Big Blue Beetle hails from the village of Kraggodan. That's not his real name, but he prefers the nickname BB to represent his two favorite passions: Beetles and the color Blue. That and geology.
Born with blue-tinged skin, BB's family was often accused of mingling with giants. His sister's red skin and short temper only further cemented the idea that he descended from Cloud Giants and she from Fire Giants.
Nonetheless, Kraggodan tolerated him for his love of stonemasonry and his knack for using his magical aptitude to help others. He's always felt the need to help other and use his strength and mind in any way he can.
When the elders asked for volunteers to open trade relations with the town of Trunau, he leapt at the opportunity. After all, he gets to spread goodwill, check out different geological patterns and find new insects to research. What's not to love?
Many in Kraggodan are glad to be rid of him...
Very friendly, BB tends to be very curious and tries to talk his way out of situations first. Unfortunately this comes off as a bit creepy.
He'll talk your ears off about rocks and beetles if you give him the chance.
BB focuses on Conjuration to control the battlefield and move quickly from place to place. His offense is mostly focused on lightning attacks.
Saving Throws:
Fort 2 Wiz + 2 Mnk + 1 Con + 2 Great Fortitude = 7
Ref 2 Wiz + 2 Mnk + 0 Dex = 4
Will 5 Wiz + 2 Mnk + 2 Wis = 9
Hardy: +2 racial bonus against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
AC 10 + 2 Wis + 1 Dodge + 1 Natural Armor = 14
Touch 10 + 2 Wis + 1 Dodge = 13
Flatfooted 10 + 2 Wis + 1 Natural Armor = 13
Defensive Training: +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Max HP 6 Wiz + (4 HP * 5 Wiz) + 5 Mnk + 7 Con + 7 Toughness + 6 Favored Class Bonus = 51
CMD 10 + 2 Str + 3 BAB + 2 Wis = 16
Stability: +4 racial bonus to his CMD when resisting Bull Rush, Awesome Blow or Trip when standing on the ground.
Giant-Blooded: +2 trait bonus to CMD against awesome blow manuevers. This stacks with Dwarf Stability.
Init 0
Slow and Steady BB's movement speed is 20, but it is never reduced due to armor or encumbrence.
Helpful: BB provides a +3 bonus when using Aid Another.
CMB 3 BAB + 2 Str = 5
Hatred BB gets a +1 racial attack bonus against humanoids of the orc and goblinoid subtypes.
Dwarf BB is proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks and warhammers. Any weapon with the word "Dwarven" is treated as a martial weapon.
Appraise 3 Int + 2 Racial + 3 In Class + 4 Rank = 12
Climb 2 Str + 3 In Class + 1 Rank = 6
Knowledge (Arcana) 3 Int + 3 In Class + 5 Rank = 11
Knowledge (Engineering) 3 Int + 3 In Class + 1 Rank = 7
Knowledge (Geology) 3 Int + 3 In Class + 1 Rank = 7
Knowledge (Nature) 3 Int + 3 In Class + 5 Rank = 11
Linguistics 3 Int + 3 In Class + 2 Rank = 8
Perception 2 Wis + 3 In Class + 5 Rank = 10
Profession (Stonemason) 3 Int + 3 In Class + 1 Rank = 7
Spellcraft 3 Int + 3 In Class + 4 Rank = 11
Swim 2 Str + 3 In Class + 1 Rank = 6
Greed: BB has a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Stonecutting: BB has a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework in stone walls or floors. He makes checks automatically if he is within 10 feet of them.
Linguistics: BB knows Elven and Giant.
Helpful: BB provides a +3 bonus when using Aid Another
Extend Spell (Wizard 5)
An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. (an extended spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.)
Class Abilities
Arcane School: Conjuration
Arcane Forbidden Schools: Necromancy, Illusion
Arcane Bond: Bonded Item: Beetle Amulet
Magic Consumables:
Wand of Flaming Sphere (5 charges)
[dice]3d6[/dice] Fire Damage DC 13 Reflex Save for none Flaming Sphere
Bonded Item
BB can cast a spell once per day in his spellbook he is capable of casting, even if he didn't prepare it today.
If BB loses the amulet, he must make a DC 20 + spell level concentration check or lose the spell cast.
Conjuration Arcane School
Summoner's Charm - Creatures summoned via Conjuration (summoning) spells increase duration by 1 round (1/2 round per level, minimum 1.) These spells are marked with an (S).
Acid Dart (see ranged attacks)
Spell Focus (Conjuration) - All conjuration spells get +1 to the DC to resist.
Level 2
Small Air Elemental - [/url=]Small Air Elemental[/url]
Small Water Elemental - [/url=]Small Water Elemental[/url]
Level 1
celestial dog - [/url=]celestial dog[/url]
Consumables and Ammo:
17 x javelin
Crossbow bolts (30 bolts, 1 per 10)
Adamantine Crossbow bolts (5 bolts, 60 per 1)
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)
2 Alchemists's Fire
1 Smokestick
1 Dagger
3 Javelins
Unerring Grenade
Tanglefoot bag
Vial of Alchemist's Fire
Equipment and money:
Masterwork Light Crossbow (35)
Cold Iron Masterwork Battleaxe (10)
Silver Warhammer (12)
Masterwork Beetle Amulet (Bonded Item with +1 Natural Armor)
Wizard's Kit (21)
belt pouch
flint and steel
iron pot
mess kit
spell component pouch
War Drums
631.26 gp
Level 4!:
One more level of Wizard. Now Wizard 3/Monk 1.
+1 Int (now 17)
Will Saves +1 (now +8)
1 Second Spell per Day (2 per day due to high Int)
1 more 1st level spell can be cast per day (now 4/day)
1 more 2nd level spell can be cast per day (now 3/day)
2 new spells added to the spellbook
Bull's Strength
I'm Level 6!:
Level 5 Wizard!
HP: d6 (4) + 1 Con + 1 FCB + 1 Toughness = 7 more HP (now 44)
Wizard Bonus Feat: Extend Spell (noted)