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magnuskn wrote:
The Player's Guide talks about this, check there.

Excellent, thankyou!

Got my Jade Regent PDF today and it mentions Ultimate Combat multiple times. Do people thinking using the gunslinger class would work with the Jade Regent AP? I know one of my players who would jump at the chance, but I'm a bit iffy because I don't know how well it would mesh...don't have any problem with someone playing a ninja or samurai though, should fit in nicely!

Matthew McGee wrote:

Very well done Matthew, and those little things I'd mostly figured out in my head (but still would have been nice to have seen on paper). Definitely my favourite of the round, and won my vote immediately! Best of luck in the T8!

The way I read, and understood the Shardstorm ability was that yes it recalls all previously spent shards, but also every shard on its body flies out and spins around the body (an orbit need not be slow, we have satellites that travel around the Earth very rapidly), hence always doing 4d4 no matter how many shards are returning. This also gives it a good self-defence mechanism should it be suddenly surrounded, which I really like.

The Lodeshard Control is fun, easy and makes sense but I agree with Asgetrion and feel it needs a bonus based on the number of shards.

Honestly I fell in love with this creature immediately when I saw it last round, but I like how you've re-envisioned it even more. I honestly just feel like dropping it into one of my campaigns right now, just as a one off quick adventure night, for a touch of the bizarre and different!

Best of luck Matthew!