Anoze's page

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Hey guys I was working through a custom campaign I'm creating and wanted to include the completion of the "ruby wing" prophecy told to Khanjar-Khanayr (unique zahhak azi in Rahadoum) by Ahriman. Problem is I can't come up with anything decent besides a red dragon, which seems too generic. I plan on sleeping on it and coming back to it tommorw, but would love to hear some ideas from you guys, Thanks, reference link below.


Having a discussion within the group I'm currently playing with. The oracle is under the impression that "resembling a golden-white fire elemental" and gaining the elemental subtype means they also gain fire resistance/immunity. Thoughts?

I was asking to join a preexisting group about the start the second adventure of Jade Regent and was thinking for making a Werebear Ulfen Ranger. There are three of them and they're all level five at the moment; because of some generous DMing on creation they have some pretty beefy stats as well. If I was starting at level one I would never consider it, but now that everybody is level five I was thinking there is enough wiggle room to make a natural lycanthrope work. I was looking for different opinions on how as players or DM's how you'd attempt to make it work.

Firstly I want to bring up the points I thought most significant. Because I'm not part of the original party my character would most likely encounter the group as a complete stranger and would be very guarded about being a lycanthrope. Though it might be more accepted in the Land of Linnorm Kings there is nothing saying these characters would have the same views. Meaning there would be no transforming in the middle of battle to munchkin it up and hog the limelight. Also as the mysterious stranger there is ample opportunity for me to make myself scarce at night to keep them guessing.

Secondly, Werebears as LG when they transform so there would be no conflict in alignment with the party (unless I'm unknowingly walking into an evil campaign). I could start shifting from CG to NG as a result of my actions but that is hardly a deal breaker.

Lastly the damage reduction. I can't honestly think of a good way to get around a DR 10/silver. It takes +3 on a magic weapon to overcome it outright and considering the Jade Regent himself only has a +3 that might be a little unreasonable. I have considered afflicted instead of natural, but I'd probably want a way to gain control over at some point.

Let me know what you think and thanks in advance.

Hey everybody. I really like the player's guide for Skull & Shackles; the battle scars/amputations created a very interesting tool for the DM I thought. Yes there wasn't a lot pertaining to races and classes but I thought using the rest of the guide to develop the naval combat rules was appropriate. Especially if Paizo already had something else planned for the later pages of the first adventure and couldn't put the new rules there.
Anyway, on to my question/concern. When I downloaded the player's guide I attempted to extract a few choice pages from the PDF, but couldn't because of a password. Is this a new policy being enacted on all PDFs, just this one or perhaps even just on mine? Does the PDF come with the password (though I think that would defeat the point) and I'm missing something? Or is this something Paizo is doing to try and limit their customers actions with their PDFs?
Thank you Paizo for what seems will be another good Adventure Path and thank you in advance to any/all of you who have an input with respect to this issue. Have a great day.

Not sure if this has been discussed before but I was wondering if there was any further details about the general appearance of Dhampirs. Nothing in the second Beastiary or Classic Horrors Revisited or the Carrion Crown Player's Guide describes one in terms of general hair color, skin tone, height, weight, etc. Any information available would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


P.S. Its not that I'm adverse to the black skin white hair look, I enjoy that motif, but would like to know if there is any variablity possible while staying within Pathfinder lore.

How do you get around the fact that items do not get larger when a Werebear or Weretiger transform? Do you alter the rule as homebrew? Do you force the PC to choose between forms until they can get magic items that changes with them (if so what type of bonus would you apply for that ability, +1/+2...)? Do you change the Werebear or Weretiger so that the base animal has the young template and thus is one size smaller? Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated as well.

Not sure if this as already been posted (and I thought it easier to post a new thread then search through hundreds) but are the Werebear stats in Beastiary 2 p. 181 messed up? I know about the organization section missing and that isn't what I'm speaking of. I am referencing to the size, AC and ability scores of the Werebear (Hybrid Form). I suppose the first question is what bear is being used for the base animal? I am assuming that they were using the grizzly bear as their reference in the Werebears creation.

Firstly the size:

] A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is the same size as the base animal or the base creature, whichever is larger.[/quote wrote:

With that in mind the base size of the grizzly bear is large, where as the Werebear (Hybrid) is medium.

Secondly, AC:

] In hybrid or animal form the lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base animal increased by +2.[/quote wrote:

My interpretation of this statement is that the lycanthrope receives the base animals natural armor +2; which is consistent with the Werewolf stat block in the Beastiary p. 198. If this is the case then shouldn't the Werebear's (Hybird) armor be 24? The Grizzly's natural is +6 and thus the Werebear should have an addition six to its AC.

Thirdly, Ability scores:

] +2 Wis, –2 Cha in all forms; +2 Str, +2 Con in hybrid and animal forms...In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a lycanthrope’s ability scores change when he assumes hybrid or animal form. In human form, the lycanthrope’s ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In animal and hybrid form, the lycanthrope’s ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base animal’s, whichever ability score is higher.[/quote wrote:

In the Werebear's stat block the hybrid form does receive the bonus to strength and con (and the wis/cha changes assuming they were both 10 originally). However, In hybrid form isn't the Werebear suppose to switched its base str to 21, con to 19 and wis to 12 to match those of the Grizzly since they are higher? This would give the hybrid form 23,14,21,12,14,8 for its ability scores in str/dex/con/int/wis/cha order.

Not sure (if correct) how these changes would affect CR and such. Also all the quotes are from page 196 of the Beastiary. The Grizzly is on page 31 of the same book. Thanks for reading.