
Astos's page

******* Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati 43 posts (45 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 17 Organized Play characters.

2/5 5/55/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati

There's an implication that event coordinators/GMs are permitted to copy, modify, and distribute chronicle sheets, but where is this permission actually granted and how far does it reach? Scenarios mention:

No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

But chronicles have trade dress, proper nouns, etc. so would not be directly duplicatable via the Open Game Content exemption.

The Guides to Organized Play mention that it is a GM duty to give a player an accurate chronicle sheet, but I'm uncertain if that counts as permission. And if so, that may not apply to event coordinators.

Modification/copying/distribution seem to go beyond the "You are granted permission to print assets for personal use." from the Community Use Policy.

The same issue exists when a chronicle says something like "Along with this Chronicle sheet, your GM should provide you a copy of the [so-and-so] appendix" (e.g. custom race boon).

2/5 5/55/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati


2/5 5/55/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati

Are we still on track for two new scenarios every month? I need to submit events for a convention in November during the next week. Will I be safe if I submit slots for scenarios 5-8?

(I understand that at some point during the fall, conventions may be able to request unreleased scenarios; I'm just going for what is safe to submit now.)

I've read through my PDF version of D1, and I think it's great! I believe I'll get to run it in the next couple weeks.

Is there any chance of getting GameMastery maps without labels/secret doors, like is currently done in the Dungeon online supplements? We use MapTool at the table and it would be great if I could just import in a map instead of recreating it.

So much good stuff over the years. These online offerings from Wizards have a very high bar to reach.

I hope the best for the Paizo staff; my subscription credit is going to Pathfinder.

http://www.gamingreport.com/article.php?sid=16433&mode=thread&order =0

This is the exact kind of D&D product I'm mostly interested in, a ready-to-go campaign in one book. Even though I have the magazines, I'll be picking up this gem.