CBDunkerson wrote:
SteelValor wrote:
At my current rate of download it will take me a year, YES A YEAR, to finish retrieving my 117 files. I have 1 of 117 and this is day three.
Why would you want to download all 117 files right now?
I'm in the same situation, so here goes:
* Why? Well, why not? Whether it was cheap or not, I paid for it. It was advertised as I was paying that I could download them in any way I like, so I want to download them all. I keep a library of my own if you want to know, but that's beside the point: I don't need to explain why. If Paizo can't handle this, they should humbly (:p) apologize and explain (which they are doing nicely, so kudos there). They should also fix this, it's their job (well, no kudos yet ;) ).
* Whether you download one file now and the rest later, or whether you download them all right now, the total bandwidth used for serving the PDF's and the processor power to watermark the PDFs is the same. Paizo needs to find a way to securely serve these PDFs in a timely manner.
* A simple back of the envelope calculation indicates Paizo having a backlog of downloads of not seconds, not minutes (which is barely acceptable in this day and age), not days, but YEARS with their current system. I may be lucky to be served before, but someone else will still wait for it. Unless something big is done soon.
* I click on a download a few times a day, and I don't even get the "Personalizing" message any more--just a scroll down of the page until what I clicked on is at the top of the page.
* I personally don't mind waiting for a week or three and then downloading everything all at once. I DO mind this trickling speed of downloads which would take me a year to get everything.
* After 3.5 went on to 4.0 and my beloved Living Greyhawk was scrapped, Pathfinder kept things alive. Even though I had to stop playing for personal reasons around the same time, I am very grateful for that. I don't think I'll find the time to play properly anytime soon, but still I'm glad to have paid them what I paid, even though I probably won't use them much. If I were to use these PDFs a lot, this would have been a great bargain. But for me , this is just a way of saying thanks. But I'd still like to get the PDFs in a reasonable time, just to complete my library. ;)
(Edit: Spelling, and removed the speed requirement math. I should not speak of things I know little about.)