
Arcmagik's page

433 posts (1,565 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 aliases.

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Well, given the additional interest and the fact that I have other interest start bounding around this weekend. I am going to withdrawal to give one of these other fine players the chance at your game.

Thank you, Voice.

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Not that it matters to the theme of this thread but I am not even using Pathfinder so Mythic won't be a problem for me. I have seen it botes that the Mythic Rules have been problematic for some groups so the addition of that to this thread is good!

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Max HP at First. I like sport in my murde... GMing. :)

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Since the beginning of history, the mortal world has measured time in ages. Ages of Glory, of Dreams, and even of Great Sorrows mark the human tally of years, giving a sense of order to the events of past centuries. But one Age has yet to occur—an age of darkness, of decay, and of writhing doom. Astrologers, diviners, and the servants of Fate believe that the Age of Worms may begin at any time. The canniest among them fear that it has already begun and the Herald of the Eternal Night calls...

Hello, potential applicants and readers! First off, I want to introduce myself. I have been around on the Paizo boards for many years now. Last year I had to step away to help my significant other through a hard time she was having medically, but we made it out the other side. During this time I spent my free time researching the retro-clones in my nostalgia for the “good old days” of gaming.

After a few interest checks I have finally stuck upon the following game idea. Using the Age of Worms. one of the best Paizo APs (imho) chalked full of nostalgic goodness and using the Sword & Wizardry Complete.

So without further ado...

I present Herald of the Eternal Night (Age of Worms Sword & Wizardry Edition). This game will be Episodic, much like a TV Series, we will focus on each module and replace any fallen players during the transition from episode to episode. Part I is "The Whispering Cairn".

Sword & Wizardry:

The Sword & Wizardry Complete rules are available for download on this very site!
Sword & Wizardry Complete

We will be using standard character creation rules for Level 1. Though you can shift your attribute scores around to be control the character you want to play. I have access to the Player's Companion which includes the Anti-Paladin and the Bard class... No one can play an Anti-Paladin.

I will be accepting 4 to 6 players.

There is a bit of details in the spoiler's below that should help to generate a small background. We will add more background once characters are accepted using the "Backdrop: Diamond Lake" suggestions for character ties.

House Rules:

I am only using a single House Rule for now.

The first one is a slight adjustment to Assassin. Their backstab has a 25% chance to kill the opponent, provided the opponent's hit dice are no more than 1 higher than the Assassin's level.

And now to the story...

Diamond Lake:

Welcome to Diamond Lake, a small mining town nestled in the rocky crags of the Cairn Hills, three days east of the Free City of Greyhawk to which it is subject. Iron and silver from Diamond Lake's mines fuel the Greyhawk's markets and support its soldiers and nobles with the raw materials necessary for weapons and finery. This trade draws hundreds of skilled and unskilled laborers and artisans, all hoping to strike it rich. In ages past, Diamond Lake boasted an export more valuable than metal in the form of treasure liberated from the numerous tombs and burial cairns crowding the hills around the town.

These remnants of a half-dozen long-dead cultures commandeered scandalous prices from Greyhawk's elite, whose insatiable covetousness triggered a boom in the local economy. Those days are long gone, though. The last cairn in the region coughed up its treasures decades ago, and few locals pay much mind to stories of yet-undiscovered tombs and unplundered burial cairns. These days, only a handful of treasure seekers visit the town, and few return to Greyhawk with anything more valuable than a wall rubbing or an ancient tool fragment.

In the hills surrounding the town, hundreds of laborers spend weeks at a time underground, breathing recycled air pumped in via systems worth ten times their combined annual salary. The miners are the chattel of Diamond Lake, its seething, tainted blood. But they are also Diamond Lake's foundation, their weekly pay cycling back into the community via a gaggle of gambling dens, bordellos, ale halls, and temples.

Because work in the mines is so demanding and dangerous, most folk come to Diamond Lake because they have nowhere else to turn, seeking an honest trade of hard labor for subsistence-level pay simple because the system has allowed them no other option. Many are foreigners displaced from native lands by war or famine. Work in a Diamond Lake mine is the last honest step before utter destitution or crimes of desperation. For some, it is the first step in the opposite direction: a careful work assignment to ease the burden on debtor-filled prisons, one last chance to make it in civil society.

Despite its squalor, Diamond Lake is crucial to Greyhawk's economy. The city's directors thus take a keen interest in local affairs, noting the rise and fall of the managers who run Diamond Lake's mines in trust for the government.

This is the place you grew up in, this is the place you plan to leave behind for a better life once certain financial obligations have been met.

The Whispering Cairn:

The lively mining town of Diamond Lake, a muddy smudge on the map of the hills east of the fabulous Free City of Greyhawk. Diamond Lake's inhabitants are predominately miners and laborers, serious folk who spend most of their lives toiling below ground. When not working, the miners celebrate along the Vein, a seedy road lined with ale-houses and brothels. Overall, the village is a sooty, sullen place prone to unpleasant bursts of violence and passion. But Diamond Lake holds plenty of opportunities for adventure, for the uplands surrounding the town are rife with the ancient tombs and burial cairns of long-dead cultures.

Idly chatter around the village speaks of a trio of richly dressed adventurers who frequent the taproom of the Feral Dog, Diamond Lake's most notorious tavern. The confident heroes of Greyhawk spoke of hard-won battles on their journey to Diamond Lake, and of their intention to explore the long-abandoned Stirgenest Cairn on the lake's distant southeastern shore. The natives of Diamond Lake, know that cairn is oft explored by the community's youth, who always find it completely empty of marvels and perfectly harmless.

Not so another cairn within a day's ride of the village. This cairn lies near an iron mine that went dry about 50 years ago. The mine's charter lapsed when its manager died a few years later. Situated in a sort of no-man's land, the cairn was all but forgotten, its yawning entrance overgrown with weeds and choked with debris. Rediscovered by a curious teenager a decade ago, the cairn has since been a sort of community secret held by Diamond Lake's youth, who dare each other to disappear into its cyclopean entrance to prove their bravery. Occasionally, when the wind is just right, haunting, almost magical tones emerge from the depths of the forlorn tomb. Those who know of its location call it the Whispering Cairn.

If adventurers from the Free City expect to discover hidden passages and riches within the Stirgenest Cairn, it stands to reason that the Whispering Cairn might also hold a genuine opportunity for profit. In the rough-and-tumble mining village of Diamond Lake, where desperate folk slave in dank tunnels to profit wealthy masters, an opportunity for profit is an opportunity to escape.

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In short... they level out the action economy. I could easily seem them being portable to Pathfinder.

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Basically all Legendary Creatures get 3 Legendary Actions. They can take a legendary action from a limited list of actions at the end of an opponents turn. They also get a limited number of times they can shake off a status effect to stop the 'Stunlock beat downs'.

So effectively they get 4 actions in a turn (3 legendary ones + their own action). Some of them have a Lair Action that happen on Initiative 20 if you battle them in their lair.

So it gives them an equal action economy against an adventuring party. As well as gives them a limited resistance to getting locked down by a party and wrecked.

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“Gather around and let me tell you a story... this one is about the War of the Lance... no, not that one. This isn't your father's story, this isn't about the Innfellows from Solace, no... this story is different... certainly you will see some similarities if you look closely, but there won't be any Majere twins, or Sturm, or Tanis, or... well you get the picture. This story doesn't even begin in Solace... it begins about two hundred miles to the east in the town of Langtree.”


With the release of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition or Next, or just Dungeons & Dragons, whatever you want to call it, I have found a renewed love for the old settings... like Dragonlance. After some consideration and a short interest thread I have decided to run a modern re-imaging of the Dragonlance Classic, War of the Lance... You won't be finding the Innfellow here or even all the elements of the classic storyline. The overall theme, the thread of Takhisis, and the epic-storyline to determine the fate of Ansalon, nay... all of Krynn.

This game will begin in the town of Langtree. The following information is provided for your viewing pleasure (gathered off the Dragonlance Nexus Lexicon)


Along the southwestern coastline of Blödehelm, lies the town of Langtree, or even Langtree on the Green. Following the Cataclysm, a Knight of Solamnia called John of Langtree fled from Solamnia with his family and journeyed to Blödehelm. Stopping on the western shores on an inlet of New Sea, he built a wooden stockade that would serve as their new home. Over time other refugees and exiles passed by the stockade and took up residence, and soon a small town had been built around the stockade. Eventually a fortress replaced the stockade and the town of Langtree was born.

In later years, one of the rulers of Langtree declared the town and it's surrounding lands to be the independent Barony of Langtree, and the ruler to be the Baron of Langtree. The town became filled with mercenaries and refugees and the Langtree barons (being a military-minded family) were renowned for their private armies of mercenaries. Governed by the patriarch of the Langtree line, the town formed an alliance with the city of Vantal several years before the War of the Lance, to protect the Blödehelm region from the fearsome ogres of Blöde.

Langtree Castle was built to replace the wooden stockade that was the first dwelling in what would become the town of Langtree. The castle became the home of the Langtree family, who are the rulers of the town. The castle is maintained to the highest order, everything clean and orderly. Stables are set to the side, and a vast courtyard dominates the area beyond the castle entrance. A spartan and orderly barracks is where the soldiers of Langtree are housed, and the castle itself had a laboratory set below ground level, where the baron's war wizards practiced their art and research.

Located on the outskirts of Langtree is the large hill nicknamed "Heave-Your-Guts" where the Army of the Mad Baron was trained, by sending the recruits running up and down the hill in full battle regiment.

The Army of the Mad Baron is the name for the various mercenary forces that united under the banner of Ivor of Langtree. Ivor, also known as the Mad Baron, was considered to have one of the finest small armies in all of Ansalon during the Age of Despair, as his forces were extremely well trained and disciplined. He often had requests from people asking to use his services, but would only allow his army to undertake requests that were good and seemingly honorable.

Ivor of Langtree was the ruler of the town of Langtree in the years prior to the War of the Lance. Known as a wise tactician and strategist, Ivor signed a treaty with the king of Vantal, in order to maintain a joint alliance against the ogres of Blöde and any other enemies that would rise against either Vantal or Langtree. Ivor was also known to openly worship the god Kiri-Jolith, a practice which earned him the nickname "The Mad Baron", as most folk considered the gods to be gone from the world at this point. Ivor was known to be good at a game called Knight's Jump, and his favorite mount that he rode into battle was Jet.

Born as a second son, Ivor never expected to rule and spent his young days living by the sword, hiring companies of men, which he led into battle. With the untimely death of his brother however, he inherited rule of the town of Langtree. Described as a small and slender man who stood at five feet and two inches, with a dark complexion, long black hair and brown eyes, he could almost be mistaken for a kender. However he was also reputed to have the courage of a much larger man. He was known to love fighting, gambling, ale and women, in that particular order.

Whilst he did continue to serve as the ruler of Langtree, Ivor also continued to train and build his own private army of mercenaries, who were much sought after for many causes. However Ivor would only allow his troops to engage in causes he deemed honorable and just.

Character Generation:

Standard rules apply except as follows:

Appropriate Races: Humans (use Variant Human Traits), Half-Elves, Hill Dwarf (Neidar), Kender (Lightfoot Halfling), Half-Ogre (Half-Orc)
Other Races are available but require explanation: Mountain Dwarf (Why are you not in Thorbardin?), Elves (any nation) and Rock Gnomes (Tinker Gnomes) (Why are you not at home with your people?)

Appropriate Classes: Everything except Sorcerer and Warlock. Divine Classes will find themselves under some restrictions in the beginning, remember this is the end of the Age of Despair. The True Gods have not returned yet and that is part of the story of the War of the Lance.

Ability Scores: Use the standard set (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

Background: Choose your Background then choose your traits, ideals, bonds, flaws.

I will not be using the optional Feats rule, if you wish to play with the Feats then you will need to be Human (which you get one Feat).

Character Roles:

The following eight roles were filled by the “classic” Heroes of the Lance and these are the roles I will looking for in characters. Ignore the information that seems strange (aka referring to d20 rules or talking about chapters because I copied it from Volume I Dragons of Autumn as I got into a bit of a rush.)

The Prophet
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Prophet is chosen by the gods of Light to hear Mishakal’s calling. She obtains the Blue Crystal Staffand, using it, retrieves the Disks of Mishakal—the holy scripture that will return knowledge of the gods to the people.

The Classic Character
The plainswoman Goldmoon was chosen by the goddess Mishakal to bear the ancient artifact known as the Blue Crystal Staff. As the Prophet, Goldmoon is fated to bring the knowledge of the true gods back into the world. While she does not fully comprehend how to accomplish this, she has accepted the responsibility of this task. Although her possession of the Blue Crystal Staffplaces her in great danger from those who desire or fear its powers, Goldmoon stands resolute and bold in the face of that threat. Raised as royalty among her people, Goldmoon is not afraid to take a commanding role when one is needed, but she also has the wisdom to allow others to lead when necessary. She is soft-spoken but always maintains an air of confidence and dependability.

What Could Replace the Character
This adventure requires a cleric, for healing during and after combat if nothing else. If Goldmoon is not used, another character with a spiritual outlook (whose player is willing to take at least one level of cleric after retrieving the Disks of Mishakalfrom Xak Tsaroth) should be created. The NPC Elistan is intended to become the shepherd of the people, so the player taking on the role of Prophet need not be purely devoted to taking levels of cleric. This character must be of good moral alignment.

The Leader
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Leader is the face of the group. He does the talking in delicate social situations; he negotiates with friends and enemies when appropriate. He is trusted to make many decisions on behalf of the entire party.

The Classic Character
Among the original Innfellows, Tanis Half-Elven reluctantly takes on the role of the Leader archetype. Although he often doubts himself, his companions frequently look to him for guidance and direction. Being a half-elf, Tanis has a unique outlook on life. He understands being a victim of prejudice and is never quick to judge or underestimate a person he meets. His long life and wanderings have made him one of the more worldly and experienced of the companions. Tanis often broods over internal conflicts, but he is careful to conceal his true emotions. He doubts his leadership abilities. He struggles over his love for both the human Kitiara and the elf maid Laurana, and he is at odds with his mixed heritage. In his leadership role, Tanis understands the strengths and weaknesses of his companions; he works to bring out their best in any situation. If there is a diplomatic solution to a situation, Tanis will usually be the first to take advantage of it.

What Could Replace the Character
Any charismatic character with a sense of responsibility can fill this role. The other characters should like and trust him, even if he doesn’t trust himself. It’s unlikely a wizard can fill this role, but many other classes can; a noble or a charismatic fighter would be ideal.

The Rogue
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Rogue is usually the jack-of-all-trades. This archetype has a wide array of skills at his disposal. He regularly uses these skills to his own advantage, but he also often uses them to assist the other members of his party.

The Classic Character
The irrepressible kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot plays the Rogue archetype among the Innfellows. Being a kender, Tasslehoff grew up perfecting a number of skills that come naturally to those of his race; moving silently, hiding in shadows, and picking locks and pockets are all second nature to him. Tasslehoff’s role as the Rogue presents him with challenges that other party members rely on him to overcome. He is employed as a scout to range ahead and find enemies before they find him or his companions. He is also known for acquiring items the party may need (and more than a few they don’t). When the party is trapped, it is often Tasslehoff who finds a way out. Tasslehoff is energetic, intensely curious, and entirely fearless.

What Could Replace the Character
There are certainly times when a character who knows how to sneak, pick locks, and get into places he’s not supposed to be can be very handy. Rogues (of course) and rangers can fit role very well; a mariner might also work, or even a master with suitable specializations.

The Sage
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Sage is a central character in many fantasy tales. In this adventure, most of the heroes are ignorant of Ansalon’s history, but it is through uncovering and understanding the past that the heroes prevail in particular tasks. The Sage is extremely important to the group’s success throughout the adventure.

The Classic Character
The red-robed mage Raistlin Majere fills the role of the Sage archetype for the Innfellows. He is highly intelligent and has a thirst for knowledge. Raistlin is physically weak, his body broken by the Test of High Sorcery; therefore, Raistlin draws strength from his knowledge. He jealously guards it, doling it out in small portions. Raistlin has an air of mystery about him, and when he speaks, he is often biting and sarcastic. He keeps many things to himself and only reveals his knowledge if he believes it will further his own goals or will prove to others he is not as weak and helpless as they believe. He gains a measure of satisfaction in seeing others put his knowledge to use, especially when he uses knowledge to manipulate them to do his bidding.

What Could Replace the Character
A wizard, though not required for Dragons of Autumn, is certainly useful. Spell support for the party is always extremely helpful, but the role of a Sage could be filled by a master with the sage focus or a rogue with a number of skill points dedicated to various knowledge checks. However, selecting those classes over wizard will lessen the overall combat effectiveness of the group.

Additional Archetypes
These are some additional archetypes that can be included in the adventure. Although they are not necessary, you may find that you have a more balanced party if the players in your group select one of each kind instead of doubling up.

The Ranger
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Ranger is often seen as a dark and stoic warrior. The party relies on the Ranger for his combat abilities and his knowledge of wilderness and nature when traveling to distant lands. The Ranger archetype is not usually suited to take a leadership role as most rangers prefer not to deal with people in general.

The Classic Character
Riverwind fills the archetype of the Ranger for the Innfellows. He rarely speaks; when he does, it is short and to the point. Riverwind is content to follow Goldmoon on whatever path she may take, and he will serve and protect her with his dying breath. He will do the same for any of the companions he feels he can trust. The rest of the Innfellows depend on Riverwind for his skills in battle and wilderness survival. Since he is more of a follower than a leader, he is uncomfortable with giving orders and would prefer to perform missions on his own (or with
Goldmoon) rather than take on any kind of leadership position.

What Could Replace the Character
Any character with good fighting abilities and survival skills could fill this role. Player characters with the barbarian, fighter, or ranger classes are the most likely candidates to fill this archetype. Monks or nobles with skill points in survival would also make an interesting choice.

The Mentor
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Mentor archetype is a character who teaches by example, is a steadfast friend, and counsels the others using his life experience.

The Classic Character
The dwarven blacksmith Flint Fireforge plays the role of the Mentor for the Innfellows. He is not the strongest, most intelligent, or most skilled of the heroes, but Flint’s wisdom and levelheaded outlook helps prevent the companions from making rash decisions. He works to keep the more chaotic members of the party in line and gives his council to the Leader when he feels it’s necessary. Flint tends to grumble and complain, but he does it in a good-natured manner. When Flint perceives an injustice, he speaks up and doesn’t dance around the subject. He
speaks plainly and directly to the point. A Mentor must prove he is reliable, and there is no other character more reliable and loyal than Flint Fireforge.

What Could Replace the Character
The most important aspects of filling this role are loyalty and friendship. Wisdom and old age would also seem to be a requirement, but they are not entirely necessary. Since these are roleplaying attributes, it does not matter what class a person plays. Any player who is willing to support the party as a whole, rather than looking out only for himself, would do well in this role.

The Protector
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Protector is the archetype who is always willing to put himself in harm’s way for the good of the party. He will step into any fight to shield the ones he loves.

The Classic Character
Among the Innfellows, Caramon Majere fills the role of the Protector. Caramon is a good-looking, strapping young man with a big heart. He cares deeply for all the companions and is always willing to place himself between them and any threat that may come their way. Caramon is protective of anyone who is physically weaker than himself, which is just about everyone. This is especially so for his twin brother Raistlin who is often sick. Caramon and Raistlin often fight back to back, combining their strengths and ensuring that Caramon can defend the wizard.

Riverwind, companion and defender of Goldmoon, also qualifies as a Protector.

What Could Replace the Character
The role of the Protector will most likely be served best by a skilled warrior who can stand at the front of the party in any battle and is able to take a beating. Knights and fighters make the best protectors, although a barbarian could also fill the role.

The Idealist
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Idealist archetype is that of the beautiful, gifted, and doomed. This character in the story is fated to fulfill some destiny during the adventure and is willing to give up his life to accomplish this task.

The Classic Character
Sturm Brightblade has chosen to dedicate his life to the tenets of the Knights of Solamnia. In all aspects of his life, he tries to embody the ideals and principles of his knightly training. He would not willingly do anything to mar that image. As the Idealist archetype, Sturm is fated to a tragic end in order to pull together the crumbling organization of the Knights of Solamnia. He is a skilled warrior, willing to defend his friends at any cost.

Among the Innfellows, Sturm is not always understood. The rules by which he governs his life sometimes are at odds with the rest of the party. Tanis seems to have an uncanny ability to make Sturm realize that sometimes even the most rigid rules can be interpreted in different ways. As the story progresses, Sturm grows to realize that the world is not as black and white as he once thought.

What Could Replace the Character
The character who takes this role should have some affinity with the noble ideals of the Knights of Solamnia. It will take a huge sacrifice to bring the Knights back together and rally them against the invading Dragonarmies. A knight or warrior affiliated with the Knights would be the most likely candidate for this role, though even a nonknightly character may prove to have the commitment and conviction to rise above the darkness and inspire others at great risk to himself.

The Ingénue
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Ingénue archetype is that of a sweet and beautiful maiden in distress. This character in the story shows a progression from an innocent girl to a strong, worldly woman.

The Classic Character
Tika Waylan serves as the Ingénue archetype in the story. She begins as an acquaintance of the Innfellows who knew her as a small child. But since that time, she has grown into a young woman. The invasion of the Red Dragonarmy forces her to flee Solace with the Innfellows; her love for Caramon keeps her with them. Tika is a freckled-faced redhead who is as beautiful as she is fiery. While she seems to maintain an air of confidence, she is the least experienced of the companions. As the damsel in distress, the companions always have to keep an eye out for her in any dangerous situation.

Laurana, Princess of Qualinost, also begins as an Ingénue, but later develops into a strong and inspirational leader of the Solamnic armies.

What Could Replace the Character
The Ingénue archetype has no ties to any particular character class; rogues, nobles, and even monks could take this part in the story. Tika and Laurana begin as NPCs because the innocent and vulnerable character is often not as interesting to play until character growth begins. While both characters later become available as PCs (Tika in Chapter 2: Flame, Laurana in Dragons of Winter), any player who wants to assume this role for her character should be afforded the opportunity.

The Hawk
This Archetype’s Role in the Adventure
The Hawk archetype is related to aggressive impulses. Driven by frustration or despair, this character often seeks a foe upon which to focus his aggression, although as the story develops he may begin to understand the need for peace and stability.

The Classic Character
Gilthanas-Kanan fills this niche in the story. For an elf, he is quick to anger and quick to react against the threat of the Dragonarmies. The fate of his people weighs heavily on his shoulders, and Gilthanas lets his concern for his people fuel his anger. This weight is lifted somewhat once the elves flee into the west, but Gilthanas continues to struggle until the threat of the Dragonarmies is eliminated.

What Could Replace the Character
Any warrior character with levels in fighter, barbarian, or ranger could fill the role of Hawk. Nobles, especially among the nonhuman races, are likely to possess the required emotional drive. Gilthanas begins as an NPC because, in addition to coming from a different set of circumstances than the rest of the Innfellows, his initial aggression and suspicion can be disruptive to the party.

Although Gilthanas later becomes available as a PC (after Laurana is kidnapped in Chapter 2: Flame), any player who wishes to assume this role for his character should be given the opportunity to do so.

Any questions? I probably over looked several things in my rush to post this recruitment thread.

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I have always loved Dragonlance, and only got to run a few short things in it. However I am greatly enjoying the new 5E ruleset, and seen a few other 5E games that seemed to fill up quickly so now I propose the following concept for an Interest Check...

A modern re-imaging of the War of the Lance with the new Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. There has been a great many things that have come out since the early ages of D&D and Dragonlance, and that is why I am calling it a modern re-telling because A) You will be your own heroes. B) I have no plans on using the actual War of the Lance modules (maybe a few elements here and there), but I feel like there are better versions of the Evil Dragon Goddess invades with her armies and the heroes have to save the world from her machinations now.

So I purpose the following line-up with some of my own custom alterations to the storylines...

A) Keep on the Borderlands (or Return to the Keep on the Borderlands) in Dragonlance, set in the New Coast area just a few days from Solace (not set on that yet, but I've been reading around it would be a good area for it).


B) Red Hand of Doom (set across the whole of Krynn where Takhisis' invasion happens as opposed to the Vale in the book). This module has tons of dragon elements, and Evil Dragon Goddess elements that can be altered to Takhisis.


C) Something epic to end the machinations of Takhisis on Krynn and send her fleeing back into the abyss.

I will continue to investigate this concept while I await to see how much interest it would generate.

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I made plans for Hargulka's council to be missing some titles as to apply a bit of a hindrance to the Kingdom. Maybe over time if the PCs don'f react than he will recruit enough monsters to fill out the Council and be a grave threat to the stability of the PC Kingdom.

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My group just began a finally wrap-up of the Stolen Lands. There is a lot of political stuff happening right now in my game but...


Noleski Surtova (a Warrior-King, part of the reason it has been so hard to get others to recognize him as King, his diplomacy skills are not overly sharp, and most of his schemes were spurred by his sister) was poisoned at the betrothal ceremony in Restov for Ioseph Sellemius (not just the Lord Mayor but the Sword Baron in my campaign as well) and Lady Alexis Orlovsky (daughter of Lord Poul Orlovsky, who is the epitome of a politician in all ways). While the party was out in the Stolen Lands, the King/Lord Regent died which sparked a violent retaliation by the Surtovas blaming Restov, and Lord Orlovsky met with Natala Surtova, switched sides and was named Lord Regent.

The remaining Swordlords fled to the Stolen Lands, trying to rally around an old border keep (replacement for Oleg's Trading Post), the current man poised to become Sword Baron who wants to strike back at the Surtova is none other than Maegar Varn (a non-aldori trained Swordlord, basically an Urban Barbarian, that challenged and killed another Swordlord inheriting his position). Unknown to Lord Varn, the Lady Alexis Orlovsky carried with her the charter (last will and testament of the Lord Mayor/Sword Baron Ioseph Sellemius) passing part of his estate and the authority of the Stolen Lands to the party.

We will see how they deal with Lord Varn... but the Stag Fort was never dealt with; a large army of bandits (the Stag Bandits were far more organized and larger influence in the Greenbelt) appeared charging for the convoy, only for the group to realize that they were being chased by an army of wolves. The PC poised to be the new ruler, managed to convince them to turn on the wolves and lead the convoy forces into a flank attack. The surviving bandits (lead by Falgrim Sneed, who is a disgraced and exiled Swordlord form rival of Kesten Garess, who is a young Swordlord) were given amnesty and joined the "expedition" after the battle.

The group just learned that a monstrous troll has been self-styled the Troll King and is trying to smash out a monstrous kingdom in the southern Greenbelt, he chased the bandits out of the Stag Fort by ripping off the heads of their current leaders (a vile druid that keeps talking about his "Green Goddess" and Dovan of Nisroch) and fed them to a two-headed monstrosity. Thus the party has been introduced to this storyline as they begin Rivers Run Red+ (or Act II: There Will Be Blood of my campaign).


Ironically they keep trying to make Sense Motive checks against Falgrim, as they think the whole thing is made up!

Thank you, Dudemeister!

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First off... is the party new to playing?

If so than this is a valuable lesson for them. You do not continue to "trigger" rooms while you are in the middle of fights! Also some dungeons you just have to find a "resting" spot so you can go back to come back fresh.

If they are not, while it is their own damn faults for treating a dungeon like disneyland!

I don't think you overdid anything, and the fault is not yours here. I mean if they were new, I would have asked several times, are you sure you want to do that? Explaining to them the dangers... if they weren't new I would shake my head and gleefully slaughter them as they made such newbie mistakes... much like when they split the party... hint you never split the party.

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Same reason they didn't strip Raistlin of his abilities before Legends... plot device.

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Or... the Carrion Crown in Transylvania and the Whispering Tyrant being Lord Dracula... and the protagonist being part of the Belmont Clan? Done lol

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I like Pathfinder for the sheer amount of options (and I think Archetypes are the greatest thing since chocolate) but those same options also get you in trouble with rules bloat. I felt the same way about 3.5E getting in the way of my game, and after finally being able to run an extended Pathfinder game... It seems to do the same thing which is sad because I love Paizo.

However that being said the Adventure Paths and modules that Paizo releases are high quality stories and pure gold imo. I have used them out of Pathfinder before in different settings/systems and it worked out well.

Skull & Shackles (or Savage Tides) in Space? Yes, please.
Council of Thieves in a Gotham-esque superhero origins game? Sure
Rise of the Runelords (or Age of Worms) in World of Darkness? Isn't it always about some big bad mofo from the ancient past rising up to bring ruin to the world (or status quo), yep.

Best way to do all the conversions is being familiar with the entire Adventure Path as best as you can be (including all the helpful additions from these boards) and having some mastery of the system you are converting too.

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Quantum Steve wrote:
A bunch of stuff...

Dudemeister may be done, but I think you are missing quite a few points. Even if your play style is different and has nothing to do with giving the PCs all the cards you have to look at it from the point of view of the NPCs that you are basically going on about.

Nomen are a dying tribe, and they are likely aware of this, but they are prideful. The Chieftain is likely the most aware of this fact as any good leader are aware of the plights of their people. Using the Expansion the PCs have completed ever trial, learned about the tribe, and while not centaurs have earned their respect and basically been accepted into the tribe.

Now they go and kill the great Nomen BBEG... they will be legends within the tribe for ages to come, and they are larger then life heroes of the tribe now. Why wouldn't the Nomen want to follow them when they speak of the future? One of them has challenged the Chieftain for the right to rule, and won. They live with their human tribe, but the Chieftain is not always present with the tribe.

If you want life then search their maybe several of them opposed to these human upstarts, and this distant rule. There are always people like that, but the majority of these live-breathing NPCs respect and honor these Nomen heroes and would follow them to war now. They have legitimately earned the right to rule the Nomen by tribal law! They are likely not the first Chieftain with strange ways but their culture will still be respected.

This has nothing with making the Nomen tribe into a reward for the PCs, but making them into real people that have befriended these outsiders, who they watched them struggle to understand them and become part of their tribe (and likely the first humans to bother), and then defeat the ancient enemy of the tribe that no one has ever done, and come to rule the tribe (since they are tribe members) by tribal law... why would they NOT want to follow them?

There is absolutely no reason to suspect or distrust these heroes anymore of destroying their culture or taking their ancestral lands from them.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Said from really good things.


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The dragon seemingly the brave of the pair flies down to land on the outstretched arm of Valeska.

"I am Perlivash." The miniature dragon speaks in a high-pitched tone. The other fey, not quite as brave, lands on the head of Teyran's horse. She looks up at the paladin with forest green eyes, she looks bashful as she speaks to Teyran, "I am Tyg-Titter-Tut"

Perlivash snickers and hoots, "Tyg has a crush!", which causes the other fey to stamp her cricket feet and glare daggers at the dragon, "I DO NOT!" She yells in the loudest voice she can muster.

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I would actually put the KM BBEG in the realm of the Summer Court previously given her history. If you replace some of the First World stuff with a heavier Fey influence then you could have her been a consort of Oberon and cursed by Titania. It could be a revenge/power struggle against the Queen of Summer!

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My party was worse... they kept wandering around alone in the Narlmarches... several characters later they stopped doing that but then the campaign fell apart a bit later over my own GM fatigue.

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E6 does not just effect the player characters, it changes the feel of the world. 90% of the world are nothing but level 1 commoners with 2-5 HP. Even a Level 1 Wizard is considerably more powerful then they are and it makes level 1 characters feel like competent heroes in their own right and level 6 characters seem legendary in comparison to them.

I am currently running a E6 Kingmaker on these forums, and altered some of the NPCs to fit the feel of the world. One of the low-level NPCs in the beginning is now a deadly Swordlord because I downgraded his level to 2, and added the Aldori Swordlord archetype to him.

Noleski Surtova, the ruler of Brevoy, was changed to a Aristocrat 1/Warrior 3, making him feel like a Warrior-King in comparison to others even through he is using NPC classes.

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What are some other adventures that are recommended for the Kingmaker AP? I've seen several people mention the Carnival one.