BAKE6969's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I'd like to see a branching adventure path sometime.

Tier 1 - low level adventure to get to know the PCs

Tier 2 - Introduction to powers that be and make a name for themselves (2-3) different versions of this should be enough. The Tier 1 adventure should have "hooks" included for each path along with relevant NPCs.

Tier 3 - Things get serious with engaging on a large scale with true impact to many beings. Identify their true nemesis. There can be 2-3 versions of this adventure Introduction of their Nemesis's boss (leading to level 20)

Tier 4 - Defeat their Nemesis and learn that they answer to a higher power and their Nemesis was just a pawn to them. Tightening of the plot back down to apex with just one path as all of the previous 3 paths were managed by the Nemesis.

Tier 5 - Big Bad and Universe altering event. Full on 20th level

It would be fun to allow the PCs to decide which NPC they like or distrust and then pick the path for them to follow based on these choices.