The Cinderlander

ArtelSriven's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (32 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

I reported GMing a CORE game for The Confirmation and got the message

"Player has already run scenario at session # 3 of event # 37163 Pathfinder in The 'Cuse. "

Do I need to delete that report and create a new one after the update this week?

Dark Archive

I can't find a specific reference to this, but is the Ghoul's Paralysis ability considered to be a Negative Energy Ability and therefore get the bonus from Desecrate?

Dark Archive 1/5

I believe I am correct that normally if the PC's are given an opportunity to purchase equipment during a scenario it gets listed on their tracking sheet (or chronicle sheet) and the gold is expended as normal... correct?

Now what if the PC's use gold given to them by an NPC or found during an encounter. The example I will use for this is Before the Dawn Part 1, the PC's are given gold to purchase supplies and told that if they have to expend their own money that the Pathfinder Society will do what they can to compensate them for the expense. So what if the PC's take the remainder of that money and buy potions which they later use during the scenario. Are they considered "free potions" for that scenario only or are they marked down as purchased on the tracking sheet as normal?

Dark Archive 1/5

I ran and reported The Confirmation (5-08) under PFS organized play back in January. The group I'm running for switched to Core so with all new characters I ran The Confirmation for them again but i'm getting a note that says

"Player has already run scenario at session # 3 of event # 37163 Pathfinder in The 'Cuse"

I was under the impression Core was separate from PFS with regards to tracking. The note only shows for that entry and not for In Service to Lore which the entire group ran as both PFS and Core.

Any thoughts?

Dark Archive

I have never been a fan on having a predetermined list of skills that a class can take. While it was far more harsh in 3.5 and lightened up some in the Pathfinder rule set, it still feels a little to constricting for me. One of the house rules I have used since the beginning of 3.0 was to allow each character no matter their class to pick their own class skills based on the number of skills listed in the class description. If the class had 8 skills listed then they could pick any 8 skills they wanted for their "class skills".

Now in Pathfinder I see some of the skills have been combined, removed, altered and even some added. With these changes I noticed some small changes to the skills listed in each of the class descriptions. I am going to be starting a new campaign this Friday and I was rewriting my house rule list and thought of this idea:

Each character begins with a number of "class skills" equal to the number of skills listed in the class description -2. They are allowed to pick additional skills to be added to the "class skill" list based on their Intelligence modifier. Penalties to this Attribute do NOT affect the number of skills taken.

I would be very interested in feedback from other GM's as well as players if they like or dislike this idea... or if anyone recommends an adjustment in some way.

Dark Archive

I have noticed on the Advice threads that there are A LOT of people who are either asking for "optimal" character builds or are being told that the builds they have require this or that to be effective. Now while I am new to Pathfinder I have many years experience with all the previous editions of D&D under my belt so my questions to the community are these:

Q: Has Pathfinder been written so that only the most optimal character builds will work in the long run?

~:: I have only really looked at the lower levels of the game right now having built a few 1st level characters and read over a few of the 1-3 level scenarios. While most if not all of the scenarios I have read so far could fairly easily be completed successfully with a 4 person party with an average 13 for stats...

Q: Is this just a foundation that gets progressively more difficult at higher levels?

~:: It has always been an ongoing challenge in D&D for the DM to sync his encounters with the ever changing power level of the characters, but not yet having in depth experience playing or running Pathfinder specific rules I just don't see how it could be so much different that starting characters would *NEED* to be min/maxed to the hilt.

Q: Does pathfinder run on the assumption that the average adult non-classes NPC would have between a 9 and 13 for most stats? Obviously there would be exceptions but does your average farmer NPC still have stats built like a 1st level character?

Dark Archive

I am an experienced 3.5 GM looking to start up a group on Friday evenings or Saturday afternoons beginning early 2014. D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder is good. Considering running at Play the Game if there is room or another more central location depending on interest and players.