Arc_knight25's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I have a level 7 Magus.

My question is with how Spell Combat, Spellstrike and Frostbite works together?

So being level 7, I have 7 uses of Frostbite correct?
Spellstrike allows me to use a melee weapon to deliver touch attacks.
Spell Combat allows me to Cast a spell and get my full round of attacks off at a -2.

So I begin my turn 10ft away from Mr. Orc. I declare Spell Combat which is a full round action. during this turn I can 5ft, cast a spell, make my full attacks at a -2.

1) I decide to cast Frostbite. I am not threatened by Mr. Orc so I forgo casting defensively. Frostbite is a touch spell so as a free action I can deliver it as a melee attack using Spellstrike.

2)I take my 5ft movement to get into range.

3)I use my free action from Frostbite to attack Mr Orc with my rapier. This attack is at a -2 from using Spell Combat.

4)I now use the rest of my attacks (which is only 1 more because my BaB is 5) These attacks are again at a -2 from Spell Combat.

Now this is where this get hazy for me.
Since I casted Frostbite before making my other full attacks granted by Spell Combat

Do the rest of the full attacks I make from using Spell Combat have Frostbite since it gives 7 charges? and only 1 such charge has had a potential to be used.

Also what about AoO

Say MR Orc sees the elf behind me and want to get to him even if it incurs and AoO?

Lets say I have 4 charges left on my Frostbite. Will the AoO I make also have Frostbite on it bringing my total charges from 4 to 3 if I hit?