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3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

ie. if you have bane (evil outsider) and also bane (chaotic outsider) and you struck an outsider (evil, chaotic) would the weapon be +4 and 4d6 extra damage?

or would you think that it could only apply once regardless of how many banes you have on your weapon and how many match?

thanks !

hi everyone, I had this idea for a harness that would mechanically inject a potion into your body when set conditions took place. I was inspired by the spell breath of life and was thinking it would be cool to have a magic item like an epipen needle or something to stab into your friend if he goes down, kind of like a shot of adrenaline to the heart or something. the idea evolved into a more sci-fi soldier armor that had tech in it, but since i'm playing in regular D&D settings like faerun etc. I decided to simplify and give it a gnomish spin and fill the gaps with magic. so please take a look and let me know if you think the pricing should be adjusted or tweaked etc. i'll be happy to explain any of the numbers. I may also just end up throwing it in my game as a minor artifact, but I'd prefer to create a unique magic item that has costing values that the PC's could make themselves.

Gnomish Combat Medic

The GCM was created by a taskforce of gnomish engineers and clerics who needed a way to provide advanced first aid and medical care to soldiers embedded in very hard to reach spaces, like any drivers seat of any gnomish designed mechanical vehicle, of which medical aid is usually needed. Expanded upon by beholders for use with their slaves, then confiscated by Red Wizards, the harness has been redeveloped multiple times. Now found rarely and mostly only in schematic diagrams, a very wealthy individual could potentially have one constructed. Uncommon due to their restrictive price and easier to simply use potions, scrolls, wands, etc or hire or command Clerics, the GCM is mostly a thing of myth and the butt end joke of more than one gnomish story told around a table whilst drinking.

A well made leather harness reinforced with polished steel buckles, plates, and receptacles, it precludes the wearing of any kind of armor, but fits over a shirt or regular clothing. The harness has 8 circular metal slots, each can be plugged with a cylindrical injector 2 inches wide by 2 inches deep; which can be constructed of glassteel or if glassteel isn’t available, metal and then enchanted with invisibility in order to see the contents. Each cylinder can hold any one potion or one of the special concoctions below. Loading a potion takes a full round action (in addition to drawing the potion) and provokes attacks of opportunity. Construction of the harness or the GCM concoctions can only be done if you possess a complete copy of schematics, which are valued at 10,000g. Any injection used in the harness has an increase of 50% in its numerical effect or it’s duration is increased by 50% due to the fact that it’s more potent due to being injected directly into your body and bloodstream, the downside is that any injection, even a healing potion, automatically deals 1d4 points of damage to you. If you have damage reduction that prevents you from taking this damage then you need to enchant the harness as a weapon of the appropriate type or it will be unable to affect you. DR 1/- can be overcome by taking at least 1 pt of damage from the harness or enchanting it as a +1 weapon to ensure you always take at least 1 pt of damage. Special materials and magic are priced as a single magic weapon (not as 8).

The vest has a base sentience and can be programmed to inject any of the 8 stored cylinders based on a condition. It does this on your turn after the condition has been met. The harness continually monitors it’s wearer with a status effect so conditions can be set on any condition such as poisoned, unconscious, panicked, dying etc. In addition to the injections, the vest will automatically generate a light that blinks and sprout limbs if the bearer falls unconscious or is immobilized, it will attempt to carry the bearer to a safe location if possible based on its limited senses and intelligence; it does so by default unless commanded not to in advance. It can speak and will dictate all injections currently stored and their activation conditions when asked. It will also dictate what conditions you’re affected by on demand.

All scores 10, speech +500, continual status 7,200 +1ego, sprout limbs 5000, +1, 0-level at will: blinking light 1000 +1, +89,680 adhoc (metamagic empower rod 2/3 greater 73/2=48.18K, regular 32.5K, lesser 9K), 5000g for the masterwork harness and labor to assemble it (can be substituted by a DC 30 check of each knowledge(engineering), craft(armor) or profession blacksmith, and alchemy). Cost 108,380g, cost to create 51,690+5000 for harness labor. Ego 5 CL15 (+10,000g schematics)

GCM Concoctions: All have a special creation requirement of a DC 25 alchemy check (otherwise calculated as spell level x min caster level x 50g x 1.2 (+50% adhoc -30% for alchemy check = +20% total)

Other spells are possible other than those listed below and can be arcane or divine, but must be researched. The cost of researching a concoction is the same as the cost of the proposed concoction x 5 and requires an alchemy check DC 4 x spell level to succeed and requires a number of days to create = spell level.

5th breath of life, cost 2700g
8th regenerate 7200g
5th raise dead 7,700
6th heal 3,960
5th break enchantment 2,700
4th restoration 1,680
4th restoration for permanent neg level 2,680
4th neutralize poison 1,680
4th death ward 1,680
4th cure critical wounds 1,680g 4d8+7

thanks for taking the time to check it out!

I`m a DM and I`ve got an AA in my game.

for imbue arrow I have house rule revised the targeting in that the spell always goes off even if it misses as I felt like the arrow missing didn`t seem like a good enough reason for the spell not to go off, plus there could be interesting side effects to missing. for most things like fireballs this really doesn`t matter, if it hits the ground beside the target or the target itself it`s generally the same thing, for anything that could move with the target if it misses the target then the effect is stationary wherever it landed. in both cases, the movement of the arrow after the fact changes nothing, the spell is not keyed to the arrow once it hits.

as for using divination sensors to aim, scrying doesn`t work for me, but at the same time I allow super long range shots with the requisite range increment penalties. if you scrying on someone or used arcane eye, prying eyes etc and know a target to be somewhere far away even if you can`t actually make them out with a perception check, I allow the attack if you can target that square with the 50% miss chance as if they`re invisible (shooting through a wall at a guard sitting in a chair) or to shoot at a space if you know the ship is behind the fog and you know approximately how far away it is. I`d have the concealment rolled and adjudicate that the archer overshot or undershot the ship, in both cases the spell would still go off, so you could miss and warn the ship you`re attacking them for example or I may roll a % and determine how off you were or by your attack roll for example and determine that maybe you undershot by only 10ft and so the side of the ship may still be hit by part of the fireball or something.

maybe i`m just really flexible and willing to flow with the situation. keep in mind that even though i`m easy going, it could also work to the PCs disadvantage. so I try to keep it all as straightforward and realistic as possible.

definitely wouldn`t let someone target someone through a scrying though. but they could use scrying to determine where they are and then try and make perception checks or get closer or shoot at their space.

as a side note, the archer also had brilliant energy arrows made, since you can create brilliant energy ammunition, but not put that enhancement on the bow itself. using the brilliant energy arrows they can shoot through walls, which is pretty cool. so the use of prying eyes and other sensors as well as plain old getting a spotter with a telepathic link (another PC), using hearing perception checks with very high DCs, etc etc, it can make for some cool scenarios. especially if you get a ring of x-ray vision ;)

I agree with Ravingdork, what gives? I'm willing to use the slots, charges etc on the spell, they are protecting against different types, why would this not work? I could have 2 rings of energy protection for example, one for cold and one for fire and that works... so why not with the spell?


HP 46/46| HP 3 | Ammo 20/20 inf, 30/30, Loaded: Yes


Male Ratfolk Gunslinger | AC 21 | F10 R12 W10 | Perc +11, LL+DV |

About Knaxshi

KM Knaxshi
Ratfolk gunslinger 4 (Advanced Player's Guide 20, Guns & Gears)
Uncommon, Small, Humanoid, Ratfolk
Heritage deep rat
Background local brigand
Perception +11; darkvision, low-light vision
Languages Common, Goblin, Ysoki
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +6, Banditry Lore +7, Crafting +7, Intimidation +6, Medicine +8, Nature +8, Stealth +12, Survival +8, Thievery +10
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +0
Items leather armor, +1 jezail[GG], alchemist's toolkit, backpack, batches of infused reagent, bedroll, camouflage suit[GG], chalk (10), firearm cleaning kit[GG], flint and steel, rations (1 week) (2), replacement picks (5), rounds (30), soap, stag's helm, thieves' toolkit, waterproof firearm carrying case[GG], waterskin, purse (4 sp)
AC 21; Fort +10; Ref +12; Will +10 (On first failed save vs. controlling effect, roll second save at start of next turn)
HP 46
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] jaws +10 (finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged [1] [i]+1 jezail[/i] +13 (fatal d12, concussive, magical, range increment 90 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8+1 P
Ancestry Feats Vicious Incisors[APG]
Class Feats Basic Trickery, Mobility, Munitions Crafter[GG], Risky Reload[GG], Rogue Dedication, Running Reload[GG]
General Feats Fleet
Skill Feats Alchemical Crafting, Combat Climber, Forager, Group Coercion, Terrain Stalker
Other Abilities advanced alchemy, infused reagents, singular expertise

2 lesser Alchemical rounds (acid)
2 lesser Alchemical rounds (electric)



Knaxshi has lived his life on the move. At first it was with the caravans of his extended family. When scouting, his group took down a group of bandits. One of them had a gun and alchemical equipment. Over the next couple of months, Knaxshi figured out how to fire it and how to use the alchemical kit to make more rounds. Over the next couple of years, he got really good with the gun.

But sometimes even a ysoki needs to leave his family. He decided to travel, find adventure and make his fortune. Everybody knew adventure was the way to make something of yourself and achieve success. So he fell in with the first group that was recruiting. Hannoy Shan was the brains of the group. The one to find the targets, make the plans, and deal with security measures. Gravox was the muscle, a short-tempered half orc with a big butcher's axe. Unalisa was the magic, a genietouched sorceress.

As a group they dealt with some goblins and cave full of kobolds, but then they figured this was too much work. It was easier to haunt the roads and let the prey come to you. Being a bandit wasn't what Knaxshi signed up for. He'd been on the merchant's side of that often enough. But Shan wasn't the type to brook dissent, and he was the kind to take revenge on people he thought had wronged him.

Planning his escape took three months, a keg of black power, 200 foot of rope, a bit of luck and several days of non-stop running. But now that he's free, he's going to be looking for a better set of companions.