Eons ago the gods formed the world. Formed of the four elements needed to sustain all life; Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The gods then placed on the new world beings of the four elements as guardians of the world. But to bind the world together there was a fifth element. And element that had the power to unite as well as destroy.
The sylphs, Guardians of air, The Ifrits as guardians of fire, the strong Oreads as protectors of the earth, and finally the Undines as guardians of the seas and water. These races worked to together to keep the world pure and protected the numerous other creatures upon it. But as time passed the guardians lost their purpose. But every so often one of the guardian races is born with mastery over his element; the ability to manipulate that element to his will.
Arvin is one such being. From an early age Arvin knew he was tied closer to his ancestral heritage than others of his tribe. Arvin was a prodigy and as such was, at first, shunned by the others of his tribe. But as news of his talents spread to the other tribes Elders soon arrived to test Arvin and confirm the rumors.
Arvin passed the tests and he was given over to the tribal Elders to be educated in the history of his people and the importance of the 4 elements.
Only once before the four elements came together, and called forth the power of the fifth element; the time of the Earthfall. Unknown to most of the races the world was in danger of complete destruction were it not for the coming together of the four elements; the world was saved.
Arvin spent many years learning of his heritage and the knowledge of the elements, learning to harness his control over the water.
According to the Elders it is believed that when one such as Arvin is born there will also be one of each of the other elemental races, an element master of their respective elements. And that would be a sign of danger to come.
Arvin knew he had to find the Temple of the four elements and retrieve the keys to unlock the fifth element but he would also need to find the masters of each of the other 3 elements.
The Temple of the Four Elements was believed to reside in the city of Atlantis, now lost to the depths of the sea. To find the lost city is not a task Arvin can take alone. He needed to find others to make the journey with him and along the way learn about his destiny and about himself.