e-Mail : chakatmoonstripes@gmail.com
PFS No.: 59626-7
Female Emberkin Tattooed Wildblooded Sorceress 1
Sanguine Blooded
Init +9;
Perception +4
Sense Motive +4
XP(Standard Advancement):0
Prestige Points: 0 Fame: 0
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 14: touch 14, flat-footed 10 . ( +4 Dex)
HP 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Cold Iron Short Spear: -2 (1d6-2; x2)
Light Crossbow:+4 (1d6;19-20; x2)
Range Attack : +4
Melee Attack : -2
Spell Like Ability
3/D : Touch of Fatigue CL 2: 2 Rounds
1/D : Pyrotechnics
Level 0 :
Ray of Frost
Disrupt Undead
Open/Close (DC14)
Read Magic
Level 1 (4/Day):
Ray of Enfeeblement, 1d6+2 (DC16) 3 Rounds
Ray of Sickening (DC16) 3 Rounds
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 7, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD +11
Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Varisian Tatoo (Necromancy)
Deathless Spirit (Alternate Racial)
Arcane Temper (+1 Initiative, +1 Concentration)
Death Touched (+1 FS)
Knowledge Arcana +5 , Knowledge Religion +5,Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Spell Craft +5
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic
Combat Gear
Cold Iron Short Spear, Light Crossbow, Bolts (20)
GP : 97gp, 8sp, 9cp
Description :
Ashen got her name from her skin. More pale than her fellow Emberkin. Grayish white, the young girl looks like a ghost. She wears equally light and faded clothing including a half mask shaped like a skull, with black dreads. Hooded almost all the time. Her face and body has a few tattoos across it. One seems to move every now and then, that of a scorpion. She carries around a short spear made of Cold iron and a light crossbow. Other than that, she seems very plain and forgetful