First of all, if you're going to play in this AP, go away. Don't ruin the surprises for yourselves.
As my miniatures have arrived and my players have returned to school I've decided that now is the perfect time to start RotRL. Inspired by Pirate's 3D maps for Serpent's Skull, which we just finished the first book for, I've decided to something similar for RotRL. I'll try and keep documenting the build process, but sometimes I get carried away and forget to take pictures.
My builds start with the dungeon complex under the Glassworks. I thought about making a model of Sandpoint, but I realised it would be nothing more than the map of it in the player's guide is already. The Glassworks doesn't have too many encounters in it, and has a lot of detail I just don't really want to have to make just to have the players blast through it in a half hour.
My primary materials are Hirst Arts blocks dyed grey and pink foam. Here's the first picture for your viewing pleasure.
Pic 1