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Hi guys.

I am playing a PFS game tomorrow. Using some GM credit I believe my PC is now level 9 to 10.

With roughly 32,000 gp in hand and 50 prestidge/fame backing me up, what is the most useful/potent/fun fire arm I can get for my Alchemist, as a secondary weapon that's still 'legal' for PFS play?

I am running her as a Jame's Bondian Villainess of sorts.

Hi all.

I have a game tomorrow and need help building a 9th Level Alchemist. The other players have a Cleric, Barbarian and Wizard.

I do not want to be a direct melee combatant and want to be a granadier sort. With INT and DEX of 20 (perhaps higher because of +4 DEX belt) what other magic items should I take. I already have portable hole, and a +2 Chain shirt.

With 33,000 gp+ what other items should I equip my PC with?

What Feats should I opt for? I am already taking Rapid Shot and Improved precise shot.

Planing to use Stink Bombs/Precise bombs, mainly. Any other pointers? Its supposed to be a tough adventure.

Thanks for any advise.

You read that right : )

I have a very creative low level Necromancer in my game and he has animated some pigeons (which while alive I priced similar to chickens at about 2 to 5 cp each). He's using them primarily as disposable very cheap scouts.

I have looked for Chicken, Livestock as a reference - in the rulebooks and would like to apply the Zombie template to them. I did not find stats for them.

My two questions, what similar tiny creature could I use for the base monster?

And can a zombie pigeon still Fly, and at what speed?

Hi all.  

I am running a game for a brand new player and he asked me to help him build a Human Ranger.

Since I am the GM for the game I do not want my knowledge of the mini campaign and upcoming adventures to affect my choice in picking his Feats and favored enemies, etc. I am also not the best at building 'optimal' combatants so I feel I may not be able to help him fully.

He did specify he wanted to use (long) knives and be a sort of a dual wielding/ two handed knife fighter, more of a finesse weapon warrior than a heavy tank type.  For distance and range he would use a long bow and would like to be capable in using it but not "specialize" in that form of fighting. He was leaning on playing a Eastern European/Baltic region type.

I'm looking for advice that would take the Ranger from 1st (the early levels being of greater importance) to roughly 7th level.

His ability scores are as follows:

St 14
De 16
Co 13
In  12
Wi 14
Ch 11

Any and all advice regarding what species enemies, feats and combinations he should take are welcome.

Thank you all for your input.

My players please keep out!

Hi all, in need of some creative help, and fast! I have about 52 hours until the next session.

In a nutshell, I have a prelude to my campaign (I am about to run a modified Carrion Crown and am very excited to get to the first chapter) but wanted to run a few sessions where the players interact with the Professor.

Through pouring through numerous maps the professor deducted (correctly) that there was an area that was shunned (and thus left un mapped) that was home to one of Baba Yaga 's many daughters. He recruited his cadre of students (the PCs) to explore the area knowing that said daughter has not been seen or heard from for a few decades.

After a week of active searching they find a locale where the very trees seem to try to pull themselves free of the ground as to uproot themselves to leave the area. In the center of this they find a hut. After many trials and attempts the players find a means to get themselves into the hut (something I did not actually prepare for, I wanted them to try and fail to even set foot into the hut but because of a well played plot twist card they managed to get in).

This is not THE HUT mind you, just one of many belonging to the many daughters and grand daughters of Baba Yaga I would surmise. I ended the session with the players discovering that the hut could open doorways to far off lands and locales.

Now one of the players (after a contest of wills with the hut) commanded it to open up the door to "Treasure". End scene.

So come next game day, I am left with what to do and where to drop the players.

Naturally because this was but a simple side quest I don't want them walking home with boatloads of treasure, here is where I am asking for advice. When a PC says treasure, what would a magical hut, or even it's creator interpret as treasure? Where would that open door lead to?

These are all 1st and 2nd level players mind you, I Do Not want to kill them, I just want to scare them!!!

Here are a few possibilities I came up with:

1. This daughter of Baba Yaga has either fled or been put to use elsewhere by her mother, thus this hut is no longer of importance or immediate use. The 'treasure area' has been moved, the players will find dead carcasses of what were rust monsters, who were thrown in there to make sure nothing of value would remain, then died after their food source went dry.

2. The players find an army of giants toiling in labour in mines and huge armories, it looks like these creatures are menacing but they will quickly be revealed to be slaves. Slaves loyal to the Witch Queen. Surely low level pcs will know not to go up against giants! Oh wait ... They will, and get themselves killed fir their troubles.

3. The players find a single pendant. In the pendant is the soul of one of the pcs ancestors. How did get here? Did Baba Yaga foretell that this day would come? Is the means of releasing the ancestor making the PC give up his own soul to take his place?

4. What would an eternal witch value above all else? The players find themselves transported to a land where after a long search find yet another clearing, here they encounter dozens of females, all related to one another. It won't take long before they realize these are all defendants of Baba Yaga; surely their lives are forfeit. They know too much at this point.

I am in need of more ideas, again I do not want to kill any of the low level PCs - just scare them - a lot! Thanks and looking forward to your thoughts!

We are starting a table top game this weekend and I was thinking of playing a cleric of Pharasma.

I've got the Pathfinder Campaign setting and looked at the wikki, and I gave my dm a copy of 'Gods and Magic' but have not had a chance to look through it, is there any other key and choice tidbits I should know regarding a cleric of the Lady of Graves as I page through 'The Bones Land in a Spiral' ?

As always, my thanks

sorry for the double post, I could not delete the other in time.

We are starting a table top game this weekend and I was thinking of playing a cleric of Pharasma.

I've got the Pathfinder Campaign setting and looked at the wikki, and I gave my dm a copy of 'Gods and Magic' but have not had a chance to look through it, is there any other key and choice tidbits I should know regarding a cleric of the Lady of Graves as I page through 'The Bones Land in a Spiral' ?

As always, my thanks

A quick query to those knowledgeable masters here on the board.

If a mid level ranger had craft 6 (+ 3 for the skill focus feat for half elves for a total of 9) what craft would be most useful to have. Or in other words, what good is the craft skill for a ranger ?

It would be cheaper to buy comparative magic items correct ? I basically want to have a craft skill but don’t know what exactly ‘that’ craft should be. And yes I’m helping out with a pbp friend again.

Thanks again, you guys are the well of knowledge I sip from.

Hi all,

Quick question

I went searching the great base of knowledge and advice in the archives section but I can’t seem to find the answer for sure so here goes - If a rapier has the Keen quality does the threat range of a critical with a magical rapier go from 18 – 20 to 16 -20 or 15 – 20 ? In Pathfinder beta it said ‘doubles the threat range’. What was the official ruling ?

Also I’m helping a friend ‘shop’ for his mid level ranger for a pbp, what’s the best armor/magic protection combo for 8,000 gp ?

(I was leaning on Mithril chain shirt +1 and amulet of natural armor +1 = 4,100gp, then spending the remainder on wands or scrolls.)

I must say, I love, love, most the art in Pathfinder.

The art for the revamped prestidge classes is certainly no exception to this. But it always stikes me a little funny how art for the assassin seems [or even screams] like the class is a bonifide murderer; a bruiser that could take on a Paladin in full armor in a straight and fair fight.

In my mind's eye a real assassin is non descript, looks non leathal, quite common; he blends in. You probobly would not see a single evenomed blade protruding from anywhere on his person despite that under his clothes he was carrying an arsenal that would make a Battlerager green with envy. But yes, that hardly seems dramatic.

Unitl you saw the bloated body of the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of All that is Good in the backround of a calm looking non descript individual.

Again, Killer Art as always. Or simply, the art of killing : )

Starting with

Where would you set The Temple of Elemenatl Evil on Golarion ?

What year is the Golarion Campaign set in, it seems there is no set date so as not to invalidate the APs but what year does Paizo assume it to be on Golarion currently ?


Hi all !

First off I would like to say that this is my first post on these boards, but that I have been reading quite a few threads since the announcement of the PFRG. I have had many a late LATE night laugh following some of the banter and I can say that you have such a great community here !

I was introduce to D&D second edition as a youth and while I have never been what you would call a *hard core* gamer I do very well enjoy the times I have gamed, and the friends that I have met through this hobby we hold dear remain true : )

The group I play with is both intelligent and well balanced {and by this I mean people who are successful adults who have many differing passions and interests outside of the hobby but come together for the love of the game and each other} and am quite lucky to be part of their circle.

The group I game with has picked up Paizo’s RotRL series and is now being incorporated into the homebrew campaign that has been going on in some form or another for 22 years now {making the game world older than me !}. The campaign designer has also started a subscription for Second Darkness and has forbidden us from those respective boards :-)

While I have unrequited love for our campaign world I have just recently gotten the urge to dm for the first time and run my group through a separate campaign. Being a new dm is going to be a task unto itself so rather than start from ground zero I decided to pick up the Pathfinder Campaign setting and build from there.

That’s where all of you come in {if I’m lucky}

I have access to a myriad of supplements ranging from 1st ed D&D to Pendragon to MERP all ready for me to dissect and draw upon for inspiration and run whole epic story arcs, but I need help in placing them and converting them to become part of Golarion. I don’t really want to ask my gaming group because for one I want to keep them in the dark and secondly because I want to show them what I am capable of {with your help of course}.

So thanks to all future advice, please bear with me when I ask something that may seem trivial, and please grab a drink with me if ever any of you are in Manhattan :-)

Gary Gygax’s Legacy, this very community, is alive and well !

Paizo’s Newest Newbie :-)