AC 25 T 13 FF 23| HP 48/48 5resist acid, cold, electricity 5)| F +8 R +3 W +8 (+1 vs charm/compulsion)| Init +5| Perc +11| Judgment 1/2
About Ayo of the Radiant Eyes
Ayo was born to parents that did not want her in a town that had no need of her in a country that had no interest in her. Her name was not Ayo then. Her parents, two Tien-Min of minor samurai nobility that had immigrated to Tianjing, resented how a child presumed to draw attention away from their quite-fine-thank-you life of slow-but-sure upward social mobility. Her astounding resemblance to a Western warrior goddess of honor made her at least worthy as a curiosity and conversation piece. When Ayo had the gall on her 16th birthday to tearfully tell her parents that she was a girl, well, that just wouldn't do. Just think of what the Fujimura's would say.
Thus, at the age of 16, Ayo came to find herself alone in the world. She took comfort in one of the scriptures of the samurai code, Hagakure, which she had managed to steal away, along with her family's ancestral sword. She could not bring herself to give the name her parents gave her when asked for it by the quartermaster of the first of many mercenary companies. She had always taken comfort in her resemblance to a goddess, even one she did not worship, and she could only think of one name. He spelled it Ayo Midai.
She spent years wandering Tian-Xia, making what living she could. She fully embraced the strict, morbid exhultations of Hagakure, finding herself centered and comforted by them. She yearned for a worthy master that she could swear herself to. Too jaded upon the politics and corruption she saw in her work as a sword-for-hire, she looked elsewhere. A Taldan priest told her of a great wound in the north of the world filled with demons held barely in-check. The Crusades were a cause and she was a warrior without one, so the choice was simple.
As she walked into the mighty Starrise Spire in Mendev's Diamond City, Ayo could only crane her head back in disbelief at the immensity of it all. She felt herself small and protected. Ayo thought she heard her name called and turned to see a beautiful blond woman dressed as a priestess. The young woman bounded over to Ayo, then smiled with delight, grasping her hands. “Your eyes are as radiant as I imagined,” the woman said. Nobody had ever looked at Ayo in such a way before. A wave of emotion overcame Ayo and she knelt immediately, swearing herself to the service of the only person who had ever looked at her with affection in their eyes.
Ayo learned the woman's name was Avelina, and she was princess and heir to the throne of this divine city. The girl was sweet, a romantic to her core, and completely mad, full of the kind of deluded bravado that would have killed one without at least a portion of the divine favor Avelina claimed to possess. Still, she was Ayo's Master, and a samurai must give their entire life to their Master, live as though they have already died.
At the behest of her new master, Ayo took up a position in the Pathfinder Society, ostensibly at the service of the Silver Crusade, the faction that Avelina held a high position in. Her Master wanted her Favorite Servant to stay close during her work with the Society. This command from Avelina was fortuitous for Ayo, as despite her constant efforts to prove otherwise, Ayo still yet yearns and wishes her own hopes and dreams. One dream in particular has forced her to secretly seek assistance from another group in the Pathfinder Society, one that gives the promise of a noble title should she perform well enough, something that she now desperately desires more than anything. Well, all but one thing.
You need a title to marry a princess, after all.
Stat Block:
Ayo of the Radiant Eyes
Aasimar (archon-blooded) Inquisitor of Shizuru/5
LG Medium Outsider (native)
Init +5 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +11
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +2 Shield)
HP 48
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8 (+1 vs charms/compulsions)
Resistances: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee MW Cold Iron Katana +9 (1d8+4/18-20) or Cestus +7(1d4+4/x19-20)
Ranged Shortspear +4 (1d6/x2)
Special Attacks Judgment 2/day, Bane (5 rds/day), Discern Lies (5 rds/day)
Aasimar Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th; Concentration +3)
1/day--Corruption Resistance Inquisitor Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th; Concentration +8)
At will--Detect Alignment Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +8)
2nd (3/day--Discovery Torch, See Invisibility, Shield Other
1st (5/day)—Divine favor, Shield of Faith, Remove Fear, Heightened Awareness
0 (at will)—Read Magic, Create Water, Stabilize, Guidance, Brand, Detect Magic Domain Persistence Inquisition
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana) (B), Step Up (B), Following Step, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Escape Route (B), Weapon Focus (katana)
Fate's Favored
Alternate Race Traits
Truespeaker, Archon-Blooded, Incorruptible
Acrobatics +1 (-6 with armor and shield)
Appraise +0
Bluff -2
Climb +7 (0 with armor and shield)
Craft (erotic haiku) +12
Diplomacy +2
Disguise -2
Escape Artist +1 (-6 with armor and shield)
Heal +7
Intimidate +4
Knowledge (arcana) +4 (+3 more to identify monsters)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (+3 more to identify monsters)
Knowledge (nature) +4 (+3 more to identify monsters)
Knowledge (planes) +4 (+3 more to identify monsters)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (+3 more to identify monsters)
Linguistics +5
Perception +11
Perform -2
Ride +1 (-6 with armor and shield)
Sense Motive +15
Spellcraft +4
Stealth +1 (-7 with armor and shield)
Survival +7 (+2 more to track)
Swim +7 (0 with armor and shield)
Languages Taldane, Celestial, Tien, Minkaian, Goblin, Azlanti, Hallit, Osiriani
SQ Stern Gaze +2, Monster Lore +3, Relentless Footing (5/day), Solo Tactics, Truespeaker, Incorruptible
Masterwork Cold Iron Katana (on weapon cord), Heavy Steel Shield, Shortspear (x5), +1 Full-Plate, Cestus, Cloak of Resistance (+1), Wisdom Headband +2, Rings for Shield Other, Acid Flask (x2), Explorer's Outfit, Ear Plugs, Crowbar, Smoked Goggles, Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (x2), Ink (x5), Inkpen, Masterwork Tool (craft [erotic haiku]) aka Super Fancy Brush, Parchement (20 pages), Iron Holy Symbol of Shizuru, Holy Text (Shizuru), Backpack, Antitoxin (x2), Antiplague (x2), Air Crystals (x1), Alchemist's Fire (x4), Hot Weather Outfit, +2 wisdom headband, Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (cracked), 1264 gp
Oil of Bless Weapon x2
Daylight x1
Cure Light Wounds (37 charges)
Comprehend Languages (6 charges)
Magic Weapon x1
Bless x1
Comprehend Languages x1
Remove Fear x1
Protection from Evil x1
Remove Paralysis x1
Calm Emotions x1