knew not to go wandering out outside the walls, especially at night. The thing is, the North Gate was open. Who opened it? Why? Festival-goers wouldn't be coming or going that way. They'd all be coming in through the East Gate. It looks like..."

She trails off, not finishing the thought. She seems disconcerted by the obvious conclusion.

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