Aldern Foxglove

Antonin Pincescu's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Dumagand.

Full Name

Antonin Pincescu


Human (Varisian)


Rogue 12 (Unchained) Retired




Medium (5'7", 128 lbs)



Special Abilities

Rogue Abilities


Chaotic Good






Common, Varisian, Aklo, Undercommon, Orc, Goblin


Cut Purse, Trapsmith

Strength 14
Dexterity 24
Constitution 13
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Antonin Pincescu

Antonin was born near Magnimar in a travelling Varisian campsite, and learn the trade early, his parents both are well known thieves.

His father, Pyotr, was betrayed and murdered by Chelaxian rogues in a heist gone wrong when Antonin was 11, and as such has a dislike for their Agents. If necessity warrants, he will only work for Chelaxian officials under the most trying of circumstances.

Most of the rest of his past is shrouded in mystery, as he was a traveller staying by his mother until he reached his majority.

Now he finds his own way without in the world without forgetting his roots, and never compromising his own moral compass, while calling no man master.

He has a Twin Brother, Danylo, also a rogue, who stayed with the family, although he is likely to be inclined to work in concert with brother, as they did as young kids. His Mother, Mariska, is known as a Harrower amongst her many other skills.

Antonin recently began to romance a Businesswoman from Absalom, known as Sendeli Foxglove, owner of The Golden Serpent Tavern.


Scenarios: Fame: 57 / Prestige: 53 / XP: 33 (Including 16 Fame / 8 XP for 8 GM Credits)

Ability Adjustment: 4) +1 Dexterity 8) +1 Intelligence 12) +1 Dexterity


Scenarios Level 1:

The Infernal Vault (Scenario #55) - 2PP, 513gp, XP 1

The Merchant's Wake (#5-21) - 2PP, 514gp, XP 1
Spent 4PP to become Thieves guild member (Day Job - Cut Purse)

Pathfinder Society Module: The Godsmouth Heresy - 4PP, 1,473gp (1,398 + 75 Day Job), XP 3
Spent 2,320gp on Rapier +1


Scenarios Level 2:

Trial By Machine (#6-01) - 2PP, 511gp, XP 1 - GM Credit
Purchased Brown E-Pick (x1) from Boon Sheet -30gp
Purchased MW Composite Shortbow (STR:14) -525gp
Sold Shortbow +15gp


Scenarios Level 3:

The Silver Mount Collection (#6-02) - 2PP, 1,382gp (1,307 + 75gp Day Job), XP 1

The Icebound Post (#3-19) - 1PP, 1,265gp (1,245gp + 20 Day Job), XP 1

The Disappeared (#4-11) - 2PP, 1,190gp (1,185gp + 5gp Day Job), XP 1


Scenarios Level 4:

Pathfinder Module - Masks of the Living God: 4PP, 3761gp (3711gp + 50gp Day Job), XP 3
Purchased Eyes of the Eagle (-2,500gp)


Scenarios Level 5:

The Golden Serpent (#3-24) - 2PP, 3,537gp (2,552gp + 75gp Day Job), XP 1
Received Sendeli Foxglove's Favor Boon.
Added Native Outsider Bane to Rapier +1 (-6,000gp)

Hall of the Flesh Eaters (#6-06) -2PP, 1,911gp (1,861gp + 50gp Day Job), XP 1

The Technic Siege (#6-03) - 2PP, 2,600gp (2,550 + 50 Day Job), XP 1
Purchased 2 Antitoxin (-100gp)
Purchased MW Thieves Tools (-100gp)
Upgraded MW Comp. Shortbow to +1 Adaptive Comp. Shortbow (-3,000)


Scenarios Level 6:

Pathfinder Society Special: Blood Under Absalom - 2PP, 2,550gp (2500 + 50gp Day Job), XP1

My Enemy's Enemy (#4-14) - 2PP, 3,187gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)
Purchased Ring of Maniacal Devices (-5,000gp)

The Traitor's Lodge (#5-09) - 2PP, 3,343gp (3,268 + 75gp Day Job), XP 1
Purchased Ring of Protection +1 (-2,000gp)


Scenarios Level 7:

Cairn of Shadows (#5-23) - 2PP, 3,979gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)

Fires of Karamoss (#6-17) - 2PP, 4,012gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)

The Sarkorian Prophecy (#2-08) - 2PP, 6,100gp (6,000 +100gp Day Job), XP 1

Purchased Winged Boots (-16,000gp)


Scenarios Level 8:

Wrath of the Accursed (#2-20) - 2PP, 4,641gp (4,541 + 100gp Day Job), XP 1

Feast of Sigils (#4-10) - 2PP, 4,417gp (4,342gp + 75 Day Job), XP 1

Returned to Sky (#6-20) - 2PP, 6,011gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)


Scenarios level 9:

Pathfinder Adventure Path #46 Wake of the Watcher (Carrion Crown Book 4) - 4PP, 23,574gp, XP 3

Sold +1 Studded Leather Armor (+587gp & 5sp)

Purchased Cloak of Resistance +3 (-9,000gp)
Purchased Mithral Chain Shirt +3 (10,250gp)
Purchased Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (-4,000)
Upgraded +1 Native Outsider Bane Rapier to +2 Native outsider Bane Rapier (-10,000gp)


Scenarios level 10:

The Darkest Abduction (#6-23) - 2PP, 7,742gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)

Upgrade Ring of Protection from +1 to +2 (-6,000)

The Sky Key Solution (#7-00) - 2PP, 7,667gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)

Purchased +1 Adamantine Human Bane Rapier (-11,020gp)
Purchased Potion of Barkskin x4 (-1,200gp)

Pathfinder Module: The Ruby Phoenix Tournament - 4PP, 23,724gp (23,574gp + 150gp Day Job), XP 3

Upgraded Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 to +4 (-12,000)


Scenarios level 11:

The Ironbound Schism (#7-04) - 2PP, 7,813gp, XP 1 (GM Credit)

Upgraded +3 Mithral Chain Shirt to +3 Stanching Mithral Chain Shirt (-7,000gp)
Upgraded Ring of Protection from +2 to +3 (-10,000gp)


Scenarios level 12:

Character retired.
