I know that clothing worn by a character can be the target of spells such as "magic vestment" (and are treated as having an AC bonus of 0), but can such items be made masterwork and then enhanced as magical armor? What about body slot magical items such as the "Gunman's Duster", which already provide an AC bonus?
What constitutes "wielding a weapon" for the purposes of the penalties for two-weapon fighting? If I am carrying two weapons but only attack with one of them, do I incur the penalties on the attack? What about when I am carrying a shield? Do I always take the penalties as if I am two-weapon fighting, or only if I attempt a shield-bash in that round? Or can I not make a shield-bash (even as an attack of opportunity) unless I take the penalties on my weapon attacks?
My players recently encountered a "Globster" (Bestiary 3, p131), which is immune to both bludgeoning and piercing damage. Unfortunately two of the players are ratfolk that use natural attacks (bite and claws) that deal bludgeoning damage AND slashing (and piercing in the case of the bite). I ruled that since the attacks deal a type of damage the creature was immune to, they were ineffective. The players both approached me after the session and expressed their opinion that since the attacks ALSO did slashing they should have bypassed the immunity. I am curious if other GMs agree with my ruling in this situation, or if (and how) they would have ruled differently.
still not able to go thru. Your website keeps auto correcting my billing address which involved the words "County Road", vs, the banks abbreviation of "CR", which has never been a problem. I have gone thru adding 3 different credit cards, and confirmed with one financial institution that Paizo never tried to pend holds for the order. I have since deleted all other cards. plz note this order is a gift and is being shipped to a different address and name than my whats on my card. I have checked my account with Paizo and the billing address is correct for the order, as well as the ship to address. I need help. My son has been waiting for me to submit this order for 3 weeks now. I first sent an email, after getting nothing from Paizo, I found the customer service forum. Then due to a weather evet (per Paizo, I couldnt access my account or furms for 2 weeks, even tho I was cleaing cookies and site data. ugh....this is an order for 5 books totaling 109.95 If someone could call me or Private message me to finalize this order, it would be great. . Logan Harper She/Her wrote:
When attempting an "Overrun" combat maneuver, how does it interract with attacks of opportunity? My group is unsure if the movement itself would provoke attacks from the target of the maneuver (moving through or out of a threatened square) in addition to the attack provoked by the manuever attempt itself.
Regarding the "Ranger Combat Styles", I understand that the ranger must choose from the listed feats for his combat style whenever he gains a bonus feat and that at those times he is not required to meet the prerequisites for the feat he takes. I am curious, however, if he is still required to meet feat prerequisites for the listed feats if he takes one of them during his normal progression. For example, is the following a valid feat progression for a ranger with the archery combat style? [Level 1] Weapon Focus (Longbow)
No I have not had any luck. I agree that it could be a billing ship address error. The Paizo site keeps adjusting my billing address to the "USPS recommended spelling" But seeing as 3 different financial accounts I tried to process failed. I will be contacting all 3 institutions to determine if their fraud dept has a block on them on Paizo for my acct. I haven't been able to login on my mobile device either Firefox or Chrome.
Agénor wrote:
does this also apply to "summoned" creatures such as those from Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally? What about a Summoner's eidolon?
Regarding the spell "Spiritual Weapon" in the Core Rulebook: would the caster always use their Wisdom modifier to determine their attack bonus or should the spell allow the spellcaster to use their spellcasting modifier if it is an ability other than Wisdow (such as an Oracle, which uses Charisma for spellcasting)?
Regarding the Eldritch Archer (Magus Archetype) from page 11 of Heroes of the Streets, when using Ranged Spellstrike in conjunction with Ranged Spell Combat, which is correct: 1) At level 8 the Eldritch Archer uses Ranged Spell Combat to cast Scorching Ray, then uses Ranged Spellstrike to fire his bow twice using his split base attack bonus(+6/+1, each with a -2 penalty), dealing both bow and spell damage on each hit. He then makes his normal bow attacks (+6/+1, each with a -2 penalty), dealing JUST the bow damage. 2) At level 8 the Eldritch Archer uses Ranged Spell Combat to cast Scorching Ray, then uses Ranged Spellstrike to fire his bow ONCE at his full base attack bonus (+6, with a -2 penalty for Spell Combat), dealing both bow and spell damage. He then finishes his round by making his normal attacks with this bow (+6/+1, each with a -2 penalty) with the first also dealing both bow and spell damage on a hit, while the second deals JUST the bow damage.
Regarding the Magus class, which scenario is the correct usage of Spell Strike and Spell Combat:
2) The Magus uses Spell Combat to cast defensively and then delivers the spell through his weapon with a -2 penalty on the attack. (This results in a single attack for the round which deals both weapon and spell damage.)
"If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. [...] Additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect." Does this mean it is impossible to harm a vampire that has been forced into gaseous form, or simply that it stops taking damage once it hits 0, but can then be damaged as normal (per the rules for the spell "Gaseous Form") by subsequent attacks?
When casting spells such as Beast SHape III and Monstrous Physique III, do I have to take the shape of an existing version of a creature in the Bestiaries that is already Huge or Dimunitive sized, or may I become a larger (or smaller) version of any creature of the specified type? For example, can I cast Monstrous Physique and take the form of a Huge green hag or a Dimunitive lamia if I so choose? |