
Aukan Knows-No-Fear's page

218 posts. Alias of nilesr.


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Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan charges straight at the Zhentarim and attempts to body check them away from the Lord

STRENGTH!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

I think this is a combat maneuver to shove either A) the Zhentarim away from the Lord or B) shove the Lord away from the Zhentarim. Aukan's trying to protect that guy in his own rough way.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan charges forward, following behind Snow

I think rage wears off now, so that means Aukan is tired?

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan smacks his axe against his shield and charges into the building.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan attempts to take the man's head from his shoulders....with his axe.

Battleaxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Aukan screams WAKPAWE! as his blow lands

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan roars in pleasure. He's been waiting for this...feels like forever since he's smashed someone's face.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan charges headlong into danger!

Reckless Attack!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Advantage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Raging Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Doh. I forgot that charging is a variant rule and not in AL. Yeah use a javelin attack instead.
Aukan snatches a javelin off his shield and hurls it at the blad clad enemies!

Hurled Javelin: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan howls in pleasure and charges the black clad enemies.

BattleAXE: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
BattleAXE ADV: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

I have defeated the Greenskin Chief! I have slain the Goblin. I have slain the Wolf! I am Aukan! I Know No Fear! he bellows at the newcomers

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan uses this opportunity to scream a warcry at the Groundskeeper

Wakpa We'

He begins his battle dance, attempting to draw the attention of any eyes so that Snow might go unnoticed.

Tomoka, ta he ka! ohítikA, haŋbléčheyA! até maȟpíya Wakpa wé eyÁ khízA eyÁ wé eyÁ apȟÁ

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan roars with pleasure and charges after one of the dogs. He screams at it, attempting to cow it into fleeing. RAGE!

Intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Intimidate Advantage maybe: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

It's not RAW, but I'd hope that raging would give me advantage on intimidate checks...makes sense anyways.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan has been itching for a fight...... *cracks knuckles*

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

We could have just smashed the gate... Aukan says as he climbs over

Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan just smiles at the men. It's the same smile he gave to the Zhentarim before he smashed their faces.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Find it quickly so the smashing can begin...

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan is ready to bash the door down...and looks visibly depressed when he gets denied this fun activity.

Talk of destroying something though...that gets his spirits up.

Never fear friend Dragonborn, I will smash this thing to bits. No charge.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan frowns at the strange young man.

Friend Eerie says he is fine, but the spirits perhaps do not agree.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan keeps a wary eye open....his hand is on his axe.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan stares at the carpenter a while and then cracks his knuckles.

Do I start now Friend Mayberry? he asks

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan grins broadly at Mayberry

Friend Mayberry. I would very much like that.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan growls. He just wants to punch someone.

Friends. Does someone need punching? Perhaps punching them repeatedly will help someone remember what happened here.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Have Mayberry and Aukan arrived yet?

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan grins and follows.

Perhaps they've started a fight. he hopes out loud

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Indeed Mayberry. I did have a good time. Aukan grins, and its kind of unsettling its so wide.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

While Mayberry is talking, Aukan will be doing some drinking....and challenging of various men to feats of strength!

Athletics?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Yes. Gossip. Of course. Aukan says, following Mayberry

He attempts to engage a random passerby in conversation

Hello. Do you know any gossip? and then Aukan scowls at man as the stranger first looks oddly, and then scurries away from the goliath.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan sticks close to Mayberry. If you didn't know better you'd think she was there to protect *him* from harm.

This place smells all wrong. he mutters as they walk into a shop

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan downs his ale in a few gulps and asks for more.

Thank you Elf-Friend Sliver.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan's mouth gapes despite his best efforts to stop it. The normally taciturn Goliath seems shaken and unsure of himself in this new environment.

He seems almost...cowed. He follows closely behind Sliver, since that was the person who he followed into all this.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan keeps a close eye on the elves. He doesn't really trust them...since he hasn't been allowed to fight them yet.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan wants to fight one of them.... that's his only input.

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Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

OMG. I've thought your name was SiLver this entire time.... you typed it all the way out "Sliver of the Wood" and it made sense.

Aukan grins at the elves. He's heard rumors of their martial prowess...

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan will spend his time challenging any particularly big townsmen to competitions of strength.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan will recount the glorious battles for the town to anyone who wants to hear them. He makes all this horror and death seem like great fun...which of course to him it is.

Stay. Do not flee the Greenskin. Smash their bones and break their shields. Crush their ability to fight and they will not bother you again.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Yeah, whatevs. I'm good.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan wipes the remains of the goblins from his axe and he says to Snow

These were not worthy foes for my axe.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Sorry for the lack of posting. Work has been crushing me.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan moves into the caves but doesn't go far. He's waiting for something exciting to happen.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan grunts in frustration as his foe is slain before he can face her in combat.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan roars at the Ogress.


He moves towards her, swatting at the goblin in his way

Battleaxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

HP 33/35

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan will miss taunting Oghren and competing with him. I guess it's Tabaxi now?

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Sorry. I've been checking but its been down so much....

Aukan screams his war cry and charges into battle, hurling himself right at the Ogre! Rage.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Checking the map, I "think" that I can get to the lead Goblin....if so lets do that. If not, still rage and double move.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan is lounging by the fire and calls after Kella

Your friends in the Zhentarim are welcome to test my axe anytime!

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan celebrates the best way he knows how....drunken wrestling match!

He challenges all comers. Two on one if necessary.

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan places his weapons down and begins his victory dance, singing a song of his valor.

e'ca sun'ka mici'la yun'kan tal'ku vJa' te sni yun'kan na Jiin ~aka' pin ye! oya ' te kinhan "Oghren" caze maya tapl ca blihe ' iciya
waon' kte he h~ya 'keya ' pelo ' Tatan "Orc"' ka-iyo 'take he h~ya' keya ' pi we'

He dances around the fallen body of the warchief and at the end he slices off the tip of the orc's pinky finger.

A great victory today Oghren Dwarf-Friend. Did you see my mighty blow? I have slain their Chief. Aukan boasts as he walks with the dwarf to the inn

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan rages and has resistance, so Oghren or Snow.

Aukan leveled up

Primal Path: Berserker!
Frenzy ability
Rage 3/Long Rest now

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan howls in victory


Aukan charges at the Shaman Battleaxe: 1d20 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (11) + 5 + (3) = 19 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan doesn't speak Orcish, but he knows a challenge when he hears one.

Aukan points his axe at the Chief.

Ya t’eíčakiš! Ya zuyá Aukn screams and he charges headlong at the Chief.

GM as a reaction whenever the Chief hits Aukan for the first time subtract 1d12+3 damage, using his Stone's Endurance racial ability

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Battleaxe: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan is in the thick of it, heedless of the danger.

Battleaxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan howls in victory and charges forward, now heedless of everything else except the glory of combat

Axe: 1d20 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (16) + 5 + (1) = 22
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Goliath Barbarian 3 HP 35/35, AC 16, Initiative +1, Perception +3 PP13 PI 9

Aukan hurls himself headlong into the Orcs, fighting alongside Oghren and grinning wildly


Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + 5 + (2) = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6