Azzacca's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts (154 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


Bel quietly as possible casts a simple spell, which immediately cleans the the proffered knobs. They are likely the shiniest they have ever been. She repeats the spell, and Gresh is now dry.

She then sits down and hums what may be the chorus of a sea shanty she learned a while back while leaning over the rail of a boat.

If you happened to be a halfling druid/cavalier, you could ride your wolf at level one. I did (and the character was half written by a VL). I got a dragonhide breastplate (which at level 9 is now +2) at level 3, at the suggestion of said VL.