Aurora Melia's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Preston Hudson.


(Gruvok's Familiar)

About Yellow Eyes

  • Long, long ago...

    I ran a D&D 3.5 Campaign where the PCs were counseled by an Elven Druid with an ancient Companion who was simply named "Yellow Eyes". Cursed with perpetual reincarnation, nobody truly knows how old Yellow Eyes is. The only physical trait that remains consistent is the bright color of their eyes.

    To date, Yellow Eyes has been a male Owl, an obese female Python, an all-too-smart Badger, a short-lived Tigress, and now in Pathfinder 2nd Edition, the Monkey-ish Familiar of Gruvok One-Eye.

    (technically, just an Expert Hireling, but flavorwise...)