Tentacled Horror

Azigoth's page

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thunderspirit wrote:
It's also a proposal that metaphorically grabbed me, shook me down for a spare $13.99 plus tax, and screamed "BUY ME!" at the top of its lungs.

I absolutely agree. Above the rest, this Adventure Proposal has the sort of pinache and careful management that I would cheerfully spend money - and that is as good a gauge of its merits as any litany of RPG criteria.

This is a well-conceived monster. The description is evocative and satisfactorily gruesome. The tie-in to a personal favorite of mine (the I.D.) is not only credible but adds campaign depth (and the makings of a thousand stories every time one of these skintakers is encountered or created). It's just the sort of thing I love, and Watcher's execution is sharply professional.

This one is definitely worth the vote; I look forward to seeing more creations from this craftsman ;)