Arnil Marathon Voter Season 9 |
Arnil wrote:Lei of Lost SoulsPit Crew Style feedback:
-15ft tall? 15ft radius I believe is the intention but careful that isn't clear.
-Basically you're making a 15ft radius of flowers and they extend the wielder's rech for 15 minutes but it's unclear exactly what constitutes an AOE for the shadow figures in the flowers. Are they treated as tiny creaturs thus someone has to try and cross the same square as the flowers of are they based off these figures being medium sized? Does what weapon the wield bear have an effect on this?
There's some cool visuals and a compelling idea but the execution errors in your rules-fu makes this hard to vote for... If this is your first year, admirable attempt, come back stronger next year.
Thank you for the feedback! It is my first attempt and my first magic item created in the pathfinder system. I'm really more of a 3.5 5e player who adapts paizo stuff into my games so my rules fu is weaker. I'll see you all next year!