Axym's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber. Venture-Agent, Florida—Gainesville 6 posts (23 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Perfect, thank you.

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

So looking through the NPC codex, I noticed that Cruel Instructor, the CR 8 bard has Silent Spell as feat? Unless I'm missing something, this is entirely useless since Silent Spell can't effect bard spells and he wouldn't need it for the scrolls?

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Much like Carter Lockhart, I too am playing a character to help flesh out my 3 man party. This time I'm playing Meeka, the Tiefling Urban barbarian to be a main tank. Meeka has a rather unique reason to be apart of the Silver Ravens: she's promised one of our PC's late parents that she would look after the bard who likes to get himself into trouble. I do this to try to mitigate the npc from being a full-out McGuffin who has all the ideas/answers, so Meeka's only real motivation is to make sure that the bard and his friends don't get themselves killed. I have a couple of other npcs to cycle through if Meeka doesn't have a use/role to fill.

One of my other characters is an adapted character I played (as a player) in Skulls and Shackles who is a Halfling Inspired Blade Swashbuckler (Pirate captain) who is a very active member of the Bellflower network and has a very real interest in helping reestablish the network's presence in Kintargo.

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I definitely appreciate it. Much thanks!

Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Tonlim wrote:
Axym wrote:
The blurb about Milani and giving characters boons... how does that work exactly? Or where I can read more information on that? This will be my first AP as a DM and so if this additional information is coming out with the first book, great, but otherwise I would like to know as my players seem to be rather fond of Milani as their patron deity.
I certainly reccommend getting your hands in Inner Sea Gods if you are the least bit interested in Pathfinder deities, since it's a great read, but if you only want to know about how to get the boons see here: Deific Obedience.


Horizon Hunters

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

The blurb about Milani and giving characters boons... how does that work exactly? Or where I can read more information on that? This will be my first AP as a DM and so if this additional information is coming out with the first book, great, but otherwise I would like to know as my players seem to be rather fond of Milani as their patron deity.