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Arcwin's page

Organized Play Member. 94 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I've read in the Guide to Organized Play about how to handle potential 7-player table situations or 3-player tables, but I've also seen something else a few times and wondered about it.

What I've seen is GMs who say "I won't run a 6 player table" or "I won't run for more than 4 people" etc. For one's own home game or whatever naturally its fine, but I was wondering if this is allowed for a PFS game?

I'm sure there's all kinds of opinions on the subject, but I'm not really looking to start a discussion on the relative merits and difficulties of different table sizes. What I want to know is if there's any official rule/FAQ/etc about it like "For a PFS game a GM can't turn anyone away that's interested, except a would-be seventh player" or conversely "There are no rules, the GM can run however they please." Something like that?

I don't have the Numeria book yet, but I was considering getting it. I heard there is an alchemist's discovery for radiation. PFSRD had some information on it, but it seemed incomplete - if it really is an alchemy discovery.

I was hoping someone who has the book could look at what's online and tell me if (as I suspect) its an environment hazard entry mislinked as an alchemist discovery? Or if there is info in the book about how an alchemist would use radiation - as that is what's missing if its a discovery. alchemist-discoveries/radiation