August Fullbore's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Flashfires.

Do these class feats for the Champion (CRB p.113) play well together? It feels like thematically you should be able to use the free reaction from Quick Block to trigger Shield of Reckoning. RAW I am not sure it does.

Am I missing something? Otherwise, it doesn't seem like there's any reason to take Shield of Reckoning instead of Quick Block since it should allow you to do what Shield of Reckoning does already with it's extra reaction (via Shield Warden CRB p.112).

The advantage of the two together would be an effective third reaction to use AoO or Divine Grace etc if the condition for Shield of Reckoning was met, but it doesn't seem like it works.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hello fellow players and GMs,

My group is going to start playing Giantslayer soon and one of the recommended archetypes caught my eye, the Goliath Druid. Under the rules text for the modifications the archetype applies is the following:

"If the goliath druid selects an animal companion, she must select a dinosaur or megafauna. If she has a dinosaur or megafauna animal companion, she can target it with enlarge person even though the companion isn't of the humanoid type."

Now, there is a specifically introduced megafauna subtype of animals printed in B3. However, I was looking to take a Mammoth or Mastodon (same stat block as an Elephant) as my companion. Mammoths and the like certainly qualify as megafauna by real world standards and the mammoth itself is arguably the most iconic megafauna.


The question is, are there other creatures in earlier Beastiary books, specifically the Elephant (and its reskinned cousins) in this case, that should qualify as megafauna or are you stuck specifically to the dozen or so cited megafauna creatures out of B3?