Dr Lucky

Arhena the Fabulous's page

10 posts. Alias of Jiggy (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32).

Full Name

Arhena the Fabulous

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 24
Wisdom 8
Charisma 7

About Arhena the Fabulous

Arhena has led a bizarre life. Throughout his adventuring career, he has somehow never encountered a spellbook containing any spells at all that he didn't already have recorded in his own. Similarly, he has somehow never found a magical scroll containing a spell that wasn't already in his spellbook. Every time he goes to a marketplace—even in a bustling metropolis boasting vast magical inventories—he has never once in his life managed to find the opportunity to purchase (or even rent access to) a spell he didn't already know. As a result, his spellbook contains only those spells which he's figured out on his own as he advanced in experience.

However, recently he was offered a deal: if he will compete in a one-on-one gladiatorial competition against a certain warrior he's not met before, then as a prize for winning he would be offered a vast collection of spells to learn, finally expanding his repertoire a bit. He has accepted the offer, hoping to win the spells and thus be an even greater asset to his adventuring team. Speaking of which, they've got a good bit of dungeon-delving planned the same day as the match, so Arhena hopes to win the fight with as little resource expenditure as possible.

Spell levels used so far in duel: 9/41
Wealth expended so far in duel: 262.5gp

HP 65/65
AC 12 Tch 12 FF 10
Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +6
Init +6
CMB +2 CMD 14

Race: Human
+2 to any stat (INT)
Bonus feat

Class: Wizard (Universalist) 7
FCB: +7 HP
Arcane Bond: Wand of magic missile (CL7) (2,625gp)
- Charges: 45/50
- Spontaneous cast: 1/1

Toughness (Human bonus feat)
Scribe Scroll (Wizard bonus feat)
Improved Initiative (Level 1)
Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (Level 3)
Craft Wondrous Item (Wizard bonus feat)
Brew Potion (Level 5)
Skill Focus (Fly) (Level 7)

0-level (DC 17, all/book, 4/prep): Detect magic, read magic, light, mage hand
1st level (DC 18, 9/book, 6/day): endure elements (1/1), shield (1/1), grease (2/2), mage armor (1/1), comprehend languages, magic missile, color spray, chill touch, feather fall (1/1)
2nd level (DC 19, 4/book, 5/day): resist energy (1/1), glitterdust (1/1), see invisibility (0/1), blindness/deafness (2/2), darkvision
3rd level (DC 20, 4/book, 3/day): daylight, hold person (2/2), fly (0/1)
4th level (DC 21, 2/book, 2/day): dimension door (1/1), greater invisibility (0/1)

Acrobatics +9
Fly +15
Knowledge (arcana) +17
Knowledge (local) +17
Knowledge (planes) +17
Knowledge (religion) +17
Perception +7
Sense Motive +7
Spellcraft +20
Stealth +9

Belt: Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 (2,000gp)
Headband: Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (Fly, Stealth) (8,000gp)
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +2 (2,000gp)
Spell component pouch (5gp)
Heavy pick (1d6-1/x4) (8gp)
Scholar's outfit (0gp)
Handy haversack (1,000gp) (Everything below is in the haversack.)
Spell component pouch (spare) (5gp)
Pearl of power I (500gp)
Pearl of power I (500gp)
Pearl of power II (2,000gp)
Necklace of fireballs (1x 10d6) (750gp)
Necklace of fireballs (1x 10d6) (750gp)
Necklace of fireballs (1x 10d6) (750gp)
Necklace of fireballs (1x 2d6) (150gp)
Necklace of fireballs (1x 2d6) (150gp)
Scroll of see invisibility (CL3) (75gp)
Oil of daylight (CL5) (375gp)
Scroll of resist energy (CL7) (175gp)
Scroll of resist energy (CL7) (175gp)
Scroll of greater invisibility (CL7) (350gp)
Scroll of greater invisibility (CL7) (350gp)
Scroll of comprehend languages (CL1) (12.5gp)
Scroll of comprehend languages (CL1) (12.5gp)
Scroll of glitterdust (CL5) (125gp)
Scroll of glitterdust (CL5) (125gp)
Scroll of fly (CL5) (187.5gp)
Scroll of fly (CL5) (187.5gp)
Scroll of darkvision (CL3) (75gp)
Scroll of darkvision (CL3) (75gp)