Arghal |
DanTheS wrote:
At Thistletop there are a couple of situations where the PCs can suffer ability score damage from goblinberries or contract tetanus, but the Anniversary Edition doesn't specify a cure for either; is it just a saving throw?
For these and certain poisons throughout the adventure, how have others handled their removal? Spells like cure disease are too high level for the party to cast at this point, & if someo e like Father Zantus is able to, then why wouldn't he step up to clear out the goblins more actively?
If the answer is scrolls & potions, where would the party likely acquire them, & how would theyafford them in a worst case scenario where they are all afflicted?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Heal checks to treat diseases (tetanus is a disease) is equal to the disease's save DC. For tetanus, it's a Fort 14 DC.