
Arglüe Coppertongüe's page

54 posts. Organized Play character for Jeff D. Conrad.


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The Exchange

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Page 21, Mireena should list Nereid as being in Bestiary 2 198.

The Exchange

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P. 24 are the damages in error? The medium are doing less damage than the small for all these weapons. Is there an official errata for this book?

The Exchange

Is this a correct diagram for the intent of volley? The lines could go anywhere from the troop, but they each end up being like a lightning bolt without mention of cover or range penalties. sharing

The Exchange

Is there a typo on the random encounter table, on page 10, should there be an option for a die roll of 6?

The Exchange

Is that any way to play Clash of the Kingslayers for PFS credit?

The Exchange 4/5

Chris Lambertz wrote:

October 7, 2015 Update

We've caught up and added content from August and September releases to the Additional Resources page/document. appears to be a "dead" link now. Where to see additional resources allowed?

Could a redirect be added to go to:

The Exchange 4/5

Would you rule that the extradimensional spaces of certain magic items get shut down by the planar locking? That is they become sealed when you step into the Shadow Prison?

The Exchange

David knott 242 wrote:

The PFS leaders could close out this discussion by adding to the next release of Additional Resources a statement that nothing in this book is usable. I could have sworn that at one point I saw a statement from somebody in PFS leadership to that effect.

Why not Sticky Evolution what is bad with that?

The Exchange

Are there going to be Season 11 Faction Journal Cards?

The Exchange 4/5

Simon, could you please update the name of

Feast of Dust, Part II: Flesh for the Famine Prince
Feast of Dust, Part II: Oblivion and Sand


Feast of Dust, Part II: Oblivion and Sand
Feast of Dust, Part III: Flesh for the Famine Prince

The Exchange 4/5

They should fix that. Use acrobat and make the numbers consistent.

The Exchange

The pfs sanctioned module says 11-13 for pt 1 and the chron sheets say 10-12.

The Exchange 4/5

Thanks for the tip, Christian.

The Exchange 4/5

I want my palacle to join the golden legion. One of the prereqs is to be invited by an official... I can't seem to find a scenario with those people mentioned, so since the prestige class is legal according to the additional resources list, is it ok to backstory the actual invitation from adolescence or out of scope?

The Exchange

When referring to path of glory, I see the only restriction adjacent 5ft squares. I am proposing this allows use up or down stairs and up walls as well. There isn't a restriction on altitude or inclination from what I can tell. So it is possible to grant healing to climbing party members or stairclimbing part members. Objections? Abstentions? Motion passes.

The Exchange

As a bloodmage initiate (feat)it says you are under the effects of a medium load. However dwarves have slow and steady, which says

Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

So in the case of bloatmage, there would be no effect on armor or speed, correct?

The Exchange 4/5

Have: sapphire ooze boon.
Want: any race boon which is not normal.

The Exchange 4/5

Can this scenario be played for credit? Where is the Chronicle sheet online?

The Exchange

Please cancel my future map subscriptions (no-pre-order).

The Exchange

I understand at int 18, level 1 investigator, level 1 alchemist only get 1+1 + 1+1 extracts per day.

Right now I am assuming that extracts/spells learned from the investigator extract/spell list on are shared with the known spells of the alchemist. That is if I learned CLW from investigator, I don't need to learn the alchemist way of concocting the CLW elixir/spell too?

Maybe the question is this, is the formula book for these two classes cross compatible? One book or two.

The Exchange 4/5

I just realized if you replace gem with pokeball, really the scarab sages are pokemon masters, as in, "Amenopheus, I choose you."

The Exchange

Post the light on the end of a silk rope or trinket attacked to a spiked chain, then spin the rope rapidly. You've just lit up the dark chamber. Teknoviking approves.

The Exchange

Is the phrase running and charging are impossible only in the case of heavy undergrowth, or are those actions prohibited also in the case of light?

Answer, under running confirms, no running in difficult terrain: "You can't run across difficult terrain or if you can't see where you're going."

And under difficult terrain: "You can't run or charge across difficult terrain."

Here's another case where the grammar of the paragraph structure could be more helpful if the rules were stated thusly: general rules, then subsections define specific rules, such as light versus heavy. When necessary, tables are a better than free flowing ambiguous text. In this case there were general, then specific, then general following the specific, making it difficult terrain to read the meaning.

The Exchange

Do you see any problem with running bone Mountain armor?

The Exchange 4/5

Page 16, scaling event 2, should the lion blade adjustment be enacted only in the case of four player adjustment only, or any APL table? To address it it might be good to bullet point all three or add a rule between them if they are independent.

The Exchange

I can see it now, thanks, Diego.

The Exchange

Order 4697641 has a digital download of Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion

And it says it is available in my downloads when I visit

But on my downloads I don't see it

I see the previous Pathfinder Adventure Path #47: Ashes at Dawn (Carrion Crown 5 of 6) (PFRPG) but no Elves.

Can you please help find said elves? There are orcs about!

The Exchange

Is the adventure PFS legal?

The Exchange 4/5

Do you read the emotional scarring from emotion oozes, as just like the spell, where the target can save for half damage?

The Exchange 4/5

Is there a typo for the guildhouse, twisted arch ins'ion reg ardics name gain entrance. The gist is to mention his name to gain entrance.

The Exchange 4/5

Thanks for the confirmation fellow adventurers!

The Exchange 4/5

From my -01 character, I have access to purchase the braid of a hundred masters, from 3-13 The Quest for Perfection, Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. I'm planning to use a boon to transfer this item to a real monk. Checking the legality.

From the description in 3-09 Quest for Perfection, Part I, it is described as an intelligent item (present tense):

3-09 Sidebar:

The Braid of a Hundred Masters is an intelligent item that rests dormant now, and can only be reawakened in a ritual conducted by its last master (or his eldest descendant if the master is dead). When reawakened, the braid functions only for the individual named as the master’s successor.

3-13 Conclusion:

When she emerges with a smile, the braid is restored to its ancient potency.

3-13 Success Conditions:

...allowing Je Tsun to reactivate the Braid of a Hundred Masters.

Assertion: I'm reading this as the item is reawakened/restored/reactivated as an intelligent item and therefore qualifies for the Gen Con 2017 #17 boon.

Boon #17:

Alternatively, you can transfer access to a unique intelligent item , which the recipient can now purchase. This follows the same restrictions as if you were transferring access to a new familiar type...

The Exchange

Is this pfs-able? I did not see a chronicle sheet?

The Exchange 4/5

Is there a way to use override on humanoids or only robots?

The Exchange

Paizo, any update on the maps? Could someone put them in the product description for download?

The Exchange 4/5

Please update the additional resources page:

Under Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races it shows races as being unavailable but under

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide

it says they are available. If someone reads the former it has different restrictions.

The Exchange

Baba Yaga: actually Olya Povlatsky.

The Exchange

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Modrons just want to gain a stable footing, put their best face forward, roll with whatever comes their way.

The Exchange

swoosh wrote:

Summoners. They're really flavorful and cool and while problematic for balance, so are many other things. I just use the "don't be a dick" rule and things work fine.

HeHateMe wrote:
The only thing I dislike about Occult classes is how underpowered they are compared to pretty much every class that was designed before them.

That's pretty much just the kineticist though. Psychic, Occultist, Medium, Spiritualist and Mesmerist are all solid as hell.

HyperMissingno wrote:

HyperMissingno wrote:
Why can't everyone accept this CLEARLY better way as standard?
Because people hate fractions.
HyperMissingno wrote:
This, combined with a perception I see a lot that multiclassing is fundamentally cheesy.

If the people do not like fractions, decimate them!

The Exchange 4/5

Arglüe Coppertongüe wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I played this a while ago and really liked it. Now I'm gonna run it next Sunday, and I'm really looking forward to it. I do think I'm gonna need a GM screen for this; I usually don't use one but I might need some trackers for stuff, and a place to arrange clue cards without people seeing how it's done.

Does anyone have advice on how to track time as a GM in a convenient way?

I created a spreadsheet timeline to keep track of overall time, when the concert events occur, brought a paper educator clock, and made tokens for the rooms ( 1/3 ) token per player on a small room ( double this if continuing ), (1/6 ) for a medium room and 1/12 for a large room,. You get these for every person, every ten minutes you are in the room. Once you have a set ( 3/3, 6/6 or 12/12 for that room, you get a skull check).

How did it work not sure yet, running it tonight.

It ran a bit long, the people did not get all of the latter rooms, perhaps because they did not get all of the assistance they could (the assistant).

Not sure if it is because we only had 5 players, not fully skill monkeys, I kept track of the time, or these tokens.
timed research tokens. There was only one case I think they went over by 2.5 minutes essentially in one room. It was a zero prestige situation as a result, but they did get some neat boons. I look forward to trying it again with a different mix and see how it turns out.

The Exchange 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I played this a while ago and really liked it. Now I'm gonna run it next Sunday, and I'm really looking forward to it. I do think I'm gonna need a GM screen for this; I usually don't use one but I might need some trackers for stuff, and a place to arrange clue cards without people seeing how it's done.

Does anyone have advice on how to track time as a GM in a convenient way?

I created a spreadsheet timeline to keep track of overall time, when the concert events occur, brought a paper educator clock, and made tokens for the rooms ( 1/3 ) token per player on a small room ( double this if continuing ), (1/6 ) for a medium room and 1/12 for a large room,. You get these for every person, every ten minutes you are in the room. Once you have a set ( 3/3, 6/6 or 12/12 for that room, you get a skull check).

How did it work not sure yet, running it tonight.

The Exchange

Please cancel my map and module subscriptions (all subscriptions).

The Exchange

Andrew, I'll have to look at the Inner Sea Gods, I guess I haven't read that yet. But soon? You can count on it.

The Exchange

leonvios, You sold me on the Mystery.

The Exchange

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Has anyone ever made abacus fighter build, like the guy in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?

I'm looking to try something other than a fighter/equipment feat build.

Is there a way to play a cleric or magic user and use the abacus as a weapon/shield?

In other system there used to be numbers and time domains, I don't think they have numbers in pathfinder religious domains. What do you think is the most compatible class for this guy?

The Exchange

Fighter lets me get a feel for the rope and equipment trick from 1 and then possibly recalibrate from 1st->2nd. I was considering a dual into Vigilante or Unchained Rogue, but you have an interesting point about the Occultist. My occultist has been less exciting then I'd hope (not many books to eat as a Tome Eater in pfs recently.)

The Exchange

Why is this unavailable, if it was available at one point, did the files get lost/corrupted?

The Exchange

If you have gloves of reconnaissance, check the errata from the 2nd printing, here...

The Exchange

Thank you!

The Exchange 4/5

Isn't there light from the top of the cavern?