Arszin's page

No posts. Organized Play character for resistingfanatic.

A friend and I were discussing this recently and for obvious reasons it seems overpowered and/or broken. This trick revolves around the 5th level Inquisitor Class ability called Discern Lies, cast as an immediate action.

Firstly, the spell discern lies does in-fact target creatures you use it on. They get a save to resist the effects, and as long as the concentration is maintained, it should be a dispellable effect. Provided said creature(s) fails the save, it is then considered to be "affected by a non-damaging spell" if it were to cast, forcing it to make that Concentration Check. The clarification I'm interested in is in using the spell on a spellcaster when they cast a spell in order to provide another barrier to success.

a flow chart:
spellcaster begins casting-->inquisitor uses an immediate action to cast discern lies-->spellcaster fails save and is affected-->spellcaster is forced to make a concentration check

Everything I've been able to find on the subject seems to point toward it being legitimate, but this would be a very large abuse to the spirit of the ability. Please shed some light on this dilemma. : )