Viorian Dekanti

Anthony van Poppelen's page

33 posts. Alias of Kovok.

Grand Lodge

Looking for an update on order 3419835. It's been 2 weeks since the order was placed, and I've just sent a second email after the first was not responded to. Just curious what's making this order take so long to get sent out. My previous order was the same, taking about 2 weeks I think to get to the point of processing payment.


Please join me in welcoming our two newest Venture-Lieutenants, Dan Wilson and Steven Kimberley! They will be helping me establish new gaming groups and grow our community within the Northern British Columbia area in Canada. I look forward to many years of serving the PFS community with you!

Grand Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

First of all, if you're going to play in this AP, go away. Don't ruin the surprises for yourselves.

As my miniatures have arrived and my players have returned to school I've decided that now is the perfect time to start RotRL. Inspired by Pirate's 3D maps for Serpent's Skull, which we just finished the first book for, I've decided to something similar for RotRL. I'll try and keep documenting the build process, but sometimes I get carried away and forget to take pictures.

My builds start with the dungeon complex under the Glassworks. I thought about making a model of Sandpoint, but I realised it would be nothing more than the map of it in the player's guide is already. The Glassworks doesn't have too many encounters in it, and has a lot of detail I just don't really want to have to make just to have the players blast through it in a half hour.

My primary materials are Hirst Arts blocks dyed grey and pink foam. Here's the first picture for your viewing pleasure.

Pic 1

Grand Lodge 3/5

Ran a game tonight where the party found a wand of cure light wounds. They proceeded to use this wand to heal themselves up, and drank some of the potions they found. Then it came time to do the chronicle sheets. Should I recalculate earned gold based on the drunk potions and now almost depleted wand or do I ignore it? Or does one person have to say they buy the wand? This is one thing I've never really got my head around.

Grand Lodge

Brilliant! Consider that idea nicked.

Grand Lodge

The description for this spell does not say what happens if you make your fortitude save, it just says fortitude partial. Unless there's some generic fortitude partial rule I've missed, nothing happens if you make your save. If so, this seems incredibly powerful. Thoughts?

Here's the spell