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Krell wrote:

I really like the flavor of the product, but I'm far more frustrated than inspired due to the poor organization, inability to properly place locations and apparent omissions.

Some examples:
-text for Dragonspring and Shelyn's bow is on p 9 but map locations are on p 17 and 18 respectively.
-I have no real idea where the ruins of Falconridge and Northsap are located despite the text on 10.
-What are the Steps of Iron on the map on p 8? I suspect they are the Sixteen Steps of Irori noted on p 15.
-Trying to match the text to map locations on Droskar's Crag is a strain, numbers with a key would have been so much better than the cluttered scrawl on the Mountain. I'm not certain where the Ruins of Jernashall are, along with many other places. Its simply difficult to puzzle out the location of many of the sites.

The correlation between the text and map needs to be significantly improved. I suggest that someone go through each text entry and then attempt to find it on the map. Posting a list of Jernashall is on/near such and such ridge or updating the PDF map would be a huge improvement. I'm so nebulous on where places are that I don't feel comfortable using the area. This is the 'worst' product I've received from Paizo. Great flavor, but it's simply not friendly at all once you attempt to actually try and locate the cool place on the map.

So... did the update ever get done?