Azmur Kell

Aurelius Cain's page

4 posts. Alias of ben vardara 85.


"Bart, would you like to question Arles while I search the tent? Perhaps I can find their motives."

I'll search the tent, then follow the tracks leading off to the west for a bit, at least to see if they lead out of camp

As Bart does that,I'm going to cast heightened awareness and do a Perception check around the areas they were last seen to see if I can pick up any clues

**it's been awhile, can you refresh my memory on who the two missing people are?**

Aurelius looks on with mild disdain as Bart finishes his song, then continues, "your original assessment is sound, though your manner of pursuing it is a bit...crass. But, we csn work on that later. For now," he turns to Sosiel. "When was the last time you saw them? Did you hear any talk from them of going off on their own? Was there anyone in the group they've been spending more time than normal with?"

Aurelius Cain, reporting for duty! O7