Arkadiusz Dydziński's page

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Tangent101 wrote:

I think he means the foes were tripped and then attacked as they stood. Then next round they'd be tripped... and attacked as they stood.

Do note: if a trip attempt fails, the tripper can become the tripee.

Also, an enemy can attempt an Acrobatics roll to roll away from foes without triggering AoO (I asked about this recently and it was confirmed). So Acrobatics can help enemies move away from a tripping foe.

By the way, did they have the Improved Trip Feat? Without that, they suffer an AoO when tripping.

That's correct. They have Improved Trip - our fighter is builded around tripping enemies so he rarely fails (but thx for info that tripper can become tripee if he fails - i didn't know that). I will try to use Acrobatic - i forgot about this skill and evading AoO.

I have a little problem - probably because i'm not very experienced as GM.

My players know Pathfinder a lot better than me. Their characters are very optimazed.

Most ecounters are blast - they finish them so quick that sometimes monsters can't do anything. In ecounter in Black Wing Library oponents couldn't do even a single action - they were tripped to death.

How would you advice to make ecounters harder and more challenging for players but not gamebreaking at the same time? I don't want to have TPK, but i really feel this AP is too easy for them.

A little idea about fight with Millorn at C2.

I described him in a way - it was not intentional, it just ended up that way - that players weren't sure if he was crazy psycho or just very scared dwarf. (all players failed sense motive test)

They didn't want to kill him at first so they used a few daze spells while attacking and using nonlethal dmg. They beat him up and tied him.

When he woke up it became clear that he was mad. Then the problem arised. Most of my players are good (only one is neutral). Killing tied person that can't even defend himself any longer is evil act. They can't also just untie him cos he will attack them again. They can't leave him tied with his magic book and potions, cos when he free himself he most likely will go after them. In other hand, if they leave him tied without his gear he will die anyway.

It was quite a debate and a players could't decide what to do with this issue.

In the end the Inqusitor of Torag decided the team will take a vote. The players and NPC voted deciding what to do. Team decided that dwarf have to die. Our Mage (that's the neutral one i metioned before) used his medical knowlege to kill him as fast and painless as possible.

It was probably the best scene on that session.

PS. Sry for my english ^^".

I will use this when i will be describing destruction of city.

I think i will use this one piece of greatness alot in this AP.

So we start the Wrath of the Righteous soon. I have three players (all characers have good alignment ofc):

1. Human/Necromancer (Archmage) - He is planning to take later Agent of the Grave Prc (i will house rule it so he can still have good alignment - just for "white necromancer" concept).

2. Hellspawn Tiefling/Inquisitor (Marshal) - He took Armor Proficiency because he want to wear heavy armor later in game. Devastator kind of build. He choose Travel Domain and Fiendish Sprinter so he have 40(50 if charging) ft speed. He will fight with some 2-hand weapon. He took healing light wound spell.

3. Emberkin Aasimar/Hexcrafter Magus (Champion) - He is fighting with scorpion whip. Later when he will learn how to fly (hex) he will do a good use of it.

So my questions are...
1. Do you think they will survive through first AP? How much do i need to alter the ecounters?
2. We are still looking for 4th player. When we find one what class would you recomend for this team?
3. Any tips? :)

PS. Sorry for my english :).