Trumpet Blower

Ausintronax Nephilim's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Calel101.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Campbell Dorn Wravend

Male Dwarf Bard / 2 (songhealer) Cavalier / 3 (standard bearer)(herald squire) (1 post)
Silver Crusade Mordren Ichthyos Kael

Female Tiefling Ranger/5 Living Monolith/1 (1 post)
Sovereign Court Princess Wildne Naturna Vel

Female Elf Treesinger / 1 (0 posts)
Trumpet Blower
Dark Archive Ausintronax Nephilim

Male Angelkin 1/Bloodrager (2 posts)
Silver Crusade Zora Dobon Nindeu

M Undine Barbarian (Armoured Hulk) / 1 (0 posts)
Sir Holton
Silver Crusade Kal El

M Aasimar Bloodrager / Fighter (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Shuggy Glinfahl

Male Halfling Oracle/1 (0 posts)
Dark Archive Adrian DuMal

Male Dhampir Wizard(Necromancer)/1 (0 posts)
Giseil Voslil
Grand Lodge Link Hylian

Male Half Elf Fighter (0 posts)
Magister Khrysm
The Exchange Kromit "strength sapper" Meong

male Gnome alchemist (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Bethany Theresa Johns

female human 1/cleric (0 posts)
The Cinderlander
Scarab Sages Roland of Gilead
(0 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara
Liberty's Edge Barry Allen

Male Human Monk/1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive casey adams

Male elf (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Toada

Grippli (0 posts)