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JohnHawkins wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Can I ask where you're getting the +15 deflection bonus from for Bellinda? I can't see how anywhere! Thanks

kevin_video wrote:

Admittedly, I had completely forgotten about the LG paradise dragons and their force breath weapon that can bend 90 degrees to attack evil creatures. That's just bonkers.

Regarding Book 6, I'd wager that Gary wanted to do something unique with each book. We had a "defend the lair" book, technically two "attack the lair" books although one was more about infiltrating secretly where as the other one was leading an army, and Book 6 is your standard sandbox. Just letting the PCs do their own thing. They don't know about Bellinda or that she disappeared to a far off place to train and bring back an army. It's cool that you're rewriting it though. Means you have a different vision for the story's conclusion than what Gary had.

The paradise dragon's spell selection isn't great though. They can't even see invisible creatures, so I'm considering creating a Paradise dragon with a Bliss dragon's spell list (some kind of hybrid creature) to be really nasty and give my PCs a run for their money!

Yeah I get what you mean about mechanics. I just know my players will be bored by a lot of the content, so trying to spice it up a little!

kevin_video wrote:
WagnerSika wrote:

10-15 years seems like a good idea.

I'll have to check Eat the Rich out (even though the name is kinda dumb). Wonder if Hells Rebels AP would be useful for this.
We just finished book 3 of WotW so there is a lot of time.
"Hell's Rebels"? I want to say yes. Which is ironic because then it'd be "Hell's Vengeance" next, which then starts this whole debacle again. Guess "an eye for an eye" fits pretty well in this case.

Funnily enough I'm running WotW as a prequel to Hell's Rebels, after we played that AP first! It takes a bit of rejigging of WotW but it's worked well (transposing Talingarde to Cheliax, Mitra to Iomedae and setting it a couple of years after Aroden's death, around the civil war).

I turned Baroness Vanya into Abrogail 1st (Dessiter suggests her as queen after she makes an infernal pact with him) and the PCs run the world from the background/go off and follow their own agendas rather than get bogged down with Kingdom ruling.

So yes it would totally work as a sequel!

I also rewrote most of book 6 after reading this comment section. In mine Bellinda is gathering allies to perform an elaborate ritual, and over the 2 years the PCs gradually get intel about those she's approached (a Paradise Dragon, and then Avanostryx the Empyrean (from Heaven Unleashed) who they have to fight in his domain in heaven). I found Book 6 mostly a dull sequence of unrelated events and don't understand why Gary didn't make it a bit more tied to the story of Bellinda. So I cut most of it.

Ok! Old thread, but I'm running the game now (just finishing up book 1) so thought I'd throw in my 2 cents:

1 - Adding women. In book 1 I made Captain Kargelda Odenkirk the sea grizzled captain of the Frosthamar. I made Franz(isca) Mott a battle scarred Captain, married to her wife Kaitlyn who she neglects and is therefore having an affair with a (shock!) man, Captain Eddarly. I made Captain Samantha Barhold the sister of Bellam. I made around half the guards at both Brandescar and Balentyne women. Also threw in some other less important female NPCs - I made the wizard owner of the Illuminated Scroll in Aldendcross female (Juliana Scaramore). These tweaks are basically simple name changes and make the game a lot more diverse.

2 - I set my game on Golarion, in the Chelaxian empire in 4606 (2 years after the death of Aroden). Having recently finished the Hells Rebels campaign, I thought it would be fun to jump back 100 years to how Cheliax became evil in the first place. In my Cheliax, King Gaspodar is desperately trying to hold onto power by turning the country towards worship of Iomedae (LN to LG). The party are trying to stop this happening. I put Brandescar at the south western tip of Cheliax, they then sail up the coast, past Korvosa and up towards the Mindspin Mountains, where the meet Sakkarot. They then sail down through the mountains to the base of the Bloodsworn Vale in Nidal (still Chelaxian empire) to the sleepy town of Aldencross, where the nearby Fort Jeggare guards against the monsters of the mountains and Cinderlands to the North. Farholde becomes Taggun Hold, The Horn is in Uskwood, Ghastenhall becomes Egorian, Daveryn Kintargo and Matheryn becomes Westcrown. The Vale is in the Halikarnassos Hills. The beauty is most of these specific places end up decimated and destroyed, so doesn't matter if your PCs already know Cheliax pretty well. I'm considering making Baroness Vanya of Veryn Baroness Abrogail Thrune, but not sure yet if that'll work).

3 - Gave each of the PCs a set of unique (tailored) scaling magic during the Nine Lessons which increased with their level, and then reduced following loot accordingly. (Though I would probably recommend changing the lessons in general - as someone else suggested earlier - to another dungeon - my party hated it, it's tiny corridors and formulaic layout).

4 - Tried to tie each of the PCs early on in their backstory to one of the main antagonists - so they were captured by Sir Richard Jeggare (instead of Havelyn in this world), or Earnan MacCathlain (high priest from the Vale), or tried to weave their backstories to swap out key characters from books 5 and 6 for those mentioned in passing in backstories/family members, to try and tie the PCs motivations closely into the game and give them some fun chances for revenge/growth.

5 - Made the pact with Thrune a Pact Parchment: (not that any of the PCs bothered to detect magic - so that'll be a nasty surprise if they decide to break it)

6 - For the duration of The Horn I'm giving them Vile Leadership for free, but taking out cohorts - so they just have to manage the groups rather than having to bother with a second load of named characters. Fingers crossed that works!

Ok! Old thread, but I'm running the game now so thought I'd throw in my 2 cents:

1 - Adding women. In book 1 I made Captain Kargelda Odenkirk the sea grizzled captain of the Frosthamar. I made Franz(isca) Mott a battle scarred Captain, married to her wife Kaitlyn who she neglects and is therefore having an affair with a (shock!) man, Captain Eddarly. I made Captain Samantha Barhold the sister of Bellam. I made around half the guards at both Brandescar and Balentyne women. Also threw in some other less important female NPCs - I made the wizard owner of the Illuminated Scroll in Aldendcross female (Juliana Scaramore). These tweaks are basically simple name changes and make the game a lot more diverse.

2 - I set my game on Golarion, in the Chelaxian empire in 4606 (2 years after the death of Aroden). Having recently finished the Hells Rebels campaign, I thought it would be fun to jump back 100 years to how Cheliax became evil in the first place. In my Cheliax, King Gaspodar is desperately trying to hold onto power by turning the country towards worship of Iomedae (LN to LG). The party are trying to stop this happening. I put Brandescar at the south western tip of Cheliax, they then sail up the coast, past Korvosa and up towards the Mindspin Mountains, where the meet Sakkarot. They then sail down through the mountains to the base of the Bloodsworn Vale in Nidal (still Chelaxian empire) to the sleepy town of Aldencross, where the nearby Fort Jeggare guards against the monsters of the mountains and Cinderlands to the North. Farholde becomes Taggun Hold, The Horn is in Uskwood, Ghastenhall becomes Egorian, Daveryn Kintargo and Matheryn becomes Westcrown. The Vale is in the Halikarnassos Hills. The beauty is most of these specific places end up decimated and destroyed, so doesn't matter if your PCs already know Cheliax pretty well. I'm considering making Baroness Vanya of Veryn Baroness Abrogail Thrune, but not sure yet if that'll work).

3 - Gave each of the PCs a set of unique (tailored) scaling magic during the Nine Lessons which increased with their level, and then reduced following loot accordingly. (Though I would probably recommend changing the lessons in general - as someone else suggested earlier - to another dungeon - my party hated it, it's tiny corridors and formulaic layout).

4 - Tried to tie each of the PCs early on in their backstory to one of the main antagonists - so they were captured by Sir Richard Jeggare (instead of Havelyn in this world), or Earnan MacCathlain (high priest from the Vale), or tried to weave their backstories to swap out key characters from books 5 and 6 for those mentioned in passing in backstories/family members, to try and tie the PCs motivations closely into the game and give them some fun chances for revenge/growth.

5 - Made the pact with Thrune a Pact Parchment: (not that any of the PCs bothered to detect magic - so that'll be a nasty surprise if they decide to break it)

6 - For the duration of The Horn I'm giving them Vile Leadership for free, but taking out cohorts - so they just have to manage the groups rather than having to bother with a second load of named characters.