
Archade's page

Organized Play Member. 1,236 posts (1,237 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

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Hey all,

I'm attempting to use GIMP to take the Kingmaker maps, layer the player's blank hex map, and reveal only sections of what can be explored.

I'm having difficulty matching up layers, and selecting only sections to reveal.

Does anyone out there have GIMP experience who can help me?

Dark Archive

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We have rules for grappling spellcasters, shooting in to a melee, jumping from a chandelier into a grapple, being immersed in lava, but nothing for passing an object from one character to another.

I’d recommend adding this to the list of actions possible as a move action, and the ‘receiver’ need do nothing but be willing to accept the object, have a hand free.

Dark Archive

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Benjamin Toon wrote:
So, for those of you who use background music as an element for your games, what's your choice so far when running CoCT?

I'm trying for creepy and later-period music, so ...

- Sleepy Hollow
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Van Helsing
- Midnight Syndicate's Horror/Cthulu Stuff
- Children of Dune
- Medieval Total War

There is a website with free computer game soundtracks ... if you do a google search for "Baldur's Gate" +mp3 you will find a bunch of games that are useful ...

Dark Archive

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Actually, the way Pathfinder words it, you can have a human Wizard with a toad, and the Toughness feat.

So a 1st level wizard (6 hp), with a 14 Constitution (+2 hp), a toad (+3 hp) and Toughness (+4 hp) can start with 15 hit points!

Dark Archive

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I think blank cards are a great idea! It would take item cards for me from the realm of "neat but it won't work for my campaign" to "what a great product! I'll buy 5 copies!".

I think the blank cards should be non-glossy on both sides, and sold in decks, and yes they should be inexpensive. The only other option I could see is doubling the size of the boosters and making 50% of the cards blank.

Nothing on the front, nothing on the back, generic border, and away we go!