ArcLord's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

Thurston Hillman wrote:

There's no requirement to "slot" these meta-boons, since they're slotless boons. The only requirement you need to meet, is that the character you've completed this boon with matches the minimum Reputation Tier. As all current meta-boons scale based on Reputation Tier, that means you'll need at least Reputation Tier 1 in order to collect the boon for the first time.

Minor Clarification (as it has been asked): Reputation Tier 0 does NOT count as a valid Reputation Tier to collect the rewards from the meta-boons.

Thank you. Much appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Hello, I have a question regarding how boons such as "Society Shepard" and similar boons are to be handled in games where one cannot slot boons. Here forward, I call these boons Meta-boons because they reward out of character actions with in character rewards appropriate to the factions and because it takes less typing.

To be specific to my case, I acquired Society Shepard before bringing a new player to a quest. As it is a quest, I could not slot boons. Does this mean I could not get the benefit of Society Shepard for bringing someone for their first time to a SFSRPG game?
As another example, would a Dataphile be able to play it online and get credit for "Digital Presence?" I believe each faction has one such metaboon.

Thank you for your time.

Scarab Sages

ICPD wrote:
...I think that Precise Companion isn't the greatest class feature and doesn't help the Hunter. This class feature shoehorns the Hunter into being some sort of archer.

I agree both that it isn't the greatest class feature and , to a lesser degree, that it shoehorns overly much.

As I see it, if someone will go an archer path with this class, they are going to be taking the Precise Shot feat anyways as this does nothing to stop the penalty from your fighter buddy alongside your target. Otherwise, you're pressuring the Hunter to fight only with the animal companion for his bonus.

I believe that were to push the ability back some levels and change it so that the animal companion didn't provide cover from the Hunter it would benefit more builds, specifically benefiting reach weapons which has a lot of potential synergy with animal companions and teamwork feats. Pushing this backwards in levels would give less gain for dipping in multiclassing, while giving a portion of the benefit of a feat which is very difficult for a 3/4 BAB class to obtain.

Unfortunately, I cannot think of a manner to change this ability to keeps its theme while functioning for more builds.

Scarab Sages

Rynjin wrote:

Near as I can tell the extent of the changes:

-More uses of Animal Focus (but doesn't improve any of them)
-Nature training

Also the animal aspect stays on the Animal Companion forever and can shift as a swift action.