
Astran's page

143 posts. Organized Play character for Chris Marsh.


| SP 35/35 HP 35/35 RP 4/4 | EAC 18 KAC 20| Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +7


| Speed 40 ft (Desert Stride) |


Male NG Kasatha Ace Pilot Soldier 1/Solarian 3

Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Astran

SFS # 1824-704

Physical Description:

Character History:


Golemplate II, Basic Riot Shield
Armor Slot 1: Jetpack
EAC 17, KAC 19 V.CM 27
SP 26 HP 21 RP 2
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4
Offensive Proficiencies: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

Speed 40 ft. (Desert Stride)
BAB +4
Melee Solar Weapon +8 (1d6+4++4AP)
Ranged Azimuth Laser Rifle +5 (1d8 F, Crit Burn 1d4) 20/20, or
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Offensive Proficiencies: Basic and advanced melee weapons, small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, sniper weapons, and grenades

Class Abilities
Primary Fighting Style: Blitz
Rapid Response: +4 Initiative, +10' speed.
Skill Adept: Culture and Sleight of Hand are class skills.
Solar Manifestation: Bright blue light
Stellar Mode
Stellar Revelation (Photon):
Supernova: Standard action, 2d6 Fire damage to all within 10' (REF DC 13 for 1/2)
Distant Burst: Any stellar revelations (including zenith revelations) that have a radius and are centered on you can be centered anywhere within 20 feet of you. While attuned or fully attuned, they can instead be centered anywhere within 40 feet of you.
Stellar Revelation (Graviton):
Black Hole:Standard action, Creatures within 20' are pulled 10' towards you (FORT DC 13 neg.)

Acrobatics: +8 (Rank 4, Class +3, Natural Grace +2, DEX +1, ACP -2)
Athletics: +8 (Rank 3, Class +3, STR +2, Natural Grace +2, ACP -2)
Bluff: +1 (Rank 0, CHA +1)
Computers: -
Culture*: +4 (Rank 1, Class +3, INT +0)
Diplomacy: +1 (+1d6**) (Rank 0, Class +0, CHA +1)
Disguise: +2 (Rank 0, Class +0, CHA +2)
Engineering: - (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +0)
Intimidate: +1 (Rank 0, Class +0, CHA +1)
Life Science: -
Medicine: +5 [ooc](Rank 1, Class +3, WIS +1)

Mysticism: - (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +0)
Perception: +8 [ooc](Rank 23, Class +3, WIS +1)

Physical Science: - (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +0)
Piloting: +11 [ooc](Rank 4, Class +3, DEX +1, Crew Member +2, Theme +1)

Profession (): - (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +0)
Sense Motive: +4 (+1d6**) [ooc](Rank 0, Class +3, WIS +1)

Sleight of Hand: - (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +0)
Stealth: -1 [ooc](Rank 0, Class +0, DEX +1, ACP -2)

Survival: +1 (Rank 0, Class +0, WIS +1)
*Theme Knowledge: obsessed with starships and vehicles, and have committed to memory almost every related tidbit of knowledge you’ve ever come across. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about starship and vehicle Models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots by 5.
**Spend 1 minute in meditation, then choose either graviton skills or photon skills. When attempting a skill check with one of your selected skills of the chosen type (either graviton or photon), you can roll 1d6 and add the result as an insight bonus to your check. This ability lasts until you enter combat, fall unconscious, sleep, or meditate again to choose a different skill type. You can reactivate this ability by meditating again for 1 minute.

Level 1: Toughness
Level 3: Advanced Melee Weapon Focus


Top Left Hand: Solar Weapon
Top Right Hand: Basic Riot Shield
Bottom Left Hand: Azimuth Pistol
Bottom Right Hand: Empty


Credits: TRACKER


  • Industrial Backpack
  • Hygiene Kit
  • Comm Unit
  • Synaptic Accelerator Mk I (Str)
  • Ring of Resistance MK 1

    Bot Me!:

    Move in to melee while attuning to photon mode. Stay fully attuned, using supernova only if outnumbered.