
AoXoMoXoA's page

6 posts. Alias of Crombarron.


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Bottom line.

I have to use two independent resources, in potentially two different formats, to have all of the content.

A complete .pdf on time, followed by a delayed print run would be FAR better.

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“ but we had actually intended to provide them for the other twenty deities also showcased in the book”

Fully half of the gods have incomplete entries.

I suspect the understanding of the shortfall was obvious quite a while ago. A conscious decision to publish an incomplete book must have occurred.

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Rysky wrote:
… that's not how printing books work.

Yes it is. Overages of all types are statistically predictable in any mature industry. The content was obviously much too late in the process to allow for adaptation.

One page is entirely inadequate for a minor god with effectively the same powers slots and description needs as a major god.

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Too bad you can’t decide number of pages AFTER the content is cohesive. You aren’t victims of your own system, unless said system is fractured. The “We have no control over our own process” excuse shouldn’t be offered publicly: it feels entirely unprofessional.

In my opinion, rapidly producing incomplete products isn’t good for your brand, and is possibly even counterproductive. It’s definitely sloppy.

Hopefully this .pdf doesn’t share the print obfuscation error present around most of the artwork in PFS modules when they are printed out (w/ professional version of Acrobat). Still an unsolved problem.

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Yes, I can justify a second copy of the map. Some LOVELY multi-floor ambush/eavesdrop/cat-burglar/nsfw scenarios spring to mind that definitely demand a second copy.

Now I can rationalize a bigger dining room table! Huzzah!!!

Too bad ya need two copies to have characters on multiple floors simultaneosly....