Auril Frostkiss's page

No posts. Organized Play character for EDWARD DEANGELIS.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok so simple question, at least I hope so. For PFS legal terms can a Mithral breast plate have the Brawlers enchantment. If the answer is yes can I please have a link to where someone higher up has said this. And if no the same please. If unknown, well then general thoughts on the matter.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Sooo, Kinda put my stuff down Saturday afternoon in the main Piazo room. Had the boon Explorer's Endurance and Technophobe sitting with my papers. After talking with my friends, turned around to see the boons were gone. this is a long shot but I don't suppose someone might have picked them up by accident. There were other people at the table I set my stuff on and I figured it can't hurt to ask.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so I am planning on running this for some friends and I need some help with the Heart the giant tendriculos. The bristles that are talked about say if someone attacks with natural weapons and or unarmed attacks have to make the reflex save to avoid the paralysis saves. Now that means when another character is hit by the monster with it's attack that it also must make the save or be paralyzed.

Is my thought correct here, that whenever a character is hit by the tendriculos attacks it must save vs paralysis?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok so here is my issue/question. Last night a bunch of my friends called up and told me they wanted to play some Pathfinder so I tell them I will run a PFS scenario for them. I ran Frost fur Captives 3-01. This was their first time ever playing PFS and to speed things along they asked to use pregens so they could start faster.

So we played we finished, but none of them want to register online, they did not even want the chronicle sheet.

How do I report it/ can I even report it and get GM credit?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Ok first off I am sorry if this has been brought up to clarified already but I was not able to find any recent posts that give an answer to my question.

Now I have a Paladin 5/ ranger 2. I took 4 Levels in Paladin then level 5-6 in Ranger. Upon reaching level 7 I took my 5th level in paladin thus allowing me an animal companion, my level 7 feat was also boon companion which negates the rangers -3 ratio for animal companions.

Now in the core rule book it says all my paladin levels count towards effective druid levels for choosing a mount and with boon companion my ranger levels stack so I can choose a level 7 mount. I took a Large cat, since at level 7 it is now a large creature which is what the criteria is for a paladin to have it.

I just wanted to make sure this all seemed correct so when I show up at Gen Con with this character people are not call me a cheater or anything.

Silver Crusade 2/5

So does anyone know if the Monkey grip feat transferred over to pathfinder, and if so what source book it would be in and if it is legal?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok all you gamers out there, I am trying to find a weapon but do not have all of the pathfinder books and such. I am trying to find a weapon, that is one handed, is a Melee weapon but has range to it, and can hopefully threaten all the squares in it's reach. So anyone know anything out there that is like a whip but threatens the spaces it can attack, and can be used up close and at range without penalty. I know there is a whip called a scorpion whip, but I am unsure if that threatens cause it does lethal damage or not, and I would like it if the weapon did not provoke Aoo in combat when used close quarters. And of course is PFS legal.

So yeah does anyone have any weapons that come to mind?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok so my paladin will be lvl 5 soon, and after looking at the rules and then the PFS Guide I am wondering, it says my animal companion must be large size, but a lot of the cool mounts start off at medium and don't hit large till 7th lvl. So if I want one of those does it mean I need to choose divine mount and just wait till I am 7th lvl to summon it. Because that is kinda dumb, I would rather summon it and use it as a animal companion then once I hit lvl 7 then use it as a mount. So I am not really sure what I can do at this point as I would really like to have some kind of cool animal companion at lvl 5th.