Dr Lucky

Asmodeus's Dad's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge

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Jason Keeley wrote:
Asmodeus's Dad wrote:

Player's Guide - Good! Though with the much smaller page count of the Starfinder AP books, these should really be free pdf's like the Pathfinder counterparts. Not taking up page count in the book itself and much more readily available to the players as that is the target audience.

The Player's Guide in this AP is a bit of experiment to see how well it is received within the volume itself. It contains information that would have normally gone at the beginning of the adventure, giving the adventure a bit of room to breath but also a couple of new themes and pieces of equipment, so it should hopefully be worth the price of admission!

Jason, Starfinder players are already paying a premium for their respective Adventure Paths. The Pathfinder equivalents are 96 pages at $24.99 - that's 3.84 pages per dollar. Starfinder AP books are 64 pages at $22.99 - that's only 2.78 pages per dollar. I think having a Player's Guide for these APs is marvelous however I also believe it should be presented as a free pdf just as it is for Pathfinder. The Player's Guide itself would be better received if it were a separate document.

Shadow Lodge

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Player's Guide - Good! Though with the much smaller page count of the Starfinder AP books, these should really be free pdf's like the Pathfinder counterparts. Not taking up page count in the book itself and much more readily available to the players as that is the target audience.

Oh and can we maybe get a survey asking us if we would like a high level Starfinder campaign? I would think if there's enough demand, that would be something that the company would like to sell us.