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Malachi: that is still revolutionary.
How is that revolutionary? That's exactly how touch spells have always worked.
You can automatically touch one friend or use the spell on yourself
You can automatically touch one friend, not possible while pinned since you're unable to move to do so; or simply use the spell on yourself. No mention of touching yourself there, since you already are.
My experience is that every edition of D&D that ever required you to touch for a spell considered that if you could restrain the caster from touching himself you can stop him from gaining benefit of a spell. Your idea is that you are always touching yourself is a new one at least from my experience.
In my experience this has never been the case. The benefit of restraining the caster is keeping him from casting in the first place.
For that matter, this would change grapple rules too. If you grapple someone holding a spell would you (using your rules) automatically discharge the spell? The implication from your interpretation is that yes, you would. After all, you are touching the person holding the spell arent you?
The grapple rules would still work normally. I think this was addressed in the succubus level drain question. Grappling wouldn't automatically discharge the spell since touch spells don't work that way, but the caster could certainly attack on his round.
Once pinned the caster would not be able to make that attack, since it doesn't fall under the actions he's allowed to take. If for some reason he wanted to discharge the spell on himself he could simply use the spell on himself, just like the touch spell description says.