Ancient Solar Dragon

Avdiggin's page

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What would really have helped me and my group was a section explaining the changes (philosophically if not mechanically) from PF1 to PF2.

The basic, generic preamble to this book was fine (same kinda thing you find at the front of most RPGs), but it didn’t really help transition players from PF1 to PF2. Paizo has to know they’ve got players who’ve been running some version of the 3X system (D&D 3, 3.5 and PF1) for nearly 20 years. Including a section that briefs those players on what’s changing from would be very, very welcome.

As for a lot of the complaints in previous posts about a lack of options, from what I’ve seen that doesn’t quite ring true. I think that the fact that your proficiency reflects your level makes that much less of an issue. Figure, even if you’re untrained and have no ability score bonus, if you’re a 5th level character you have AT LEAST a +3 bonus to every skill, save, and ability. It seems to me that will give all characters more viable tactics to employ. Yeah, it seems to be tougher to create unbalanced/OP/exploitative characters, but that’s kinda the point, right?

How many hours have we all spent with gamers trying to create those kind of characters? “I wanna be a fighter, but I want all the rogue skills.” “I want to be a rogue but I also want to be able to stand my ground in a melee fight.” If the fighter you’re trying to build/play doesn’t wear heavy armor or use shields, and has a great dex and favors bows, maybe he’s a ranger?