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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


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Ok people I have just played a card game Society game for the first time. I played almost all of Rise of the Runelords without the society rules.

I am either missing something or these guild rules are just....well kind of lame.

A few points. I may be wrong on some of these, I actually hope I am corrected if I am!

General Bugbears:

You must build a deck from the class deck. You get little to no options on this first build, anyone else feel a bit robbed by the lack of personalisation? Worse than that lack of optimisation. Half the cards are ones you would never pick using the normal base game rules.
Why wasn't there a character starter deck with lots of options and then chapter by chapter add ons for ALL characters in a single box. The method chosen involves a single purchase yes, but it is so limiting it's sucked a lot of the fun out of the game.

Decks being made out of their own cards increases the number of B C and P cards in the base game, therefore increasing the amount of those cards you encounter, thereby decreasing the chance of actual rewards being a benefit.

Seems Paizo has found a way to punish people who own base sets. Forcing them to buy a class deck just to be limited in choice. Additionally punishing people with the character add on, the add on that increases the amount of 0 level cards to the box making the above problem even worse.

Rewards, a single random card of a random type, probably worse than what you have already. It's a bigger issue in decks that have more variation between card types. What happens when people roll card types they are not even able to have in the deck?! Plus a random card of a chosen type. Still probably worse.

Character related issues:
Marisiel for should have 5 items in her deck, there are only 4 items in the Rouge deck with BASIC on it. The issue is that you build a deck out of cards with the BASIC keyword meaning to the letter of the rules that Marisiel is unbuildable.

This isn't even all of it.

In conclusion. PFS was logical progression to Pathfinder. The guild version of the card game so far seems to do the following:
Remove choice. Not enough options for starting.
Remove the fun of making an effort to get good cards when you reveal them in game.
Remove personalisation of decks. Every person who plays any given character will likely have identical decks given the low number of options.
Make rewards feel like punishment. I survive a game and roll a spell....I am a fighter.

Interestingly this seems to be designed for maximum profit rather than enjoyment.

It would have been very possible to release these class decks in a different way, without classes being limited to certain predetermined cards.

Please correct me if I have stuff wrong. I want to like this. But right now I see no reason to play it over just playing the base game.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

If you're playing 0-1A using just the base set (and add-on deck), then instead of picking from your class deck, you grab all the B, C and 1 (and P) cards of the type you chose from the box (lots of cards) and randomly pick from those.

I thought that you HAD to play with a class deck. So you can't actually just play with base set and add on.