
Apex_hentz's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange


I've been a gamer forever and I have been wondering at what age I could start to introduce my son to the hobby. I think the Beginner Box says it's for ages 12/13+, so I thought I had to wait a few more years.

My son is 9 years old, and now that I hear you've already introduced your kids at a younger age I cannot wait to get the Beginner Box and start working with my son.

____________You have inspired me, sir! Thank you!

The Exchange

I read through all the posts before looking at the map. I almost got desensitized to all the "Wow it's amazing!" posts.

Then I looked at the map.

It's astounding that thing is hand-drawn. Scharlata said they printed it and put it up on the wall. I'm going to do that too, but I don't have Photoshop. Here's what I'm planning on doing:

I'm going to use the Block Posters website (http://www.blockposters.com/) and upload the map and have it print out on multiple pieces of paper so I can put it up kind of like a collage.

BTW...this website works great for any kind of artwork you find digitally.

Thank you, Mr. Macdonald! I sincerely hope you get some scratch from Paizo for cartographic work.

The Exchange

Okay...I'll be that guy.


Has anyone else done something like this? I'm going to be starting this soon and I'll be a first-time GM to boot. I could really use something like this.

If this has been done in a different thread, just tell me to look elsewhere.
