
Another Guardian Beyond Beyond's page

1 post. Alias of scifan888.

There isn't really much support for multiclass characters in the playtest; the closest being the Dual Path Mythic feat. However multiclssing is not required for that feat. Pathfinder itself does not really encourage multiclassing even though that is the only way to build certain character concepts.
In support of multiclass characters I propose the following Mythic feat: -

Multi-Path (Mythic)
You excel in many areas, allowing you to select abilities from several mythic paths.
Prerequisite: 1st mythic tier, Levels in 3 or more core classes.

Benefit: Select a number of mythic paths, including the path you selected at your moment of ascension (see page 3), up to the number of core classes that you have. You gain the 1st level ability of each path selected (archmage arcana, champion strike, divine surge, guardian’s call,marshal’s order, or trickster attack). The path you selected at ascension also gives other abilities such as bonus hp etc. as normal. Whenever you gain a path ability, you can select from list of abilities presented for all selected paths, as well as from the list of universal path abilities. You may also choose your trials from all those appropriate for all your selected paths as well as universal trials.

Special: Should you reach the 10th mythic tier you also gain the capstone ability of each path you have selected (true archmage, legendary champion, true defender, divine vessel, visionary commander, and/or supreme trickster).

Special: If you should acquire additional core classes after selecting this feat you may gain an additional path for each additional core class.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thanks.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thnks.

Is it possible to expand from the Stolen Lands to the coast without infringing on another nation's actual territory? If so which direction should the kingdom expand?
The PCs are good guys who don't want to go the "wars of conquest" route. Besides they are already in one with Brevoy for sending Choral the Conqueror after them and invading after the dragon got diced (Briar the vorpal sword really helped). Brevoy is not really an issue since they can't match the aerial attack squadrons funded by the dragon's treasure. Besides attacking people who took down a CR25 red dragon is really stupid.

What would be the best uses of 100 Wishes? The Wishes are spell-like abilities. I would like the best suggestions for using most or all of the wishes. Oh, and no add +5 to each ability score.

The abyssal sorcerer bloodline gives a +6 inherent bonus to strength at 17th level. So, does this mean that the +5 cap on inherent bonuses officially no longer applies for Pathfinder? Any official comments?