
Azuma Stormcloud's page

17 posts. Alias of kahoolin.


Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma looks thankfully at the Sorceror.

"Yes, maybe it would be better to speak of it. I have always had strange dreams, since I was a boy. This one was too real.

I was in the mountains, alone and far from the sea. Below me was a great valley, and as I stood on the edge of it a giant made of bone rose above me. His hands had three claws each, and he made to attack me. That's when I woke. It seems not so bad now but it disturbed my rest, to be sure."

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma shambles downstairs rubbing his eyes, looking a bit the worse for wear. He hasn't had time to brush down his clothes properly, but he has placed his shark's tooth necklace prominently on his chest and pushed his hands through his greasy black hair. His falchion rests at his hip, still peace bound, and he has his walking cudgel in his hand, ready for the road ahead.

"I had a bad dream." He mumbles apologetically to his companions.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma puts tomorrow's audience with the headman out of his mind and concentrates on the food and his new companions. He watches the conversation between Marcellus and the Wierd with interest. Summonning up his courage, he finally asks:

"How did you come to serve the goddess, mistress Talia? If you don't mind my asking..."

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma laughs around the dripping boar's rib he is munching on.

'This is definitely some kind of sign, friend. I agree. But we can't very well walk into this chieftain's castle and say "show us your Green Wizard!" We'll need some reason, won't we? Good food by the way...'

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma opens his mouth to answer the Wierd, but Marcellus speaks first. He suddenly feels apprehensive about discussing his destiny with the young woman - something about her is unsettling, and he feels as though the goddess wants him to keep his dream to himself for the time being. He listens with interest to hear how she answers the swordsman.

The whole town is beginning to weigh on Azuma. His companions seem amiable enough, especially the halfling, but it has been weeks since he has seen the ocean or heard the rush of waves. Despite what Faz says, Versonton seems large and intimidating to the fisherman.

"Harmen, what does that sign say?" He asks the cheerful halfling as they near the inn.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma nods to the Orc. "And you. Be well."

He turns to Faz. "I'm eager for a feed too. It seems like for weeks I've eaten nothing but biscuits and dried herrings!"

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma recognizes Talia's vestments. A servant of the goddess! He pushes to the front of the crowd and bows deeply to the lady.

"Greetings milady, I am Azuma Stormcloud of Aronoch. I am at your service, and the service of She whom you serve."

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma turns to Marcellus. "You're right friend! Those little beasties did not seem able to terrorize a whole town. Their ghost may be something worse. I hadn't thought of that..."

He looks at the clever swordsman with new-found respect.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma gapes at Xendril's feat. "What sort of man is he?"

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma bound his long blade without complaint, not wishing to draw undue attention to himself. Besides, he felt confident in the ability of his arm and his heavy walking cudgel to handle any potential problems. You can't peacebind a stick.

He grinned at the townsfolk as they barraged the group with questions. The taciturn people of his village were very different from the little men and foreigners that the goddess seemed to be entwining with his fate - he felt as though he could barely get a word in, but he found that he enjoyed their company. It was a welcome change.

When the townsfolk mentioned the "Green Wizard" he felt a surge of excitement, though he tried to conceal it from his new companions. He had been right to jump on the little fellow's wagon. Surely this was the beginning of his fate.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Wisdom check 8.

Azuma shrugs, barely listening to the chattering little fellow. He gazes at the stolid castle and the low clouds and can't help but be reminded of the ancient ruined wall near his village. People build, but the wind and the rain will wear it all away in the end.

Still, it is impressive.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

"Agreed." Azuma scuffs his feet in the mud and looks up at the cloudy sky. "Little Devils. I heard wings, but I wasn't sure..."

I'll warn everyone next time! Still getting used to the PbP format I guess.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

My turn next hey? Armaros is on a 4 and the others are paralyzed.

Azuma's eyes widen at the disgusting creature hovering before him. Mainly to steel himself, he returns the favour and roars in the monster's hideous face.

Attacks with falchion, result 9. I'm guessing that's a miss.

Azuma swings his blade in a fierce uppercut but he too must be more shaken than he appears - the blow goes wide.

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Fort save 17

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

A few words is a free action right?

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma throws off the brightly coloured blanket he was wearing against the chill. He stands calmly, half-draws his blade, and listens for any sign that may identify the hellish sound.

Initiative 7. Readies falchion and makes a listen check, result 24(!)

Male Sea Spirit Folk Barbarian 1

Azuma is more of a rustic than a savage barbarian, so Ornath sounds great.

After leaving the Ornathi(?) village of Aronoch, Azuma has walked pretty much aimlessly, stopping at farm houses to exchange work for food. He follows his nose, waiting for Thetos to give him a sign to put him on the right path.

Several days ago he saw storm clouds in the distance, in the direction of Versonton, and at that moment a Halfling wagon rounded the bend. Interpreting this as a sign from the goddess, he waylaid the little people and asked if they were heading for Versonton. Azuma has always liked Halflings, though he has not met many, and the long days alone were starting to weigh on him.