
Araska the Desert Walker's page

7 posts. Alias of Kiradia.


Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Araska turns quiet as the current conversation speaks of her former home. While her heart cries out to ask questions, and maybe learn if her parents survived, she could not do anything with the information and so chooses to keep that to herself. She will learn the truth eventually. Instead, Araska turns to the blind man and says, "The city rests inside a gulch surrounded by rocky mountains. Sand and a black lake... and ruined buildings all around. The desert has taken its toll on the city as it always does. It doesn't feel like there's much in the way of life... few could survive out here at least."

Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Sorry I didn't post over the weekend. Usually I'm able to make one or two posts but this weekend was killer overtime in my company. I'm good to go with the shared backstory.

Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Araska waits until the Bard has finished his tale before answering Ja'far, so intent on listening to the elf weave his legends of history that Araska found herself leaning forward in her seat right up to the ending. Turning back to Ja'far as she leans back, she smiles and says, "Could you imagine it? Seeing that much blue? Heh... one can dream... As for why I'm here, the truth is I'm still figuring that out. The ruins sound amazing so I want to see them and maybe find some clues to something I've... inherited from the desert."

Turning her head to look sideways as Gaanon stands up, Araska answers Gaanon's question by standing as well, "Yes Gaanon, lets see the ruins," Araska turns to Ja'far and Husayn-el-Khanif with a gesture asking if they would join the pair of us.

Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Araska waits quietly next to the similarly silent Gaanon, her eyes following the bard as he seems to start making his way up to begin performing. Araska waves to Ja'far again now that he seems to be done catching up with his old friend and shifts slightly so there is more room for the man to sit. Over the last few days Ja'far had become an interest to Araska after learning of how widely he seemed to have traveled. While she had been through much of the western areas of the Tabelands around Tyr, Araska had little experience with the eastern, northern, or southern lands and enjoyed listening to everyone else's adventures across the different domains of the Sorcerer-Kings.

Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Araska gives a dismissive wave in the general direction of the people scattering from behind the half-giant, "They are already moving, and a half-giant deserves to see and hear a bard's tale up close as much as anyone."

Araska sips from her water bowl and enjoys the refreshing liquid as Ja'far makes his entrance. Feeling in a friendly mood, Araska waves him over as well, "Rejoice Ja'far, you are in fact just in time."

Female Human Mystic (Aurora Soul//Daevic 3 Champion 1

Araska sits expectantly in the palace's audience hall on one of the many benches. Coming from one of the many wandering tribes outside of the city, Araska has never had much chance to enjoy the work of true bards. Her tribe elder's fireside tales sure, but to see a trained bard work his craft was a true delight. Not arrayed for combat, Araska is wearing her simple tunic and threadbare robes tied tightly around her body, with a small bowl of water in front of her.

Araska waves to Gaanon as he enters the audience hall, giving a short grin as she sees the look on the large half-giant's face, "More talk from the others huh? Join me, the shows about to start!"

Meant to get this out sooner. I'll follow up a bit later with some ideas for tying backstories together.

(Offensive)- Araska at this stage is a pretty average unarmed striker focused on Broken Blade maneuvers but will rapidly develop into an unarmed and natural weapon blender. Her primary trick is going to be using a set of maneuvers and feats that give her overrun or bull rush attacks from her unarmed strikes. Which will in turn activate the Vengeance power she will gain at level 5 to perform a full attack with all of her natural attacks as a free action once per turn. With this setup, she will be capable of performing decently large amounts of burst damage in combination with battlefield control and other effects from her maneuvers.

(Defensive)- Defensively Araska is capable of several forms of active counters and will have decent though not spectacular passive defences. Full progression on all three saving throws and an assortment of energy damage and AC boosters combine with Broken Blade counter maneuvers for anti-melee and a series of Elemental Flux and Mystic class abilities for anti-magic powers gives Araska a lot of defensive options.

(Haling)- Non-existant.

(Face)- Araska doesn't have any special ability towards being a face but does have a decent charisma.

(Other Skills)- Araska is a fighter, but through Glyphs provides some pretty amazing and versatile party support.

(Path)- Araska is a champion, not terribly useful beyond obvious numerical bonuses but it fits better than anything else.