
Apedemak's page

113 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.


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Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Hmm. I didn't make a lot of concepts, but I'll keep Beastmastery--it's exemplary of Apedemak's concept and role as a guardian of civilization but also a lover of the natural world, working in harmony with animals. Plus it seems like a pretty cool idea to me.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I've finally finished my finals stuff and recovered from the process, and I just caught up with the Discussion thread here. Haven't gone through Gameplay all the way yet, but I'm not sure I really want to given what I've read here and everything.

Reserving most thoughts, I'll say that if we don't do some sort of reset, I don't think I'll continue with this. At this point I've fallen way behind, and too much has happened since I was able to post for me to feel comfortable coming back in. It doesn't make any sense that Apedemak would sit back during everything that's gone on, and it would be far too wonky to shoehorn him into things... So if the game just continues as it has, I'll say thanks for what time I spent here and move on.

That said, some sort of reset would be fine by me, whether that's a hard reboot, a soft reset to some state before everything started getting out of hand, or a handwaved new world being created after the destruction of what happened so far. I think if we all come in on equal footing--same rank, same AP, same creations/abilities or lack thereof--that would be fair.

More Thoughts:
Also, if we all agree to communicate openly and honestly, and have a sense of working together as players to tell a story, if not working together as characters to create a multiverse. It seems like a whole lot of the problems that have occurred were entirely due to players not communicating with one another ahead of time about plans of what to do and how to go about things.

Also, while I wasn't here for the problems, I think the Beneath My Notice idea is a much more elegant solution to the potential new player problem than extra AP. A huge part of the game seems to be slowly coming into your own as a deity, and that's reflected through the AP mechanic. If a player comes in down the line and is handed 50-odd AP right off the bat, that's just going to encourage a massive dump of spending with a new god suddenly--and nonsensically--altering reality to a huge extent. It makes sense that the oldest gods are the most powerful, so rather than try to solve the power disparity, we should just have a soft rule that more powerful elder gods shouldn't mess with younger ones--at least not without permission and good reason.

(Think Apollo and Hermes. Apollo didn't just start trouncing on Hermes because he didn't agree with the trickster's way of life; he only retaliated after Hermes messed with his stuff. And even then, it wasn't crippling, and they ended up learning to live with each other, even if they didn't see eye to eye.)

Finally, I agree that the god vs. god conflict, in a direct sense, contributed to things as well. The game seems to put a big focus on creations rather than direct fighting between the gods. Heck, it costs the same to increase your stats by 2 dice as it does to make legendary life or issue a cosmic decree of ultimate power! I know I wasn't here for a lot of the recent conflict, but I found the buildup of survival struggle between the Lion Tribe and Zakaz's creations far more interesting than direct godly spats, or even our wrestling match. If we put more focus on friendly competitions at most, and mostly deal with creations, I think it'll keep things more interesting.

So to sum up,
1) Communication, communication, communication. Keep it honest, and keep it open. I guess people were PMing each other, but that doesn't seem like a great method for doing things, honestly. There's a Discussion thread for a reason.
2) Don't dump on other gods because you can. Even if it makes sense in character, find a way to alter that, and make sure what you do is okay with another player--ahead of time. (See number 1.) (Also, if it would be in-character for your god to just absolutely trounce and dump on another one, and you can't think of a way around that, maybe you should come up with a new character. Just my thoughts for a game like this.)
3) The game is about creation, so use your creations. Don't just pump yourself and then go around punching other gods in the face. There are other, better games for that.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Thanks, guys! I am here, I've been keeping up with the game, I've just been swamped with other work and I've got a big post coming in next to respond to a lot of stuff, so it's been taking a while to get things together enough to post. Wednesdays are pretty bad for me, but one of my classes tomorrow is cancelled, so I may be able to get something up in the evening.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I'm good with it being one action as well--feels very appropriate for such a place to have that kind of setup.

Also, I apologize for my absence here--I've been very busy and haven't had time to write up the big chunk of text I want for this (what with the Lion Tribe's last stand and all). I'm sincerely hopeful that I'll have something up later today.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Yeah, Lir, that would be great! He may hold off on teaching them about swords just yet, but archery seems like an important and helpful step.

Also, just as a note, Tissari, Apedemak already created armor--it was part of my big spree of things. Not a big deal, and he'd be happy to share it as soon as he arrives--hopefully I'll have a post to respond to that, along with the humans' last stand, later today at some point.

Also also, as another note, I find it somewhat amusing that Zakaz hasn't come asking Apedemak about whether he attacked his Cull, even though Apedemak might have cause to do so with the Lion Tribe situation. Although they have an understanding of one another, so it makes as much sense that Zakaz would know Apedemak didn't do it--it isn't his style on really any level.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I'm gonna work on a lovely battle scene a little later on, detailing how the humans fought their last battle against the Cull, but as a point of interest since Shess has given me a gift, I don't think Aisha can actually use Abjuration at the moment--she's just a regular human. If raised even just to being a Hero she can do so, but right now she's been taught something she doesn't actually have the capability to use.

Just realized that the Cosmic Decree on humans learning magic might throw that rule out the window. Is that the case? Because I just realized that could have some big repercussions as we continue the game. I'm not against it, just suddenly realizing how deeply it'll impact some rules.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

This might actually fall under a cosmic decree or some such, depending on the sheer power of the sun in question.

Also, that post got away from me a little bit, and I just blew through all of my AP. I'm glad that I did, because I had just enough to do everything I wanted, including ranking up with some fancy new domains!

...Now to have fun playing and waiting for the ability to do things again.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Alright, animal husbandry kickstarts some of the other fun ideas I had, so that's good enough for me. We also just got AP rollover for Saturday, so I think I can do a lot here in one swoop!

Apedemak thanked Atheos for his allowance, and he followed the Librarian toward the center of the Great Axis. And he learned of the ways of taming the beasts, and how they could be bred and kept; how with training and time, they might become allies even of those who did not have a god's power. Where he faltered in this knowledge, the Librarian aided him; and soon enough, he thanked her as well, and took his leave back to his people, all the while considering how this knowledge might be adapted and put to use to aid the humans.

How the Humans Fought Back:
Now when Apedemak returned to the Lion Tribe, he had planned the gifts he would give to them, that they might combat the Cull that had come to prey upon them. First, he taught them the secrets he had learned from the Great Library, and soon--with the guidance and aid of a god--the humans learned to tame his chosen beasts, although the lions remained noble of nature and free and strong of spirit. (The humans would come to tame other beasts in time, of course; wolves, and small cats, and horses, and beasts of burden; but for now their

Then Apedemak reached forth his hand and devised how the humans might truly fight alongside the beasts they tamed. He taught them how to sit astride a tamed creature, that they might benefit from the greater mobility and strength of Zakaz's creations; and with that greater speed and agility, they might combat the great beasts on their own terms.

But the lions were proud beasts by nature, and soon it became apparent that they cared not to bend their will in such a way. Apedemak tried to speak with them, in the tongue of lions, and inspire them to lend their strength to his other chosen; but even still, they were proud, and many humans were too afraid or unsure to approach them. Among the humans were warriors brave and dedicated, however: they were willing to face even injury at the lions' claws and teeth if it meant they might help to save their tribe.

Apedemak dwelt on this problem for a short time, but he saw the fortitude of the humans, and he saw fit to grant them power to match it. So he gathered some of their blood, and mixed it with blood of lions, one Man for every beast; and to this he added a drop of his own ichor, and a drop of blood from the Crimson Dawn. He imbued the potion with his favor and divinity, and bade those humans willing to drink from it. And when they did, they found that their minds were linked with those of the lions, and they could speak and act nearly as one mind, working as the closest of brothers and friends.

With these newfound abilities, the humans and their lion companions went on a first hunt, and they returned with a great bounty of deer and other wild prey, and they had been safe from the Cull. And Apedemak showed them how they might take these hides, and those of tougher beasts, and tan them to be strong, and then stitch them the one to the other into thick clothing, that might pad them and ward off the worst of blows. And these warriors were the first to gird themselves so, and they clothed themselves all in hides and furs, stitched in layers to protect themselves; and they called themselves the Claws, for with these gifts and powers they were as mighty as their beasts.

Finally, Apedemak took the leftover hides and stretched them about the clearing where the humans had made their homes. He took timbers from the trees, and fashioned a great longhouse for the Lion King, which would serve as the seat of their power and a place of last defense for the tribe. Though fencing and traps might fail, and warriors may fall, it was doubtful any attacker might defeat the Lion King in their own hall.

With these gifts, Apedemak left them. But as he did so, he was suffused with the power of his actions, and he felt empowered beyond his previous form. As his will worked on the world, so too did he grow in his ability to use it, and his knowledge of the path for doing so. He was a god of war, first and foremost; but he was also a god of nobility, and protection. Where others might seek wanton destruction, he would be a beacon of hope and survival.

Apedemak spends 2 AP to Create Concept, teaching the Lion Tribe the advanced concept of Cavalry.
Apedemak spends 1 AP to Bless the Lion Tribe, enabling them to tame lions. (Not sure if this is entirely necessary, but it feels like it should be done.)
Apedemak spends 2 AP to Form Order, gathering and empowering the Claws, elite warriors among the Lion Tribe.
Apedemak spends 3 AP to Create Concept, gifting the Claws with the magical concept of Beastmastery.
Apedemak spends 2 AP to Create Concept, teaching the Lion Tribe the advanced concept of Armor.
Apedemak spends 3 AP to Weave Sanctum, creating the Lion King's Hall for the mortal ruler of the Lion Tribe.
Apedemak spends 3 AP to Gain Domain, gaining Nobility (2 Gather Pantheon+4 Raise Legend [Crimson Dawn, Lord of Lions]+2 Raise Hero [Lion King]=8).
Apedemak spends 3 AP to Gain Domain, gaining Protection (1 AP Bless [protecting lions from predators]+3 AP Create Artifact [The Lion Lord's Hide]+2 AP Create Concept [Armor]+3 AP Weave Sanctum [The Lion King's Hall]=9).
Apedemak ascends to become a Lesser Deity!

Not sure if we want to roll any sort of combat to see whether humans survive the Culling, but by my reckoning the Claws should now have roughly a +4 or +5, and the Lion King in particular would have a +6, going up to +8 when fighting defensively in his hall (which I imagine as being quite large).

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

--How Apedemak Helped the Humans--

When the Cull began preying upon the Lion Tribe, even their great warriors quailed and shouted in fear. They turned to their King to protect them; but even she (for when the Cull came, the Lion King was a fierce woman, beautiful and strong) knew not how to hold off such a nightmarish force. So they gathered what they could, and raised offerings of smoked meat and crushed berries to their god. And the Crimson Dawn smelled these offerings, and it came to their camp and ate of the meats and lapped the juices; and when it had eaten full, it bellowed a great roar, and Apedemak came to its side and learned of the troubles.

The god knew that he might easily slay the creatures that preyed upon his people; but he knew also that this was not the proper way. Here was another test of will and survival. These creatures, for he saw them with ease, he knew to be children of Zakaz. So Apedemak told his people he would return to the realms of the gods, and dwell on this trial, and return when he could determine a solution.

So he took his leave, and since even young gods might extend their reach to two places at once, he visited two of his brethren in hopes of gaining what knowledge he might. The first he chose was Atheos, for he knew the First Philosopher was wise and considerate, and he had seen his dogs during his time at the Great Axis of late. The second he chose was Liriiestil, for that god had the aspect of a warrior about him, and Apedemak sought to learn what he had devised of the art of battle. Even the First Lord of War could learn from another.

- - - - -

Apedemak arrived at the Great Axis, and upon the open plains he called for Atheos. "Brother! I seek your knowledge to aid the people of the world. I know it is not your way to interfere in their doings, and this could be but nature running its course; but it also is not your way to let destruction come so soon to a young race, and I hope you might grant me counsel and knowledge."

When Atheos arrived, the Lionheart was quick to make clear his business; after all, Atheos was a busy god. "You discovered a manner by which to tame the great beasts of the world, and curb them to your own will. They are not unthinking slaves, but servants. I would learn such an art and grant it to the Men who I have marked, that they might live in communion with the creatures of the world."

- - - - -

It was on the other isle of the world, where the Lirthari dwelt among nature, that Apedemak sought Liriiestil. "Brother! I seek your knowledge to aid the people of the world." He waited for the Lirthari Lord to arrive, and gave a bow of deep respect. "Though I claimed first the mantle of conquest, it is a poor warrior who does not recognize another. I am strong, and you are skillful; I am battle-hardened, and your agility is without peer. I would learn something of your ways, and seek to pass on such knowledge, that my people might defend themselves with honor and skill."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Certainly not! I'll do up a post to kickstart these.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Okay, I've updated my profile with my AP, and I'm getting ready to post in and save some humans with stuff... but before I do, I'd like to nail down what concepts I potentially have access to, versus what I'd want to borrow or fight for at the moment. I'll definitely include asking for such in a Gameplay post, and I'm happy to RP it out as well, I just don't want to slow down the game doing so and lose track of the moment that ignited it all.

As such, I've compiled what I believe is a complete list of our concepts created thus far, separated by what level of concept they are, and noting who made them. If I have anything incorrect or missing here, let me know! I'll also say I definitely think this is the sort of thing we might want compiled somewhere easy to find, like the Campaign Info tab.

Concepts Created Thus Far:

Agriculture (Atheos)
Architecture (Tissari)
Calligraphy (Liriiestil)
Creativity (Tissari)
Democracy (Atheos)
Fishing (Atheos)
History (Tissari)
Mathematics (Tissari)
Metalworking (Tissari)
Schooling (Tissari)
Transportation (Tissari)
Visual Art (Tissari)
Writing (Tissari)
Written Art (Tissari)

Aetherpunk (Tissari)
Animal Husbandry (Atheos)
Archery (Liriiestil)
Chemistry (Tissari)
Electricity (Tissari)
Engineering (Tissari)
Guerilla Warfare (Liriiestil)
Gunpowder (Tissari)
Psychological Warfare (Zakaz)
Ranged Combat (Tissari)
Scientific Process (Tissari)
Seafaring (Atheos)
Swarm Tactics (Zakaz)
Swordfighting (Liriiestil)
Weaponsmithing (Tissari)

Arbormancy (Liriiestil)
Divination (Araneae)
Hive Mind (Zakaz)
Stormwielding (Tissari)

Of these, I'd like access to the following in particular for the moment:
Atheos: Animal Husbandry (mainly as a stepping stone to something else).
Liriiestil: Archery, Guerilla Fighting. (Swordfighting would be nice down the line, but isn't necessary right now.)
Tissari: Ranged Combat (which I suppose would include throwing spears?), Weaponsmithing.

I think we agreed somewhere to share the Basic Concepts at least, and I'm assuming Language was in there somewhere (or else just naturally is a thing?). Again, I'm not looking for a fight here, just hoping I can utilize some of these with willing allowance.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Okay, so a couple things. First, a question I meant to ask last night but forgot: Apedemak raised a Hero in the form of the Lion King, but how long would that last? I suppose my question is, do we keep that to a single person, and when they die they're gone, or would it be able to roll over to the next Lion King by heredity or conquest, and so on? I'm fine either way, just thought I'd check.

Second, I just realized I've been missing the rollover periods and have way more AP than I've spent. We started on the 18th of March, so it looks like we'd have gotten more on the 25th, the 1st of April, and the 8th, with the 1st and 8th getting the boost from the Pantheon (+2 points for six members). Is that right? Because if so, humans are about to fight back with a vengeance. (It also explains why I feel like I've been spending way less AP than everyone else, oops.)

Third (related to the vengeance thing), just to help speed things a little, would other deities be opposed to Apedemak requesting the use of their warlike concepts for his people? Mainly that's Tissari and Liriiestil; he wouldn't ask for everything, just some stuff like swords, bows, armor, that kind of thing. (Actually, don't know if anyone's made armor yet.) If not that's okay, he'll either make his own or fight for them, but I figured I'd ask here. I'll post later today once I've got a plan in mind and know what I can and cannot accomplish here.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

The first strikes me as probably a Boon, since it's pretty serious; it also goes pretty directly against the earlier Decree on entropy, and the rules suggest a Boon would be the way to go for that, so 3 AP.

Calligraphy's probably a mundane concept, although an interesting one; other forms of art are included there, so I'd say 1 AP seems right.

Arbormancy would probably be a magical concept, since it's clearly a form of magic beyond what simple science or the like could do, so 3 AP again seems good.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

--How Apedemak Crowned the First King--

Now, as Apedemak watched the trials of the Irtara, as Zakaz had set before them, there came a great roaring from elsewhere in the world. The roar was such that all the gods and creatures of the world might hear, but for the Lionheart, it resonated with his very being. So he gave a nod to the Beastfather and the Tempest Mother, and off he went to find the source to find the source of that mighty roar. He bounded across plains, slipped between the trees of forests, and forded mighty rivers, and it was in this rush that first the thinking creatures of the world saw him--the man who moved also like a beast.

It was in a clearing near where the forest met the open land that Apedemak came upon his herald. The great lion stood tall and proud at first sight, its mane ablaze in the twilight and its muscles taut under the thick hide. As its god stepped forward, though, it turned, and in its eyes he saw confusion. When he came to stand beside the Crimson Dawn, Apedemak rested one hand on its shoulder, and he saw what had raised its concern.

The creature before Apedemak was clearly not a child of Zakaz, although he sensed some of that god's virility and sheer life within it. It was small and thin, compared to the great beasts of the Progenitor, but in its eyes he saw a powerful spirit. This creature almost had a touch of divinity about it, akin to the Irtara, but more ordered. Most curiously, it held a tool in its hands, a weapon formed from wood and stone--a spear. It held fear in its eyes, fear of the lion and fear of the god, but also determination and bravery. Much as the lion before it, this creature--this Man--captured something of Apedemak's heart and being.

And so he reached forth his hand, and shattered the spear when the human thrust it forward. He opened forth his palm, and knelt down to stare the Man in the eyes. "I am Apedemak," he said, and his words suffused the human's soul. "I am the Voice and the Lionheart, the Crimson Dawn. You have seen my first child, and my own being, and stood strong against your fear. I would know more of you, and your kind."

Pretty sure humans already have language from Atheos and our sharing basic concepts thing, so I'm assuming Apedemak can speak with this one and the rest of his tribe.

In this way, Apedemak came to know of Men. In the time that followed--days or years, that detail is lost to the ages--he learned about this Man, and those that came with him, their tribe. He came quickly to adore these creatures, strange as they were, for they were just as he'd begun to imagine in watching Zakaz's test: beings without the thick hide or sharp claws or powerful speed of the great beasts, but with the simple ingenuity and passion for survival. Apedemak knew they could thrive in this world with guidance and effort, and he sought to assist them in that endeavor.

So even as Atheos began to form an island of farmers, with democratic rule by No One and Nothing, Apedemak turned to that first Man--or perhaps their descendant--and drew forth a drop of ichor from his palm. The human did likewise, and but that single drop of the godsblood suffused them with strength and marked them and their line forever as chosen of the Lionheart.

"You shall rule your people with justice and equity. So long as you and your line live as righteous kings, you shall live well, and guide your people to good fortune and happiness. Life will not be easy, but it will be finer in communion than in solitude. Hunt and gather, or build halls where you please. My spirit shall be with you, even if I am not; look for my other children as signs of my mood. Your rulers and great warriors might face them in combat, and wear their skin as a mark of my favor. I will visit you again."

With that, the god took his leave once more. For a brief time the humans considered what to make of this exchange, and some wished that the great man who was like a beast might rule them directly. But Apedemak knew that this was beyond what the pantheon should do, and he wished for the humans to make their own way. So they decided to honor his decree, and raised up that first scion as their king.

Apedemak spends 1 AP to Form Society, gathering the Lion Tribe of humans.
Apedemak spends 2 AP to Raise Hero, granting some small divine power to the Lion King.

The First Lion Hunt:
Listen, children. This is the next of the oldest tales.

When Apedemak the Lionheart left our ancestors, it was not long before they heeded his words, and took up his challenge. The first Lion King gathered those warriors brave enough to follow, and returned to the place where we first met our god. For many days they traveled, and they hunted other prey along that journey: the wild deer, the boars, and other such creatures. When they came to the plains, they were in awe of the open skies and long grasses, and then the true hunt began.

For days, the hunters stalked the plains, learning to move through the grass without sound. For days they tracked with what little they could, learning the signs of the great cats' passage. And when they finally came upon the lion, they came to know its sight, and the sound of its roar.

But the Lion King was a warrior true, children. They felt fear, to be certain, for they were no fool. But they were stout of heart, and steadfast of purpose. And though the other warriors shook and hesitated, the Lion King lunged forward. The battle was ferocious, and the blood of both Man and beast were shed in its course. But when all was done, it was our king who stood tall. They skinned the beast, and became the first to wear the lion's hide.

It was then, children, that our tribe was truly born. Remember that. Words and decree alone do not give you right to rule, or to take as you please. Strength. Honor. Courage. These are the traits which make us who we are. These are our inheritance as the Tribe of the Lion.

Lion King: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Lion: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Hah, I was gearing up towards making humans myself, coming from Apedemak's thinking over Tissari and Zakaz's test--the whole "intelligent life can survive among the monstrous beasts" thing would make him wonder about creating such a race.

That said, this works well, too. Maybe Aped will make some other race of a similar nature, and we'll all have something. Or maybe I'll just make lions intelligent!

...That's probably not a great idea.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

How the Lions Became Lords:
Cool! I would like to make one change, though.

Apedemak panted and heaved a mighty breath, and smiled at Zakaz. Their fight had been one of brotherhood, not anger, and they had proven themselves to one another. As the world would never be the same for their grappling, so too had the bonds between them changed--of that, he was certain.

"My thanks, Zakaz. Never have I faced so fierce a foe, and I doubt I shall do so again in a long time." He turned to the great beast that stepped forward, and knelt down before it. "That your children might never forget their origins, they shall retain their shape. But that all might know their new lord, I shall put my mark upon them."[/b So saying, he drew strands from his hair, and placed them upon the lion's head. There they took root, and grew into a glorious mane, which flowed as Apedemak's own; so it was with all the lions. Into the great lion's mane, the god sprinkled some of Zakaz's blood, and it glowed as with the fire of a sunrise.

"Blessed are these beasts with my favor, that they might live as lords among their kin--live and die as other beasts must, but though they fight and bleed, they shall be prey to no beast alive. And unto this beast, the greatest of its kind, I grant my divine spark. It shall live as a herald, a living sign of my favor. Though it might be slain by the mighty in combat, its hide may withstand the claws of a mean beast, and its own strength shall make it a great threat."

Apedemak reached out to the beast, and their eyes held in understanding. They roared as one, and empowered by a touch of divinity, the great lion loped off, a true king among beasts, the Crimson Dawn.

Apedemak spends 1 AP to Bless lions, such that they are not the prey of any living creature. (Of course, things that are created later on would be exempt from that.)
Apedemak spends 4 AP to Raise Legend, making this lion the semi-mortal Crimson Dawn.
Apedemak spends 3 AP to Create Artifact, making the hide of the Crimson Dawn unnaturally strong and durable. (So it "wields" it as a lion, and it could be claimed should it be slain and its hide turned into armor.)

- - - - -

Apedemak laughs at Tissari's remarks, and he takes a seat beside her. "I do what I can to take matters as seriously as should be done," he says, not quite breaking his formal tone of speech. "I only mean that it suggests many possibilities. Zakaz's children have strength, speed, thick hides and sharp claws. Can greater intelligence and creativity of thought outmatch such natural gifts?"

He shrugs. "Leadership is a powerful thing, though. I am glad to hear your people see its benefits so quickly."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Attack 1: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 5) = 17
Attack 2: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 3) = 16
Attack 3: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 4) = 19
Defense 1: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4 13 damage
Defense 2: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 9 damage
Defense 3: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 11 damage
33 damage over 3 rounds. I guess the dice have turned around.

As Zakaz continues to pounce and probe, leaping and tearing, Apedemak falls into a better routine of combat, the ebb and flow of battle returning to him as if from a dream--or the world before. Zakaz fights with instinct, with passion and deadly drive, and he has the vitality of nature itself; but Apedemak is above all a god of battle, and this first trial of combat is where he proves it once more in this new universe.

Where the Beastfather pounces once, Apedemak sidesteps and brings his fists about in a hammerblow, forcing the other god to dodge with all his energy, and smashing a great crater in the earth. Where Zakaz leaps to claw and rake, he lifts him once more, and this time tosses him to the trees, splintering them in a line, and separating them into multiple forests, with new brush and foliage growing from their fragments. Where the Progenitor snaps his jaws, the Crimson Dawn roars in defiance, and drags him to the ocean, their path scraping aside stone and plant to leave only granules of sand.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Multiple rounds sounds fair to me, as well. Three at a time seems like a good way to go.

Attack: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 1) = 15
Zakaz Defends: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Once again, 4 damage. I'm at 34, Zakaz at 42.

Apedemak grunts as the Beastfather's claws rake him, and where they slash, his ichor flows to the earth, forming the beginnings of riverbeds and streams. The fight is far from over, though--he shoves back, and twists at Zakaz's joints, bending them this way and that to loose his grip and sap his strength.

- - - - -

As Zakaz and Tissari speak and watch at the Shard, after a time Apedemak joins them, stepping into the space as only gods can. "An ingenious test by the Predator, and a fine sport made by the Vision. To see whether creatures of intellect and passion might survive the wild places, the beasts of this world... Much will come of these events."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Apedemak grinned likewise at Zakaz's acceptance of the challenge, and when the beast god disappeared, he crouched low and ready, opening his senses to the wilds around him...

There. He spins just in time and catches Zakaz as he pounces, the pair tumbling to the ground. Keeping the jaws from snapping at his throat, he rolls and kicks.

Apedemak Attacks: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 1) = 12
Zakaz Defends: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
4 damage. This could take a while if this keeps up...

The Voice staggers to his feet and drags the Beastfather with him, and he raises him above his head for but a moment. The Apex Predator writhes in his hands, though, and he has to merely drop the other god heavily rather than throw him. Already the ground is torn where they struggle, mounds of earth pushing and shattering with each twist and blow.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40
Zakaz wrote:
There is a rustle of grass from behind and Zakaz is there, called away from his creation of millions. You roar like One of my own, Apedemak. Some might take that as a challenge...

"I roar as one of your own, for I find I have a bond with such." Apedemak looked to the lion, which crouched down in respect to its lord. "I would take this beast and its kind under my arm, if you would allow such an adoption to come to pass. I am prepared to challenge you for such a right, as two beings of our kind should. A test of strength, and skill, and will, between brothers."

To speed things up when we get to our wrasslin', I'm fine with rolling the other god's defense dice when we roll our own attack dice if you are, so we can keep track in one post what damage we're doing and narrate more fluidly.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Alright, about time I got back in on this.

How the First Godsmoot Was Finished:
Apedemak took pause at Atheos's proposition, and he waited to see how the others would respond. The other gods, for their part, seemed content to agree to the Skeptic God's rules; and so Apedemak nodded as well. "I do not know how closely we will remain to these things. I shall cleave close in my heart if I can, and it is my hope that we shall work together and retain these ideas. So say we, the Gods of the Vault."

He beamed then, his eyes reflecting the lights above, and he placed his hand on the table. With a surge of power, he pressed down, and when he brought the hand back, its print was impressed upon the stone. "As long as this Vault remains, and the steadfast stone holds my hand upon this world, we shall strive for our creation."

The Voice then waited, and when the other gods had left the Vault on their business, he smiled and walked to the edge, and slid down. And though gods are perceptive, he never did see the small cube which approached to that place of meeting...

--How Apedemak Became the Lionheart--

Now after the first Godsmoot was finished, Apedemak decided it was high time to wander this new world. When he reached the bottom of the Vault he looked high to the skies and saw the moon, and the cities which even now rose from its inhabitants. But the Irtara were a race of their own, and too primordial, too volatile for his taste at this time. In those early days, you must recall, Apedemak was very torn in his being, because he is a god of civilization and rulership, but also a god of nature and beasts.

So after having forged the first order with his fellow gods, he sought solace in the natural world which lay at his feet. For a time he simply wandered the land, and he saw the many creatures which ran freely across its face. Among them were the great beasts, the predators born of the first hunt, and he looked on them with favor, for he loved their spirit. But many did not capture his heart--the panthers and tigers, the sharks of the ocean, the eagles of the sky. Only on the wild plains, under the lights of the sky above, did he hear a mighty roar which captured his very being.

Behind him, in the grass, was a great cat, with tawny fur that both hid it among the long grasses, yet made it brilliant to behold. It was large and powerful, but had crept behind Apedemak near silent and unseen. It reminded the god of the tiger, but was more noble in bearing, and it was less a stalker as the tiger in the jungle, and more a predator which used skill as well as physical prowess. And then it let out a roar, and the sound could be heard across the very land. Apedemak felt its power, and its fierce bravery, and he knew that this--the lion--was the creature he'd so long sought.

When he reached out his hand to touch it, however, it roared again, and bared his teeth. Then he recalled that this creature was a child of Zakaz, the Beastfather, and so it would remain unless claimed or given. So Apedemak opened his mouth and loosed his own roar, and ten times the sound of the lion's own his voice echoed across creation. To the very moon and beyond his roar carried, carrying with it the call for the Apex to come to him, that they might speak or struggle.

Sorry to potentially break up conversations elsewhere, but we'd been thinking of this before, and I figure the rolling could take a bit if we don't post super quickly.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Been a while since I posted in here--I've been keeping track of developments, just had trouble thinking of a good response to Atheos's rules--Apedemak isn't outright against them, but we'll see whether everyone is able to follow them as Atheos has put them forward. I'll try and post in later today, but it might not be until tomorrow because I have some college theater stuff tonight.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Yeah, I'll admit I'm still wrapping my head around the concept of a "God of Atheism," and I'm trying to focus on the idea that he's a god of cold logic and simple physics. That said, I could see a reason Atheos might want to be in the pantheon--if he's part of it he has a say and a connection to the others, which gives him position to keep an eye on things and make sure nobody's getting out of hand. That's the honest idea of the pantheon to begin with: mutual work and assurance that we'll keep things running in a good direction overall. I expect it may break down or have fluid membership of people leaving or coming in.

RP-wise, I like the idea of it being to make your mark on the stone of the Vault. How you do that is up to you--you might write your name on the table, or just a rune or symbol, or perhaps simply smash a stone or some such. Maybe a chair rises from the earth for you to sit in while present, if that's okay? The idea of the Vault is that it's a mythical location that reflects the gods who meet there.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

A wrestling match sounds good to me. How Apedemak Tamed the Lions, and How the Mountains Were Made, something like that? :)

The real question is, do we want to keep it all in RP, or try out the combat system with RPing each motion of that? I'm fine either way, and obviously it wouldn't actually be for lethal intentions or anything.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Apedemak was a god made of stern stuff, and all men know he regarded demeanor as important. But at Atheos's words, he all but sputtered before responding. "Interventionist? We are gods, brother! I do not claim this world as ours, to be toyed with like a child run amok, but we are its shepherds, its creators. Should we not reach out to guide that creation to fullness?"

He shook his great mane behind him, and spread his hands wide. "The very issue of difference is what gives rise to this covenant. Of course, there shall be disagreements. What one god thinks best for their creation, another may reject. This is the way of things. My goal is to simply seek peaceful resolution where it may be found--and to offer a bond of strength should conflict be the only end. Even amongst our gathering I am certain there will be strife. But brothers and sisters in blood and in oath will have cause to refrain from true violence against one another. Where one god might normally seek to strike another down, we might hold competition and sport. Conquest without death--that is the most honorable way."

Apedemak then leaned forward on the table of the Vault, and cast his gaze upon each other god in turn. "Our purpose is only the creation and continued existence of this new universe. Make what you will: beasts, songs, stars, ideas. Only remember that it is our divine mandate and duty to take care of our creation. Conflict is the course of things; it is as natural as the laws which Atheos and Tissari set down, as primal as the children of Zakaz and the world they walk, as beautiful as Araneae's stars in the heavens. But surrounding that conflict, harmony must remain--to set us on the path, and keep this world from returning to the destruction from whence it was born."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I'll say that I was pretty much holding off on posting until the caching/dotting problem got fixed. Especially in a game like this where we've had some rapid-fire conversations, I figured it'd be nice to keep things from getting out of hand while nobody can see what's happening.

Now that things are back online, I'll post once more!

Re: Things here--I named the Pantheon the "First Gods" because that's what we are, and it fits Apedemak's sense of grandeur and dignity to things. Sounds more impressive than just "the gods," you know? And we can always change the name later should we choose--there don't seem to be any limits on when people can join a Pantheon or anything regarding names or themes of it.

Zakaz wrote:
I think I will create a sapient race as soon as this moot is done just so I can play with the Heroes and Legends thing maybe. My concept is interesting and my create conflicts with any other race deciding to pop up. :)

I'm excited, although I'd also say that I'm personally planning to play with those without sapient races just yet, perhaps. It doesn't seem like you have to choose a sapient race to do those things with, so I was considering raising a Heroic or Legendary lion or some such who would serve as Apedemak's messenger and herald on the mortal world.

Speaking of, my first plan for after the moot is to get the lions from you, Zakaz. Up to playing that out?

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

"Of course, it is free to leave should you so choose. I would never wish to put constraints on another, certainly not one so noble and free as yourself."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

"Then we seek neutral ground, the best for both that we may find between us. See how Atheos has cast the land of Tissari high into the sky. Where there was darkness now is light; where conflict existed, now there is harmony." Apedemak looks up to the new moon, and the beams from its light meet the beaming of his gaze. "This is a good thing, a marvel of the gods and a showcase of our capacity for creation and unity. So too is the land, which teems now with life and beauty. There will be conflicts, that is certain; but it is my hope that we might work together to overcome such discord, and guide this universe to fruition and peace."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

When the others arrive, Apedemak smiles and welcomes them. "My most heartfelt greetings and deepest respect, brothers and sisters. It warms me to see that we might gather in this place to..." He trails off as conversation begins, particularly when Atheos and Tissari speak. As they talk of other things, he stands by, his arms folded and a slight frown on his face. "Have you no sense of grandeur?" he mutters beneath his breath; and though gods are quite perceptive, his words are more thought than breath, and so they could go unheard entirely.

Still, a gleam of wonder and joy rests in the god's eyes, and he claps and marvels at the creations that appear: the floating island Tissari made, and Atheos's alteration to form the moon. As the group comes together once more, and discussion arises of rules and needs, Apedemak nods and booms out once more.

"This, brothers and sisters, is why I have made this place, why I called you here: that we might speak with one another, as equals in this new world, and determine how we might create. There are many pieces that will come together to shape this reality, just as we have come together here. I propose a pact: we shall form a bond between us, that we shall use our power for the good of our creation, and shape it as we see fit, in communion with one another. Let there be no rifts among us that cannot be sealed, no injuries that cannot be licked clean and sewn shut with time and effort to do so. Let us exist in harmony, though we have our different ways; and we shall be only the stronger for it."

So saying, Apedemak brought his hand to his mouth, and with one tooth he brings ichor flowing from the palm. He extends the hand forward, offering that the others might do the same and take it.

Apedemak spends 2 AP on the Gather Pantheon action, forming the First Gods of the Vault Pantheon. Dunno how much we want to extend AP sharing, but if anyone is out of or low on AP I'm happy to spend a point to let them join.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Personally I'm still of the opinion we didn't really need to lay down things like time and death just yet, but it also works fine for me that we have. I'd say the decree that was listed works--Entropy exists, and "Created things must die." That's a pretty wide-open statement, and even taking it hand in hand with entropy it just means that created things die eventually.

I don't know that we need a decree about things like hunting and murder, because A) as Zakaz pointed out, he's already killed the first living thing, and B) I really think those are concepts that don't need to be dealt with until we have creations who care.

Think about it this way: Pandora's Box wasn't created and opened before humans were walking around and talking big and pissing off the gods. It was opened after, because that's when it would have any kind of impact. Unless we want a particularly grimdark world here (and I don't), let's not go around setting things up for failure just yet. We've got all the time in the world to have things like death and chaos and suffering be pinned down as facts of life.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I'll agree that I think the game would be more interesting and in some ways more fun if everyone is only playing one god, but I'm not necessarily against it. Although I do also feel like a god of undeath this early on doesn't make much sense... Maybe a god of death who comes to take on the undead as part of his domain?

Also, personally I think we may be overthinking and overconcerning ourselves with logistical things that don't really matter. Who cares if it doesn't really make sense for our world to exist as it does without a sun? Why bother worrying over internal-earth energy generation, or creating magic as an excuse to make it work? We're gods. We can do what we want, and right now we're very much in the mythical prehistory time, before the creation of sapient races who think rationally and try to piece those things together.

Long story short, we don't need to worry about how it all works until somebody comes along and asks. And even Atheos doesn't really qualify as that somebody, because he's a god, too--like it or not ;)

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Apedemak regarded the first arrival to the Vault. The great beast, whose form had just been lent in parts to the predators who rose in his footsteps in the world below. "And you are the Beast and the Progenitor. He that cast down the Cocoon of Creation to make this world, and he who populated it with blood and spirit. You are Zakaz."

Apedemak met Zakaz's eyes, and held his gaze, and though mortals can only hope to know what passes between the gods, it seemed that Apedemak came to know something of Zakaz in that stare. "It seems we are the first. The first to walk this land, the first to meet and talk as brothers."

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Yeah, I was thinking about some of those things myself. The sun and moon came to mind when Araneae made the stars--I even thought about having Apedemak point it out then, or make it himself, but I'm not sure I actually want him to be a sun deity, and I found it more interesting to think our world might go for a little while without a sun. We're building our own mythos here in some ways, and it's neat to think about how the stories and timeline will look as we keep going on, you know?

As for elements, I dig the concept of four gods pitching in to each take a concept there. Not sure who would want to volunteer for what, although I could see Fire being linked to passion and creativity and Earth being linked to nature and the beasts.

I'd say BIG concepts like time and souls and such can wait for now. The idea of the gods beginning by just flitting about in a paradise without concerns of that nature is an interesting one, and in my mind lends a real sense of mythic origins to the endeavor. Maybe Shess holds the secrets to introducing something like that a little later on, provoking a conflict? Or Atheos realizes that time is required for the universe to work properly.

As for me, I like the idea of Apedemak giving language. First off, though, Zakaz just made the lions, so unless we're having our meeting soon, that might be next on my list ;)

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40
Atheos, God of Skepticism wrote:
Haha oh man, I just created a place for the gods to meet specifically not in the world, and you created one for them to meet specifically in the world. See, there'll be conflicts after all!

Hah, I figured that was your intent, and I certainly haven't meant to step on toes or anything! I just figured it made sense for us to have a meeting ground in both places--in the world and out of it--and it was something I was planning to do anyway. Now we can have meetings in either location as the event calls for (or secret meetings at the same time!).

Atheos, God of Skepticism wrote:
Note that Alter Land can be way more versatile than simply making a plateau; you can fill it with new life forms of your choice (as long as they're not really dangerous things, which then cost AP), set the temperature, create a natural rock formation with chairs and a giant table, etc., stetching over miles — something suitably "Vault of the Gods" y if you want to go further in that direction.

Yeah, I figured I probably could, but I wanted to keep it simple for now. Apedemak is a fairly simple god at the moment, and he's more given to a natural-feeling formation than shaped chairs and tables and all that. Although I could certainly see the Vault being shaped further as time goes on and we want more cool things going on around it!

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

I'm also keeping track of my AP actions in my profile, so feel free to look there, but here's what I've done so far.

5 AP: Gain Ability: Lord of War. Apedemak declared himself from the beginning to be a god of combat and conquest.
1 AP: Form Land: Creating the Vault of the Gods. With a strong grip, a mighty leap, and a powerful blow, Apedemak shaped a high plateau where the gods might meet, speak, and oversee their creations.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Switching to past tense, since everyone else is and it fits the tone of this game better.

Apedemak watched as the others stepped forward, proclaiming their names, their beings. The Spark was creation incarnate, he sensed, the very element of creativity and genesis; she was born of that mysterious realm between idea and action, imagination and reality. The Beastfather was a thing unto itself, wild and instinctual, its form seething with the raw life of nature. Apedemak saw and heard and felt and respected them both: Tissari for her capacity to shape the world, and Zakaz for his power and simple, honorable nature.

As the Beastfather roared and turned its claws, it began to shape a world in the void, and alongside it another worked--Araneae, the SONG, and Apedemak saw and heard and respected her also for her passion and beauty. As Zakaz built the world below she placed stars in the sky. Apedemak stepped forward, his hair flowing back, and he raised his hands as if to shape his own creation--but then the first watcher, Atheos of order, called to him from... somewhere else.

Apedemak looked upon his fellow gods, and saw that they were making good creation of their own. "I will return soon," he spoke, and then he turned into the darkness once more and vanished.

How Apedemak Learned the Law:
Now when Apedemak left the material world in The Beginning, he followed Atheos, the First Philosopher, to the plane which that god was creating. It was the Great Axis, the seven rings of reason and order, and there Apedemak arrived as Atheos shaped it before him. The first ring, the Empty Fields, were of great delight to Apedemak, for they were a natural place that yet had a sense of purpose to them. So too did he feel for the Circle of Halls, where the walls stood on the fields but with the grass below and the sky above; they were a place of freedom with constraint, peaceful and proper. Apedemak sensed that Atheos, a god who had his doubts of others, would think poorly of any god who claimed a hall for himself; but Apedemak brushed that thought aside. He knew there would come to pass many days and nights when he would sleep in these halls, and roam the plains which Atheos had made.

The third and fourth rings, Apedemak did not see with such wonder, for they were places too civilized for his taste at this time. Apedemak was a god who respected order and purpose, certainly. But he did not yet embrace such things as cities and places of containment; and so he strode through these realms, ever watching the path which Atheos laid.

Now when he came to the fifth ring, Apedemak took pause. Here he felt the civilized world, yes, but at its deeper core something more of interest to his being. Here, he sensed an underlying purpose, an order to the ways the worlds themselves would become, the principles which had been handed down even unto the beginning of all things. The Courts of Reality, you see, even then held the truths of reality and rational thought; and Apedemak was filled with wonder at such a thing. So while Atheos shaped on, to the very center of his Axis, Apedemak stayed in the Courts, and learned the ways of the world, the laws that should govern its shape and function.

And because gods do not share the perception of mortals, it was only a moment he spent there, all in all.

How the Vault of the Gods Was Made
It seemed no sooner had Apedemak left than he returned, and he saw that the others had continued to shape the world. (I'm assuming any other beginning creation stuff has already taken place.) He saw the creation below him and he stepped down and forward, and moved through the void until he came to stand upon the surface of this new place. He cast his eyes about and came to an empty place, not yet shaped by other hands, and he came to rest there.

"What we need now," he said, "is a place from which to view and shape our world." And so Apedemak plunged one hand into the earth and took hold of the ground, and he hunched down on his mighty legs. Then, with a roar and a tug, he launched himself high into the sky, and pulled the earth along with him. There was a powerful shuddering, and the stones and dirt which formed the world were stretched under him, and they rose so far from the ground that a man could not see the top. The earth rose as far as Apedemak had leapt, and when he reached the peak of his great vault, he had no more than to stretch his legs and he stood upon the great mountain he had made.

Then he raised his great hands above his head, and slammed his fists to the ground at his feet. The tremor knocked the ground flat across in a wide circle out from where he stood, only curling up slightly at the edge, and the peak became a flat plateau as high as Apedemak's vault had taken him. In the center was a small raised circle, where his fists had first struck, and when Apedemak stepped down it was about waisthigh to a god. He looked about him and smiled, for he had worked with great success, and he called from the plateau to his fellow gods.

"Hear me, brothers, sisters! This is my first work in this world, a place of communion and gathering for us to discuss our work. It shall be known as the Vault of the Gods, and shall stand for time immemorial to serve for our meetings and business." Then he stood tall and spread his arms wide. "It is an open place, and belongs to all and none. You are welcome here, should you wish to come."

Apedemak spends 1 AP to Alter Land, forming the Vault of the Gods.

(Of course, that assumes there's land to work with by this point; if nobody's made any yet, or there isn't enough, he'll Create Land as well for an additional 2 AP.)

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

In the beginning, there was indeed the darkness. The void sprawled on, and all that remained of the old universe was... nothing, at first. But vestiges of the gods lived on, for gods are difficult to destroy.

From that formless darkness, another entity begins to take shape, another fledgling god born from the old world's leftover essence. At first he, too, has a form of bestial instinct, a roaring, thrashing shape, but it soon coalesces into something more akin to Atheos: the primal urges controlled, directed, shaped through force of will into something more orderly. As he thrusts his head forward from the shadow, truly taking form, it is still that swirling, primal essence.

"I am Apedemak," he utters, and his voice is filled with the power and authority of divinity itself. "Lord of conquest and the throne."

Apedemak spends 5 AP to Gain Ability: Lord of War.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

That all sounds good to me. Apedemak is going to take Lord of War, as he's a god of conquest and battle, and I'm looking at Authoritative Adjudicator as well--he's a god of leadership, so that's fitting some extent. Kingmaker also fits very well, but I'll probably save that for a little ways down the line.

Conflicts I'm sure will arise organically as we focus on different things and come into contact with one another. After all, the world isn't static, and unless we all start making our own planes that don't interact, we're bound to butt heads at some point. That's also part of why I'm thinking of Gathering a Pantheon at the start--it immediately gives us something to do with each other, if nothing else.

Not sure how you guys feel about it, but I've also been thinking it would be neat to have our own myths written out, especially as we're creating things and setting up the world. Substories in a way, events that capture important moments in the creation process. One that comes to mind, for example, is How Apedemak Won the Lions, or something like that, deaing with an obvious point of interaction that's apparent to me: Shess is the lord of beasts, and the clearest progenitor for them, but Apedemak is the god of lions specifically. Might be neat to play out how that works, and other things of that nature.

Also, Zakaz, I'd say Herald of Life is perfect for you--it means you can freely create the beasts of the world, and they spring up from your very footsteps. Fitting for a nature god, at least in my mind.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Hello! Very glad to be here, and excited for the game. Obviously I asked the early question of how we want to start things, since I'm assuming it should be fairly cooperative. Maybe we each post in taking a part in creating the world, and shaping it in some way? I'm thinking on creation myths I know and they tend to follow that route when there's more than one god at the start of things.

I'll also say that I plan on spending some AP to grab an ability for Apedemak, and I'm also willing to put forward the extra AP to found a Pantheon at the start, as well as make a meeting place for the gods on the new world. Apedemak is a god of leadership, and while I don't want to be coming off like trying to become a "king of the gods" or anything, it makes sense he'd take a willing role in forming a group.

...So, I'll be the one to go out on the limb and ask whether we should post in there, and if so, what to post. I feel like it'd be bad form for someone to take the lead and just start making things without the others, but I've never played in something like this, so I figured I'd ask.

Righteous! I'm ready to go whenever we start!

Worry not, fellow divinities--I'm certain we'll be happy to welcome others to the fold soon.

Loup Blanc here, with a start at least to my submission. I wasn't sure how much to write for Description and what all should go into it--presumably if we're at the very start of the universe, there are no worshipers or anything of that nature just yet, but it seemed difficult to talk about a god without including things of that nature. Maybe he was a demigod of a sort before the old world collapsed?

In any case, here's what I've got. In some ways I'm envisioning him as a "paladin god," albeit a little more free-spirited than most of those are. Definitely interested to see how this game goes! Spoilering the info below, and it's also in the profile.

Apedemak Lionheart:
Name: Apedemak, the Crimson Dawn, the Lionheart
Played by: Loup Blanc
Domains and Portfolios: Glory, War; Leadership, Lions, Righteous Battle
Theme: Noble Lion God of Kings
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity Type: Fledgling
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
Hit Points: 30

Description: Apedemak is a new god, born into this new universe, likely from the dying vestiges of Karrak, an old god of combat and conquest. The world is still young, and Apedemak has yet to fully make his mark, but he has begun to involve himself in mortal affairs--seeking to create and raise up life, and to spread concepts of honor and personal justice.

Stories of Apedemak's appearance and demeanor vary from telling to telling. In some, he is a wild titan of a man with the head of a lion, roaring in triumph as he tears a demon in two with his bare hands; in others, he is a four-armed champion, wrestling a pair of dragons into a great crevasse, defeating their threat and sealing up the dangerous landmark in one fell swoop. The most popular tales recount him as a man, albeit a great hero blessed with divine strength and skill, and tell of great deeds he accomplished in his mortal form--overthrowing tyrants, slaying threats to a poor village, championing a kingdom against the forces of darkness. Among the other gods, he typically appears as a powerful man with long hair, which calls to mind a lion's mane if not bound back by leather.

Apedemak is worshiped most often by kings and other leaders who seek his blessing, for it is said that if the Lionheart guards your throne, no man may usurp it. Wandering heroes also seek his favor, desiring that he might keep them safe as they follow in his footsteps. Although he is a god of war, and no stranger to bloody conflict, Apedemak bears a noble visage and a righteous dignity--he is a god of knights and defenders, not brigands or base warmongers.

To witness a lion or slay one in battle is considered a great blessing among his followers; to find a dead one is a portent of trouble, and to cast such a great beast in chains is considered a terrible affront to the god. His priests pray for his favor at dawn, and wear robes of crimson and gold.

Loup Blanc posting in with a rough and unfinished but mostly ready character--Apedemak, an undine who's taken up with the church of the One Lord to spread their word and "redeem" his tainted blood. Having grown up on the rough streets of Freeden, he learned how to fight with a knife and do what it took to survive; since taking up with the church, he's turned his blade to working for the "greater good" and rooting out enemies. He'll very much be exploring some of the faith of the One Lord, specifically looking at his aspect as a god of death and rebirth, the cycle of life through light and shadow, and his nature as a god who is vengeful against his enemies but kind to his worshipers.

The sheet should be finished other than gear, the profile picture needs to change, and I know that there isn't much backstory here yet, but I promise all that can and will change in the coming days--I've just been swamped this weekend. If you're willing to take a chance on myself and this character, I promise it won't be wasted!

EDIT: Changed the profile picture, and selected what I did because with a plague running amok, this gives me a reason to play my slayer who wears a plague doctor mask concept!

Aww, no smashing... It's fine, man! I understand.

Man, I don't know about all this talk of tattoos and screwing drivers (which isn't a good plan, wrecks are likely, though YMMV). I just hit things with a big hammer in my magic suit.

Thanks! I wasn't sure whether I got Shoanti or not, due to my base Intelligence. I do know that Intelligence determines aegis's power points, but looking through the class, I don't see much of anything that those power points actually do for me, especially at low levels. A few stomps a day is fine with me. I'll take away Track--it's confusing as to when you get stuff like that since they don't actually note "beginning at 2nd level." And finally, I adjusted the first paragraph of his backstory so that he's one of the last members of a few half-giants in his village, rather than a bastard offspring.

EDIT: In fixing a spoiler, I lost my intro!

This is Loup Blanc, presenting my submission, Apedemak Giantborn, half-giant Shoanti aegis. He's a tank and a damage-dealer, very different from my original ideas, but I'm happy with the mechanics and concept. All the info is in the spoilers below; note that his crunch is based on him wearing the astral suit, since he has it on almost all the time.

To DM Frogfoot, 'cause I feel like I stole your aegis thunder: the soulknife is also a pretty basic class that doesn't mess around with powers too much. You can take the cutthroat archetype to make it more rogue-ish as well. I'd also suggest looking into the psionic options for base classes on the d20pfsrd--I know there's one for fighters in particular that seems pretty simple. And of course you could just play a basic class without psionics, although that's not as much fun ;)


Apedemak Giantborn

Male half-giant (Shoanti) aegis (trailblazer) 1
N Medium humanoid (giant, human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +1, low-light vision
- - - - -
- - - - -
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16, FFtouch xx (+6 armor)

hp 13/13 (1d10+2+1)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +3
- - - - -
- - - - -
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Earth breaker +6 (3d6+10/x3 plus push) OR
Melee Earth breaker PA +5 (3d6+13/x3 plus push) OR
Melee Klar +6 (1d8+7 plus push) OR
Melee Klar PA +5 (1d8+9 plus push)

Ranged Improvised -3 (1d4)

Combat Options Power Attack, Stomp (DC 12)
Power Points 3
- - - - -
- - - - -
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13

Base Attack Bonus +1; CMB +8; CMD 18

Feats Power Attack, Psionic Talent

Trained/Important Skills
Autohypnosis +5, 1 rank
Climb +9, 1 rank
Intimidate +2
Knowledge (nature) +5, 1 rank
Survival +9, 1 rank (+1 to get along in wild; +1 to follow or identify tracks)

Traits Bred for War, Giant Slayer, Savage
Drawback Unlearned

Languages Common


Large earth breaker
Large klar

Other Gear
Barbarian's kit (includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, an iron

pot, rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 days' trail rations, and a waterskin)
Bear traps, 3
Signal horn

Wealth 4 gp, 10 sp

Carrying Capacity
Light: 133 lb. or less
Medium: 134-266 lb.
Heavy: 267-400 lb.
Current Load: 98 lb.


The offspring of a giant attack upon a Sklar-Quah village, Apedemak was given an unusually long name for a Shoanti. Its meaning translated into Common roughly means, "Warrior Offspring of the Great Savage Ones," and the half-giant's heritage has stuck with him all his life. His mother died in childbirth and he was nearly cast out by the tribe, but some of the elders suggested he be kept due to his sheer size, even as a babe (Bred for War, Half-Giant race). Apedemak grew to become a strapping young man, larger by a head or more than most of the other children, and incredibly strong. Yet even when he passed the test of manhood (though his maturation took longer than that of humans), his honorific name was "Giantborn," continuing to denote him as a half-breed--a half-monster.

Traveling out into the wilderness of the Cinderlands, with the especially massive hammer carved for him, Apedemak sought some solace from his torment. He would often spend days on his own, trekking across the bleak landscape of northeastern Varisia, relying on his knowledge and skill to survive (Savage). It was here that he first summoned his astral suit of armor, as he was attacked by a pair of orc scouts from the Hold of Belkzen. Raising his earth breaker and praying to the spirits that he would be protected, Apedemak suddenly felt a change on his body; glancing down, he saw himself girded in mail similar to that worn by the orcs themselves. Feeling his strength pushed to even greater heights by this, the young warrior slew the orcs with ease and claimed one of their heads, returning to the village and having it forged into a special, extra-large klar.

Yet Apedemak was then set on by the elders of the tribe as well as the warrior leaders. Feeling threatened by this young, half-blooded warrior who had apparently slain an orc and claimed its armor, they threw Apedemak out on the premise that he had shamed himself by wearing armor and had to prove himself a true Shoanti warrior. Not giving any specifics as to what proof entailed, the leaders of the village saw Apedemak off as soon as the klar was forged.

Now Apedemak has wandered the wilds and hinterlands of Varisia for several months, seeking an appropriate threat to destroy in order to prove himself to his tribe. Though he is grudgingly content with the odd beast or goblin, the young man has decided what he must do. In one swoop, he will destroy both detriments to his place in his tribe; the Thunder of removing his shame and the Fang of rejecting his blood will come together. Apedemak must slay a giant (Giant Slayer).


Apedemak is a towering monstrosity of a man, standing just above eight feet tall and weighing almost four hundred pounds. His body is all bulging, corded muscle and scars on tanned skin, with some tribal tattoos across his chest and scalp. His eyes are a clear brown, and he is completely bald and clean-shaven. His movements are powerful and without much grace, as though he is straining to control his strength in everything he does.
Apedemak generally wears simple trousers and straps across his chest and waist. Hanging from his back is a massive hammer with studs on the head, which is a good foot across and foot-and-a-half deep, set on a thick wooden shaft. At his belt is a curious item that appears similar to a typical Shoanti klar, but rather than a horned gecko head behind the blade, it appears to be a humanoid skull, perhaps that of an orc, with spikes of crude iron sticking out and back from the blade. Both weapons look much larger than usual--fitting for the large wielder.


Apedemak is a driven man, seeking retribution for his heritage and his outcast status among his people. Unaware of many social strata of civilization, he has a powerful presence nonetheless, due both to his intimidating stature and to his confidence in all he does. However, due in part to his drive to slay a giant (or giants) and reclaim his name as a Sklar-Quah, Apedemak is too single-minded to easily take up knowledge of more than the natural world (Unlearned). He also comes up as somewhat prideful and defensive, often threatening any tshamek who insults him, though this is truly a defense mechanism to hide his inner feelings of loathing and inadequacy.[/i]

Race and Class Abilities:

Astral Repair (Ps): An aegis is capable of repairing mundane items, restoring 2 hit points of damage to the touched item as a standard action usable at will. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this ability to function. This ability has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items.
Astral Suit (Su): Every aegis learns to draw forth ectoplasm and form an astral suit around their form. The aegis can select from three different types when forming his astral suit— skin, armor, or juggernaut. An aegis is always considered to be proficient with his astral suit, even if he does not have the appropriate armor proficiency. The amount of time forming this astral suit takes depends on the type of suit being formed. Different astral suit forms grant different free customizations. These free customizations never count against the aegis's total number of customization points spent on his astral suit.
The aegis chooses the appearance of his astral suit, although its shape must reflect the selections the aegis has chosen: astral skin would cover the aegis like a psychoactive skin, astral juggernaut would appear to cover the aegis like plate armor, etc.
An astral suit can be dismissed as a free action.
An astral suit does not function in areas where psionics do not work, such as a null psionics field. Dismiss ectoplasm can be used against an astral suit; treat the manifester level as the aegis's class level, although the aegis can simply form his astral suit again on his next turn.
More information on Apedemak's astral suit can be found in that spoiler.
Fire Acclimated: Half-giants receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects.
Giant Blood: Half-giants count as both human and humanoid (giant) for any effect related to race.
Half-giant Psionics: Half-giants gain the following spell-like ability: 1/day—stomp. The manifester level for this effect is equal to 1/2 the half-giant's level (minimum 1st). The DC for this power is equal to 10 + the power's level + the half-giant's Charisma modifier.
Low-Light Vision: Half-giants can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Naturally Psionic: Half-giants receive Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st level. If a half-giant takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
Powerful Build: The physical stature of half-giants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a half-giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefts of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Psionic Aptitude: When a half-giant takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.
Survivor: Half-giants gain a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks.
Track: A trailblazer adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Astral Suit:

Astral Armor Base form: When formed into astral armor, an astral suit resembles masterwork chainmail and is treated as such for all mechanical purposes. Should the aegis be wearing armor when forming his astral suit in this fashion, the astral suit encloses the armor and the aegis gains the benefits of only his astral suit and not that from his armor, even if his armor would confer better benefits. Forming an astral suit into this form takes a move action. The aegis gains the following free customizations: brawn, improved damage. At 2nd level, the aegis gains the flexible suit customization as a free customization when the astral suit is in astral armor form. At 8th level, the astral suit resembles and is treated as a masterwork breastplate for all mechanical purposes.
Customization Points: 3
Current Customizatons
Brawn, free
Improved Damage, free
Push, 1 point
Speed (2), 2 points

I3igAl, I don't use Hero Lab either, but all of my alias' statblocks are apparently like it (so I've been told). I can PM you a template if you like.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

Hey, sorry to everyone I may have inconvenienced, but I just got back after being sick for all this time, and I'm thinking I'm cutting down on my involvement on the forums, to avoid causing disruptions when things like this happen. Sorry to everybody, but I've lost my motivation to play Apedemak here, and I'm struggling to jump back in, so I think I'll drop this game. Again, I apologize for inconvenience, and this is a great game that I'll definitely follow, but I don't think I can play in it.

Male Lesser Deity | Attack 4d6, Defense 4d6, Hit Points 40/40

The warrior-priest shakes his head. "At best I have this sword," he says, drawing the short blade and shrugging. "I'm happy to try, though--should be quick enough to get out of the way."

Full Name

Vivaeri Solein Finraes


Half-elf (Taldan)


Bard 1




M (5'5")








Taldane(Common), Elven, Varisian

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Vivaeri Firdraes


Vivaeri is a young half-elf woman. Lithe and limber in build, she contrasts in appearance from her otherwise similar twin sister. Her light brown hair is often kept in a short, unruly mop. Her highly expressive face is most often given to easy smiles, regardless of what she's actually feeling. When she isn't working, she favors comfortable, functional clothes. She wears a simple green and white doublet, with dark green leggings and soft brown boots. She wears a dark blue cloak over that when necessary.

When she performs or is in public in her "stage persona"(as she would like to keep too much attention from bleeding over into her personal life, and in turn her family's), she dresses in one of two sets of classic jester's motley.

The first set is worn during most street performances or when she thinks there will be many young children among her audience: A "traditional" costume colored in alternating patterns of red and green that covers her entire body, including a form-fitting shirt and leggings, a short skirt made of thin triangles of cloth, soft boots with the toes curling at the end and a bell at the tip, forearm-length gloves, and a close-fitting dagged, foolscap hood that leaves only her face exposed, the three cones(one on each side of her head, the third on top curving forwards) of which each are tipped with bells.

The other set is worn when she's entertaining older crowds and when she thinks her charms could enhance her performance, both to appeal to her audience more and to throw in that much more distraction to aid in performing tricks and covering missteps. This set, colored in alternating purple and gold, is composed of a foolscap hood, gloves, and boots much like the other set, but the rest of her body is covered by ribbons carefully wrapped and crisscrossing about her torso and limbs. She wears enough material so that it seems fitting for an acrobat, but it is still designed with sex appeal in mind.

She does not want her father finding out about the second set.



Vivaeri Finraes
Female half-elf bard 1
CG Medium humanoid
Init +3
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort 0 Ref 5 (2 + 3 DEX) Will 2
Spd 30 ft.
melee rapier (1d6) 18-20/X2)
melee whip (1d3) X2) (-4 penalty to attack roll)
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 16
Base Atk 0; CMB 0
Skill Focus(bonus feat): Perform, Weapon Finesse


Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, +3 DEX, +3 class skill)
Bluff +7 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill)
Diplomacy +7 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill)
Disguise +7 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill)
Escape Artist +7 (1 rank, +3 DEX, +3 class skill)
Perform(comedy) +10 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill, +3 Skill Focus)
Perform(dancing)+10 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill, +3 Skill Focus)
Perform(singing)+10 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +3 class skill, +3 Skill Focus)
Sleight of Hand +7 (1 rank, +3 DEX, +3 class skill)

Languages Common(Taldane), Elf, Varisian
SQ low-light vision, keen senses, elf blood, elven immunities, adaptability

Traveller's outfit
Entertainer's outfit (red and green jester outfit)
Entertainer's outfit (purple and gold jester outfit)
large copper rings (3)
caltrops (1 bag)
trail rations (2)
silk rope(50 ft.)
sewing needle
scraps of cloth(to silence the bells of the jester outfits)

money: 2 gp 5 sp

Spells Known

0-level : 4
Dancing Lights
Ghost Sound

1st-level : 1
Animate Rope
Silent Image

Spells Per Day

1st Level - 2

Favored Class: Bard